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NUnit.Cake.Recipe is a standard cake recipe used for NUnit projects. It is inspired by Cake.Recipe, but is somewhat simpler in implementation, since it isn't intended for general use.

Structure of the build.cake File

The following is an example of a simple build.cake file for a project which uses the recipe to create a single package.

// Load the recipe
#load nuget:?package=NUnit.Cake.Recipe&version=1.0.0 // Note 1

// Initialize Build Settings
BuildSettings.Initialize(                            // Note 2
	context: Context,
	title: "Sample Application",
	githubRepository: "NUnit.Sample.Application");

// Define the package
BuildSettings.Packages.Add(new NuGetPackage(         // Note 3
	id: "NUnit.Sample.Application",
	source: "nuget/NUnit.Sample.Application.nuspec",
	checks: new PackageCheck[] {
			"LICENSE.txt", "", "nunit.png",
			"lib/net8.0/nunit.sample.application.dll") }));

// Run the task selected by user or default task
Build.Run();                                         // Note 4


  1. The #load statement loads NUnit.Cake.Recipe, specifying the version to use, in this case version 1.0.0. It is recommended that you specify the recipe version to avoid unpleasant surprises when the recipe is updated.

  2. BuildSettings.Initialize sets the parameters which drive the build process. The example specifies only the three required paraameters.

  3. Define a single nuget package.

  4. Run the selected target. This must be the last command in the file.

Supported Arguments

The recipe supports a number of standard command-line arguments. Additional arguments may be supported directly by the user's build.cake file, but must not conflict with the built-in arguments.

Arguments taking a value may use = or space to separate the name from the value and may be specified in abbreviated form, down to the minimum length shown in square braces. Single character abbreviations use a single dash.

--target=TARGET [-t]

The name of the TARGET task to be run, e.g. Test. Default is "Build." For a list of supported targets, use the Cake --description option.

--configuration=CONFIG [-c]

The name of the configuration to build, test and/or package, e.g. Debug. Defaults to Release.

--packageVersion=VERSION [--pack]

Specifies the full package version, including any pre-release suffix. This version is used directly instead of the default version from the script or that calculated by GitVersion. Note that all other versions (AssemblyVersion, etc.) are derived from the package version.

NOTE: We can't use "version" since that's an argument to Cake itself.

--where=SELECTION [-w]

Specifies a selction expression used to choose which packages to build and test, for use in debugging. Consists of one or more specifications, separated by '|' and '&'. Each specification is of the form "prop=value", where prop may be either id or type. Examples:

  • --where type=nuget
  • --where id=NUnit.Engine.Api
  • --where "type=nuget|type=choco"

--level=LEVEL [--lev]

Specifies the level of package testing, which is normally set automatically for different types of builds like CI, PR, etc. Used by developers to test packages locally without creating a PR or publishing the package. Defined levels are

  1. Normal CI tests run every time you build a package
  2. Adds more tests for PRs and Dev builds uploaded to MyGet
  3. Adds even more tests prior to publishing a release

--trace=LEVEL [--tr]

Specifies the default trace level for this run. Values are Off, Error, Warning, Info or Debug. Default is Off.

--nobuild [--nob]

Indicates that the Build task should not be run even if other tasks depend on it. The existing build is used instead.

--nopush [--nop]

Indicates that no publishing or releasing should be done. If publish or release targets are run, a message is displayed.

--usage [--us]

Displays a general help message. No targets are run.