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JSONgle exposes an API described here.

JSONgle API For WebRTC (call) For Messaging
get currentCall YES NO
get id YES NO
get name NO NO
get version NO NO
get ticket YES NO
set logLevel YES YES
set oncall YES NO
set oncallended YES NO
set oncallmuted YES NO
set oncallstatechanged YES NO
set oncallunmuted YES NO
set oncandidatereceived YES NO
set ondatareceived NO YES
set onerror YES YES
set onevent YES YES
set onlocalcallmuted YES NO
set onlocalcallunmuted YES NO
set onmessagereceived NO YES
set onofferneeded YES NO
set onofferreceived YES NO
set onrequest YES YES
set onticket YES NO
---------------- ------------ -----------
answer(to, query, content, transaction) YES NO
call(to, media) YES NO
end() YES NO
proceed() YES NO
decline() YES NO
isTyping(state, to) NO YES
isTypingMuc(state, to) NO YES
mute() YES NO
muteAudio() YES NO
muteVideo() YES NO
reactToMessage(id, reaction, to) NO YES
reactToMessageMUC(id, reaction, to) NO YES
reportMetrics(sid, metrics, to) YES NO
request(to, query, content, transaction) YES YES
sendCandidate(candidate) YES NO
send(to, content, additionalContent) NO YES
sendMuc(to, content, additionalContent) NO YES
sendJSON(to, content) NO YES
sendJSONMUC(to, content) NO YES
sendOffer(offer) YES NO
sendAReadAcknowledgement(id, to) NO YES
sendAReadAcknowledgementMuc(id, to) NO YES
setAsActive() YES NO
unmute() YES NO
unmuteAudio() YES NO
unmuteVideo() YES NO


The JSONgle object instance offers the following properties:

currentCall -> Call

Get the current call or null if not exists

id -> string

Get the connected user id

name -> string

The name of the library

version -> string

The version of the library

ticket -> Object

For each call done, a ticket is generated and can be retrieved through the getter ticket or by listening to the event onticket. The event is fired once the call has ended.

// Got a ticket on a call in progress at any time
const ticket = jsongle.ticket;

jsongle.onticket = (ticket) => {
    //Get the generated ticket once the call has ended


The JSONgle object instance offers the following methods:

call(string: id, (optional)string: type = 'audio')

This method calls a user.

const jsongle = new JSONGle({...});

jsongle.oncall = (call) => {
    // Do something when the call has been initiated

// Initiate a new audio call, JSONGle.MEDIA.AUDIO);

The mandatory parameter is the identifier of the recipient. Depending on how your server dispatch the message it can be the user id or any information that allows to contact the right recipient. This information will be used to fill the field to in the message sent. The from will contain your id as defined in the user identity paragraph.

The method accepts a second optional parameter which is the media used. This is used to alert the recipient about the kind of call you want to initiate. If not provided, the default media used is MEDIA.AUDIO. There is no check with the media used in the call., JSONGle.MEDIA.AUDIO);


When call is ringing (state === ringing) and initiated from someone else (direction === JSONgle.DIRECTION.INCOMING), you have the possibility to decline it.

jsongle.oncallended = (hasBeenInitiated) => {
    // Do something when the call has been ended


A message will be sent to the initiator and the call will be ended (state === ended).


In the same manner, when the call is ringing (state=== ringing) and initiated from someone else (direction === JSONgle.DIRECTION.INCOMING), you have the possibility to proceed it which means you want to answer the call.

jsongle.oncallstatechanged = (call) => {
    // Do something when the call state has changed


A message will be sent to the initiator and the call will move to state proceeded that will trigger the negotiation step one step further.

sendOffer(object localDescription)

If the call has been proceeded, the WebRTC negotiation starts and the JSONgle library will send the event onofferneeded when it needs the local SDP to send it to the remote peer.

Once you have to do, is to obtain that SDP (aka local description) from your WebRTC stack and to give it to JSONgle by using the method sendOffer as follow

// Your Peer Connection with the correct configuration
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({...});

// Your camera/mic constraints
const constraints = {...};

jsongle.onofferneeded = async (call) => {
    // Got the local stream from your camera/mic
    const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);

    for (const track of stream.getTracks()) {
        pc.addTrack(track, stream);

    await pc.createOffer();

In the same way, when the remote recipient sends his SDP (his local description), JSONGle fires an event with that description in order for your application to give it to the WebRTC stack. Here is the minimum to do

jsongle.onofferreceived = (remoteDescription) => {

sendCandidate(object candidate)

ICE candidates should be exchanged the same way between the two peers.

The first part of the job is when the RTCPeerConnection generates new ICE candidates, you need to give them to JSONgle by calling the method sendCandidate by doing something like that:

pc.onicecandidate = ({ candidate }) => {
    if (candidate) {

JSONgle will send each ICE candidate to the remote peer.

In the opposite, when the remote peer sends to you an ICE candidate, you need to listen to the event oncandidatereceived to get that candidate and give it to the WebRTC stack like that:

jsongle.oncandidatereceived = async (candidate) => {
    await pc.addIceCandidate(candidate);


In order to inform the recipient that everything is ok on your side, send a session-info message with a reason=active. This can be done by calling the method setAsActive() when the WebRTC call is established.

pc.onconnectionstatechange = () => {
    if (pc.connectionState === "connected") {

In the same way, your application will receive a session-info with a reason=active from your recipient. This will trigger the event oncallstatechanged.

mute() & unmute()

When the application wants to mute or unmute the audio and video, a session-infomessage with a reason=mute or reason=unmute can be sent to your recipient in order to inform him of the nature of the change.

// When muting the audio stream

// When unmuting the audio stream

jsongle.onlocalcallmuted = (call) => {
    // Do something when the local stream is muted

jsongle.onlocalcallunmuted = (call) => {
    // Do something when the local stream is unmuted

The recipient will receive an event in the same way to be informed

jsongle.oncallmuted = (call) => {
    // Do something when the remote stream is muted

jsongle.oncallunmuted = (call) => {
    // Do something when the remote stream is unmuted

muteAudio() & unmuteAudio()

The same function exists to mute only the audio part. The same event is received.

muteVideo() && unmuteVideo()

The same function exists to mute only the video part. The same event is received.


At anytime, an initiated call can be ended by the issuer or the responder. When the call not yet active, the issuer can retract it. When the call is active, both can end that call.

From the application point of view, only one method is provided that retracts or ends the call depending on its internal state.

jsongle.oncallended = (hasBeenInitiated) => {
    // Do something when the call has been ended

// End or retract a call

sendJSON(string: to, object: content)

At anytime, a custom message can be exchanged to specific recipient (identified by his id), a room (identified by a roomid) or to the server directly (identified by the 'sn' property received in the session-hello event) by using the sendJSON method.

content is an object that replaces the content of the description property in the JSONgle message.

// Custom message
const msgData={
  presence: 'available',

const msgId = jsongle.sendJSON('user_4', msgData);

//On 'user_4'
jsongle.ondatareceived = (content, from, id) => {
  // Do something with the content received 
  // content = { action: session-custom, description: { presence: 'available' } }

By listening to the event ondatareceived, the remote recipient is able to handle the content of that message.

This method returns the id of the message generated that can be used to deal with message acknowledgements.

send(string: to, string: content, object: data?)

At anytime, a text message can be exchanged to specific recipient in a P2P room or to the server directly (identified by the 'sn' property received in the session-hello event) by using the send method.

content is the text message to send. An optional data content can be sent. This can be a simple data type, an array or a JSON plain object.

const msgId = jsongle.send('room_4', "Hello all!");

//On any members of the room 'room_4'
jsongle.onmessagereceived = (content, from, id) => {
  // Do something with the content received 
  // content = { action: session-text, description: { content: 'Hello all!' } }

By listening to the event onmessagereceived, the remote recipient is able to handle the content of that message.

This method returns the id of the message generated that can be used to deal with message acknowledgements.

sendMuc(string: to, string: content, object: data?)

Same for sending a text message in a muc room which means in a room where they are multiple participants.

content is the text message to send. An optional data content can be sent. This can be a simple data type, an array or a JSON plain object.

sendAReadAcknowledgement(string: id, string: to)

When receiving a new message, an acknowledgement can be send to the recipient to inform that the message has been received and read.

Automatically, when receiving a message, JSONGLE sends a receipt acknowledgement of type received to the recipient.

A receipt acknowledgement of type read can be send by using the method sendAReadAcknowledgement().

// When receiving a message
jsongle.onmessagereceived = (content, from, id) => {
  // Send the ack if the message is displayed to the user at this time
  jsongle.sendAReadAcknowledgement(id, from);

isTyping(boolean: state, string: to)

Any recipients of a room can be informed when someone is typing a message to streamline the conversation. When the user is writing a message, the method isTyping() can be called with a state equals to true to inform the recipients that a message is in progress. When the user is no more writing (eg: text content erased from the input field, long paused, etc...), the method isTyping() can be called with a state equals to false in the same way.

Note: Receiving a new message from someone should reset the state of the isTyping automatically to false without having to send that message.

isTypingMuc(boolean: state, string: to)

Same for sending the typing state in a muc room.

request(string: to, string: query, object: content) -> Promise

At anytime, a request can be sent to the server to execute an action (eg: registering to a room). For that, JSONgle offers the request method that is a Promise.

content is an object representing the requested data to send.

query is the method that will be executed.

Once the server has performed the request, it sends back an asynchronous answer that is handled by that promise.

// A request
const requestData = {
  rid: '188-4225-bf3a-d4ad43654697',

try {
  const result = await jsongle.request('barracuda', 'session-join', requestData);
  // Do something in case of the request has been successfully executed
} catch(err) {
  // Do something in case the request failed

answer(string: to, string: query, object: content; string: transaction) -> Promise

When a request has been caught by the onrequest handler, the application can answer using the method answer()

content is an object representing the response data to send.

query should be set to the same value as received. Same for the transaction property.

Once the server has received the response, it sends back an ack. When an error occurs (eg: bad parameters), the onerror handler is fired and contains the description of the error received.

jsongle.onrequest((request, from) => {
  if(request.action === 'iq-get' && request.query === 'session-hello') {
    jsongle.answer(from, 'session-hello', {'uid':'', 'dn': 'Jon Doe', }, request.transaction);

reportMetrics(string: callId, object: metrics, string: to)

At any time, the library can report metrics to the server. The following metrics can be added:

const callId = '188-4225-bf3a-d4ad43654697';

jsongle.reportMetrics(callId, {
  ua: navigator.userAgent,
  route: "relay",
  mos: 4.322,
  duration: 24,
}, 'server-id');

Each metrics are optional but at least one is mandatory.

In case of error, the library can report it to the server using the error metric:

const callId = '188-4225-bf3a-d4ad43654697';

jsongle.reportMetrics(callId, {
  error: 'ice-failed',
}, 'server-id');

The error metric can be any labels.