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Weekly journal

This is inspired by Kirstie Whitaker's weekly reports and the encouragement from OLS fellow Maya Sundukova to write down what I spend my time on.




What brought you joy this week?

  • Replace this text with a one/two sentence description of who you helped this week and how.

What did you achieve?

  • Replace this text with a bullet point list of what you achieved this week.

What did you struggle with?

  • Replace this text with a bullet point list of where you struggled this week.

Any other topics

This space is yours to add to as needed.

Week: 28 August 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Catch-up with folks - it's always helpful to reflect together.

What did you achieve?

  • Microgrants - I do think they are on track
  • Proposal was sent
  • Small co-ordination bits around sorting the next contract, chasing purchase orders and moving the blog to GitHub

What did you struggle with?

  • Focus on priorities beyond the microgrants, felt a bit lost but chats helped providing some direction.

Any other topics

  • This is the end of my Resident Fellowship!!! You've been a good companion, diary. I will move to a new one for the next role though.

Week: 21 August 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Writing up a reflection blog for my Fellowship - quite happy with all the things that were achieved even if it sometimes didn't feel that way. Yay to me for keeping diary here - it was really helpful.

What did you achieve?

  • Unblocking Civi (well, Emmy did) and getting started on microgrants proper
  • Reconciliation
  • Application for Digital Communication Cohort

What did you struggle with?

  • Energy levels and focus on Friday. Brain stuggles to plan for the next weeks without freaking out about things unnecessarily.

Any other topics

  • How did I end up having strong opinions about references?

Week: 14 August 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • My rainbow nails
  • Learning about all sorts in the team coffee chat

What did you achieve?

  • Getting the project proposal in a decent shape: there is now text and an updated budget.
  • Kicking off with microgrants and then hitting a roadblock pretty much immediately.

What did you struggle with?

  • Making sense of why Civi broke and fixing it
  • Wrapping my head around a good way of tracking microgrants and not getting overwhelmed

Any other topics

  • Somehow this week felt busy but also not like much was achieved. Brain was fried on not much productive work.

Week: 7 August 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Some lovely Fringe shows - and I'm glad that I did take time off to enjoy them.

What did you achieve?

  • Some conclusion to the fundraising platform investigation.
  • Looking at swag platforms.
  • Kicking off the book club conversation.
  • Workplan for myself for the next months.
  • Proposal budget.

What did you struggle with?

  • Writing proposal text. Nothing in the document makes sense yet. Spradsheet > text.
  • Focus this week was hard.

Any other topics

  • Still figuring out the new workload thing. Adapting habits is hard.

Week: 31 July 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Conversations with Emmy, Yo, and Malvika who are just smart and lovely people and provide great food for thought.

What did you achieve?

  • Donations - OLS7 honoraria are all sorted!
  • We submitted a proposal!
  • A lot of interesting reflections with Mayya.
  • Good chats about new potential opportunities, initial draft notes of what that could be.
  • Minor wrangling of Civi.
  • Joined a governance committee meeting, facilitated part of it.
  • Initial investigation of options to get donations for OLS.

What did you struggle with?

  • I'm so not quick at getting anything out of Civi. Need to do way more Civi work to get better at this.

Any other topics

  • Started a new thing. Trying to figure out new workload and rhythm while still enjoying some summer time off.

Week: 24 July 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Lovely chat with Malvika catching up on things

What did you achieve?

  • Catch-up on inbox
  • Pick-up a few payments - almost done wrapping up OLS-7
  • Reviewing OLS-8 applications
  • Reviewing some governance docs that have been worked on while I was gone
  • Hosted part of co-working

What did you struggle with?

  • Getting back into the swing on things - felt like I was not on top of stuff this week.

Any other topics

Wrapping up other things and starting new stuff adds additional stress and makes the summer slightly busier than expected.

Week: 26 June 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Governance discussions were interesting and just some time to properly catch up with Malvika
  • Self-care workshop on the weekend was very validating

What did you achieve?

  • Paid most outstanding honoraria
  • Got both blog posts out of the door (somehow at least)
  • Started some more learning about accounting just to note that there's a lot of jargon I don't yet understand, so more to do in future.
  • Check in about our OLS/SSI fellows

What did you struggle with?

  • I just generally was so tired all week. Felt it made everything slower than it should have been.

Any other topics

  • Wrapping up everything before going on holiday is a lot.

Week: 19 June 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Maker space tour in the co-working: it's nice that you never quite know what will happen in that slot.

What did you achieve?

  • Paid a good chunck of the OLS7 honoraria, including using services that were new to me. Seemed to all work fine and learning new things felt good.
  • Check-in with Emmy.
  • Chasing missing receipts for reconciliation.
  • Some comms for OLS-8.
  • Progressing blogs, have them almost ready to go for next week.

What did you struggle with?

  • The micro managing side struggled towards the end of the week. Not entirely sure why I started feeling slightly lonely after a super productive start to the week.

Any other topics

  • Procrastinated on decision making.
  • Scheduled time to sit in the hammock before the weather turned.

Week: 12 June 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Graduations! Generally seeing all the amazing projects and especially the feedback from my mentee. Good to be reminded why we do this!

What did you achieve?

  • Kept payments going.
  • Started reconciliation and felt like I'm actually making a difference on finance things.
  • Final reflections on self-organising teams course.
  • Started thinking about the OLS non-cohort service offering.

What did you struggle with?

  • It was a quiet week, so it almost felt a little bit lonely.

Any other topics

  • Sunshine and new desk made for a decent combination and overall happiness.

Week: 5 June 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Puppy love
  • Figuring out a new and hopefully improved work set up

What did you achieve

  • 2 blogs - which is more than I have done in the whole year so far
  • Keeping payments going, sorting through some contract stuff.
  • Attend the RSE Skills event to do more thinking about skills and training. Wasn't sure about it at first, but turns out once the event started, I had strong opinions on stuff!

What did you struggle with?

  • Pain - less than last week, but still.
  • Frustration that blogging takes me so long.

Any other topics

Felt like I did a lot of additional stuff this week and need to do some thinking again.

Week: 29 May 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Loved today's co-working chats, I'm so glad we didn't cancel but I hosted that space. Not an easy conversation with straightforward to dos, but incredibly valuable.

What did you achieve

  • Not so sure, kept the finance stuff going.

What did you struggle with?

  • A lot and I need to do more reflection on why. It was not my best week.

Any other topics

  • Non-OLS things have progressed and seem under control, so at least not everything was bad.

Week: 22 May 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Long catch-up with Mayya with lovely prompts to reflect.

What did you achieve

  • Met with my mentee
  • More finance onboarding, slightly wrapping my head around more things (or not, we'll see)
  • Fiscal sponorship chat
  • Well-being and self care cohort call attendance

What did you struggle with?

  • Some of the finance systems were not playing ball and very unclear in their error messages if there were any at all. One seems to be resolved, one still outstanding. Didn't seem the most productive week overall.

Any other topics

  • Finally managed to do some reading in the garden. More spring like weather is definitely helping with the mood.

Week: 15 May 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Getting a handle on finance stuff and actually be able to contribute and help.

What did you achieve

  • Got set up on various finance systems.
  • More onboarding meetings and actually paying stuff.
  • Prepped and led on cohort call.
  • Followed up on CW23 conversations and managed to structure thoughts in a way that made sense.
  • Some time to start reading on more facilitation things.

What did you struggle with?

  • Less energy due to cold. Felt not the most productive though I got a lot done.

Any other topics

  • Read a lot of stuff that needs some more written reflections. Need to make time and headspace for those.

Week: 8 May 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Co-working to sort out my thoughts

What did you achieve?

  • Started finance onboarding and some reading of things
  • Mentee meeting and expert chat
  • A lot of small bits
  • Some more progress on self-organising teams

What did you struggle with?

  • With some extra time off, it felt a bit busy. Definitely low on energy towards the end of the week.

Any other topics

Managed to join another oblique thinking hour which was fun.

Week: 24 April 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • A super interesting cohort call

What did you achieve

  • Prep for CollabW23 next week with Mayya
  • Good (last) 1-1 with Yo
  • Started the self-organised teams course
  • Checked in with my mentee

What did you struggle with?

  • Didn't get everything done that I wanted as Friday isn't going so well.

Any other topics

  • I started fighting with Wordpress... let's see where this will go.

Week: 17 April 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Running a 2 hour mentor onboarding session. Loved it, felt confident, audience was great.

What did you achieve

  • Prep for the cohort call next week, emails went out to speakers, pad is ready, so this should be good to go.
  • Finally kicked off the consultancy slack channel!
  • Checking in with Mayya around the CW23 session, first draft of the slides for the session.
  • Some emails that have been on the to send list for quite a while.

What did you struggle with?

  • Had a bit of panic around hosting this week's cohort call (didn't end up doing it) and felt not on top of things.

Any other topics

  • Started using toggl to track time and I'm not sure yet if I find it helpful.
  • Doing a lot of thinking on the consultancy part of life and how it might look going forward.

Week: 3 April 2023

Note that this covers 2 weeks with a longer Easter break in between.

What brought you joy this week?

  • Having a break - recharging away from home with great company is important

What did you achieve

  • Slides for mentor onboarding
  • Various emails and other prep for OLS-7 week 9
  • Regular check-ins

What did you struggle with?

  • Feels like it was okay, I gave myself permission to do less during those weeks and that felt fine.

Any other topics

  • I bought tons of facilitation stuff and now need to figure out how to use it. Also thoughts about website hosting...

Week: 27 March 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Lovely catch-up with my mentee to start the week.
  • Good brainstorming with Yo to structure my messy thoughts.

What did you achieve

  • Fireside chat
  • Catching up with the last bits of Art of Gathering
  • More mentor onboarding planning
  • Emails for the session I'm in charge of

What did you struggle with?

  • All this did not fit into 7 hours as expected. Will take some time back over Easter.

Any other topics

  • Facilitated some other things with limited prep - good for confidence!

Week: 13 March 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Many conversations about mentoring, really enjoyed doing the training again and then planning another onboarding session.
  • Having a bath now the hot water is back ;)

What did you achieve

  • Art of Gathering week 5
  • Meeting with my mentee
  • Several brainstorming sessions

What did you struggle with?

  • Guess what: time as there are quite a few things to do before having a break next week.

Any other topics

  • Made good progress with conference presentations, it's been a while.

Week: 6 March 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Checking in with Mayya, very useful reflection time
  • In-person meeting with Anne!

What did you achieve

  • Caught up with Art of Gathering homework
  • Last mentor onboarding session
  • Some small bits

What did you struggle with?

  • Supported a one day conference on zoom - that is a lot of zoom time that I'm not used to any longer...
  • Tried to progress some promotional material, but couldn't for the life of me figure out how to edit that nicely.

Any other topics

  • This week was more around progressing consultancy while there are no urgent OLS deadlines. And it's been another week of waiting for the hot water to be fixed.

Week: 27 February 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • First meeting with my OLS-7 mentee

What did you achieve

  • Some more Art of Gathering though I am behind with the practical exercises
  • Submitted a workshop to the Open Science Conference
  • Got myself somehow organised for OLS-7, co-facilitated some mentor onboardings
  • Some more fireside chat prep and promotion

What did you struggle with?

  • Started the week tired after travelling, so Monday felt overwhelming. Week picked up after that.

Any other topics

  • Book club is wrapping up today - really enjoyed reflections and discussions.

Week: 20 February 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Dressing formally for the interview; should do less yoga trousers when working ;)

What did you achieve

  • Small bits: CollabW23 submission, helping out with an interview, starting another conference submission, more Art of Gathering

What did you struggle with?

  • Focus. Have been thrown off by last minute things happening and never deal well with that.

Week: 13 February 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Being able to dig into the Art of Gathering

What did you achieve

  • Draft for a CW23 submission
  • CEDI application - actually press the submit button
  • Small bits around OLS/SSI Fellows management, OLS-7 prep

What did you struggle with?

  • Emotions: had a low point and struggled to find energy to actually tick off some of the things

Any other topics

  • Took a day off! Seems harder to do with the set up, so proud that I officially blocked a day.

Week: 6 February 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Fireside prep discussion - really important conversation plus I very much like having a note taker that stops and summarizes my ramblings into something coherent

What did you achieve

  • Welcomed the OLS/SSI Fellows
  • Small tasks to further help progress hiring
  • Clarified some thoughts about conference submissions which should make putting proposals together more straightforward

What did you struggle with?

  • Do I sound like a broken record if I say doing everything in 7 hours?

Any other topics

  • Tackling the CEDI application is helpful but also a bit depressing and I'm unsure if I will submit.

Week: 30 January 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Planning for OLS/SSI Fellows - I actually have some inspiring ideas which does not happen often ;)

What did you achieve

  • OLS-7 reviews
  • Finalizing the application screening, joining project planning meeting for context
  • Basic roadmap for consultancy offer

What did you struggle with?

  • Doing everything in 7 hours as always
  • Impostor syndrome around some other ideas

Any other topics

  • Wondering if I need to dig more into literature around communities... lots of thoughts, not well structured.

Week: 23 January 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • Checking in with Mayya and brainstorming a few things together.

What did you achieve

  • First stab at looking at applications
  • Some small things around the OLS/SSI Fellows, it's moving now 💪

What did you struggle with?

  • Time keeping when looking at applications: I find it so hard to do that quickly and properly

Any other topics

  • Last week on the Whitaker Lab - feels like a big-ish decision to step away
  • Had to switch phone - also feels like a big deal nowadays

Week: 16 January 2023

What brought you joy this week?

  • A 3 months check-in with Yo. I haven't started the year the most organised, so that was nice.

What did you achieve

  • Small bits: wrapping up the Open Source module, sorting invoices for EOSC-Life, hiring prep

What did you struggle with?

  • Zoom logins again
  • Proper vision and goal setting for 2023 - I'm procrastinating with all the small tasks to avoid asking the big question

Any other topics

  • Still enjoy the book club - the accountability for having to put down notes and thoughts helps enourmously

Week: 17 October 2022

What brought you joy this week?

  • Running the Intro to GitHub session - it was nice to do that again after a long while even if it was not very streamlined. I hope folks attending got something out of it.
  • Good chats in the co-working session.

What did you achieve

  • I set up this repo and started formalizing tasks.

What did you struggle with?

  • Still felt a bit all over the place and didn't spend too much focus time on things.

Any other topics

  • Managed to attend parts of the Science Europe Open Science conference, didn't feel I learned too many new things though.
  • Did my SSI Fellowship shortlisting which was super nice again.
  • Progressed some consultancy discussions.

Week: 24 October 2022

What brought you joy this week?

  • New nail colour.
  • Being able to be grumpy in the cafe-te-ria session.
  • Lovely feedback on the Ally Skills session

What did you achieve

  • Ran Ally Skills workshop and led on more content - slowly getting more comfortable facilitating them.
  • Brainstormed with Yo about OLS fellowship programmes of various kinds.
  • Started some documents on the open-source module.

What did you struggle with?

  • Low energy week full of brain fry, little sleep and just a lot of down time. Brain struggled to focus.

Any other topics

  • Managed some other adulting tasks this week that occupied a lot of brain space.

Week: 31 October 2022

What brought you joy this week?

  • OLS social and checking in with folks.

What did you achieve

  • Decent first draft of OS session.
  • Progressed resources and speakers.
  • Co-hosted co-working session.
  • Minor promo for accessibility session.

What did you struggle with?

  • Identifying more speakers - not yet as aware of the amazing OLS community as I'd like to be.

Any other topics

  • Attended an in-person conference to start the week. Struggling with in-person, will avoid as much as possible.
  • Trying to find a rhythm for the rest of the tasks.

Week: 7 November 2022

What brought you joy this week?

  • Loved the insights from the accessibility for visual impairment session
  • Volunteering at the Radical Book Fair

What did you achieve

  • Initial reporting on EOSC-Life
  • Managed some feedback on proposals

What did you struggle with?

  • Zoom logins - couldn't host co-working
  • Open source session hasn't progressed as much as I wanted

Any other topics

  • Unblocked some consultancy aspects
  • Booked a passport appointment

Week: 14 November 2022

What brought you joy this week?

  • SSI Fellow selection: 1.5 intense days but as always soo interesting to see awesome folk collaborate

What did you achieve

  • New (final) version of open source module
  • Invited some speakers, one confirmed
  • Helped looking at some mastodon server policies

What did you struggle with?

  • No major big blocker, but also not much focused work it feels. Got a lot of small things done.

Any other topics

  • Attended the SSI session on befriending your inner critic, need to figure out how to make meditation more of a habit.

Week: 21 November 2022

What brought you joy this week?

  • Chatting to Yo to double check my approach for getting speakers for the OS module, incredibly helpful and now under control

What did you achieve

  • Quite a few fellows pieces: blog contribution, drafted a policy piece, some other small bits and bobs
  • Version one of the EOSC-Life report, should be almost ready to be ticked of the list
  • Hosted the co-working session

What did you struggle with?

  • Got a bit too stressed and muddled about OS module speakers.
  • Keeping to 7h for OLS stuff - so much to do and help with.

Any other topics

  • Managed to get some meditation in -> improving my habits

Week: 28 November 2022

What brought you joy this week?

  • The OS skill-up session on Wednesday! Not perfect, but a great session with wonderful speakers and engaged attendees.
  • Book club on Programm Management book.
  • Random chats in the co-working session.

What did you achieve

  • Finalized some of the fellow pieces, so things could actually go live.
  • Co-hosted the co-working.
  • Fed back on a range of documents.

What did you struggle with?

  • Zotero - why is references of "grey literature" so hard?
  • Very low energy this week, felt like some days, not much happened.
  • Again, keeping to 7h for OLS stuff...

Week: 5 December 2022

What brought you joy this week?

  • Meetings with poetry and cute tiny people.

What did you achieve

  • Contributed some bits to a grant proposal that was submitted this week.
  • Hosted quiet co-working.
  • To do list for the rest of the year/early 2023.

What did you struggle with?

  • Need to learn not to feel stressed when others are busy but trying to help would actually slow things down. Not good at watching other people working at 200%.

Any other topics

  • Need to catch up on consultancy but it does not feel out of control yet.

Week: 12 December 2022

What brought you joy this week?

  • Catching up with people ahead of the holiday break.

What did you achieve

  • Resident Fellows blog PR.
  • OLS/SSI Fellows announcements.
  • Some chats with Emmy about hiring and looking into potential workflows.

What did you struggle with?

  • Getting pictures to display as part of the blog. Fixing the PR for the blog under pressure.

Any other topics

  • My desk is a mess, I need to tidy before going on Christmas break.



What brought you joy this week?

  • Replace this text with a one/two sentence description of who you helped this week and how.

What did you achieve

  • Replace this text with a bullet point list of what you achieved this week.

What did you struggle with?

  • Replace this text with a bullet point list of where you struggled this week.

Any other topics

This space is yours to add to as needed.