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CORE-V Polara APU originated from Ara[1] and Openpiton[2] projects. CORE-V Polara APU, AKA Polara, has 4 RISC-V vector cores (Ara) connected together using OpenPiton platform. Figure below shows the top-level diagram of Polara.

Polara is also equipped with low precision computation for DNN inferece. Please refer to [3] for more details. In case you would be interested to join the project please feel free to open an issue, or involve yourself in any open issues/discussions. Contributions are always welcome! First time contributors should review the Contributing guide [TODO].


Polara project is hosted at OpenHW github repository. You first need to clone the repository as described below:

git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd core-v-polara-apu


  1. RISC-V LLVM compiler with vector extension support: Polara, you will need to install RISC-V compiler with vector extension support. We recommend to follow the steps provided by Ara project. Polara assumes that the LLVM RISC-V compiler with vector extension is availble at ${DV_ROOT}/design/chip/tile/ara/install/riscv-llvm/bin/clang. Following steps in ara submodule of Polara should be enough to prepare the compiler properly.

  2. Acess to simulators: For simulation, Polara has been tested with VCS and Modelsim/Questasim. You will need to have access to one of these simulators.

  3. RISC-V GCC compiler (for openpiton).

Environment Setup

  • The PITON_ROOT environment variable should point to the root of the OpenPiton repository

  • The Synopsys environment for simulation should be setup separately by the user. Besides adding correct paths to your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (usually accomplished by a script provided by Synopsys), the OpenPiton tools specifically reference the VCS_HOME environment variable which should point to the root of the Synopsys VCS installation.

  • Put this in your .bashrc:

    alias phere='PITON_ROOT="$PWD" source piton/piton_settings.bashrc ARIANE_ROOT="$PITON_ROOT/piton/design/chip/tile/ariane"'

    • A CShell version of piton_settings.bashrc is provided, but OpenPiton has not been tested for and currently does not support CShell
  • Top level directory structure:

    • piton/
      • All OpenPiton design and verification files
    • docs/
      • OpenPiton documentation
    • build/
      • Working directory for simulation and simulation models
Notes on Environment and Dependencies
  • Depending on your system setup, Synopsys tools may require the -full64 flag. This can easily be accomplished by adding a bash function as shown in the following example for VCS (also required for URG):

    function vcs() { command vcs -full64 "$@"; }; export -f vcs
  • On many systems, an error with goldfinger, or other errors not described below, may indicate that you should run the mktools command once to rebuild a number of the tools before continuing. If you see issues later with building or running simulations, try running mktools if you have not already.

  • In some cases, you may need to recompile the PLI libraries we provide. This is done using mkplilib with the argument for the simulator you want to rebuild for. You may need to run mkplilib clean first, then depending on which simulator, you can build with: mkplilib vcs, mkplilib ncverilog, mkplilib icarus, or mkplilib modelsim.

  • If you see an error with bw_cpp then you may need to install gcc/g++ (to get cpp), or csh (csh on ubuntu, tcsh on centos)

  • If you see an error with goldfinger or g_as then you may need to install 32-bit glibc (libc6-i386 on ubuntu, glibc.i686 on centos)

  • If you see an error with goldfinger or m4 then you may need to install libelf (libelf-dev on ubuntu, elfutils-libelf-devel on centos)

  • You also need the Perl Bit::Vector package installed on your machine (libbit-vector-perl on ubuntu, perl-Bit-Vector.x86_64 on centos, also installable via CPAN)

Assuming you have access to tools listed in pre-requisites, you can build a 2x2 tile simulation model using the following steps ( first re-load the terminal or create a new tab):

cd build
sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=2 -y_tiles=2 -vcs_build -ariane -config_rtl=SYNTHESIS -vcs_build_args="-assert svaext +define+VLEN=4096 +define+NR_LANES=4 +define+ARIANE_ACCELERATOR_PORT=1" -vcs_build_args="-LDFLAGS -Wl,--no-as-needed"

This last step, builds the HW for simulation. To run hello world on all cores, run the following:

sims -sys=manycore -vcs_run -x_tiles=2 -y_tiles=2 hello_world_many.c -ariane -rtl_timeout=500000

To run RISC-V Vector regression tests (Testing single core single tile):

sims -group='ara_tile1'

For multi core regression test (default configuration 2x2 tiles):

sims -group="ara_tile2x2"

To run in GUI mode:

sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=1 -y_tiles=1 -vcs_build -ariane -config_rtl=SYNTHESIS -vcs_build_args="-assert svaext +define+VLEN=4096 +define+NR_LANES=4 +define+ARIANE_ACCELERATOR_PORT=1" -vcs_build_args="-LDFLAGS -Wl,--no-as-needed -kdb" -debug_all

sims  -sys=manycore -x_tiles=1 -y_tiles=1 -vcs_run -ariane hello_world_many.c -gui

OpenPitonAriane Logo

Support for the Ariane RV64IMAC Core

This version of OpenPiton supports the 64bit Ariane RISC-V processor from ETH Zurich. To this end, Ariane has been equipped with a different L1 cache subsystem that follows a write-through protocol and that has support for cache invalidations and atomics. This L1 cache system is designed to connect directly to the L1.5 cache provided by OpenPiton's P-Mesh.

Check out the sections below to see how to run the RISC-V tests or simple bare-metal C programs in simulation.


Environment Setup

In addition to the OpenPiton setup described above, you have to adapt the paths in the script to match with your installation (we support Questasim, VCS and Verilator at the moment). Source this script from the OpenPiton root folder and build the RISC-V tools with if you are running this for the first time:

  1. cd $PITON_ROOT/
  2. source piton/
  3. piton/

Step 3. will then download and compile the RISC-V toolchain, the assembly tests and Verilator.

Note that the address map is different from the standard OpenPiton configuration. DRAM is mapped to 0x8000_0000, hence the assembly tests and C programs are linked with this offset. Have a look at piton/design/xilinx/genesys2/devices_ariane.xml for a complete address mapping overview.

Also note that we use a slightly adapted version of syscalls.c. Instead of using the RISC-V FESVR, we use the OpenPiton testbench monitors to observe whether a test has passed or not. Hence we added the corresponding pass/fail traps to the exit function in syscalls.c.

For simulation Questasim 10.6b, VCS 2017.03 or Verilator 4.014 is needed (older versions may work, but are untested).

You will need Vivado 2018.2 or newer to build an FPGA bitstream with Ariane.

Running RISC-V Tests and Benchmarks

The RISC-V benchmarks are precompiled in the tool setup step mentioned above. You can run individual benchmarks by first building the simulation model with

  1. cd $PITON_ROOT/build
  2. sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=1 -y_tiles=1 -msm_build -ariane

Then, invoke a specific riscv test with the -precompiled switch as follows

sims -sys=manycore -msm_run -x_tiles=1 -y_tiles=1 rv64ui-p-addi.S -ariane -precompiled

This will look for the precompiled ISA test binary named rv64ui-p-addi in the RISC-V tests folder $ARIANE_ROOT/tmp/riscv-tests/build/isa and run it.

In order to run a RISC-V benchmark, do

sims -sys=manycore -msm_run -x_tiles=1 -y_tiles=1 dhrystone.riscv -ariane -precompiled

The printf output will be directed to fake_uart.log in this case (in the build folder).

Note: if you see the Warning: [l15_adapter] return type 004 is not (yet) supported by l15 adapter. warning in the simulation output, do not worry. This is only generated since Ariane does currently not support OpenPiton's packet-based interrupt packets arriving over the memory interface.

Running Custom Programs

You can also run test programs written in C. The following example program just prints 32 times "hello_world" to the fake UART (see fake_uart.log file).

  1. cd $PITON_ROOT/build
  2. sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=1 -y_tiles=1 -msm_build -ariane
  3. sims -sys=manycore -msm_run -x_tiles=1 -y_tiles=1 hello_world.c -ariane -rtl_timeout 10000000

And a simple hello world program running on multiple tiles can run as follows:

  1. cd $PITON_ROOT/build
  2. sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=4 -y_tiles=4 -msm_build -ariane
  3. sims -sys=manycore -msm_run -x_tiles=4 -y_tiles=4 hello_world_many.c -ariane -finish_mask 0x1111111111111111 -rtl_timeout 1000000

In the example above, we have a 4x4 Ariane tile configuration, where each core just prints its own hart ID (hardware thread ID) to the fake UART. Synchronization among the harts is achieved using an atomic ADD operation.

Note that we have to adjust the finish mask in this case, since we expect all 16 cores to hit the pass/fail trap.


The RISC-V ISA tests, benchmarks and some additonal simple example programs have been added to the regression suite of OpenPiton, and can be invoked as described below.

  • RISC-V ISA tests are grouped into the following four batches, where the last two are the regressions for atomic memory operations (AMOs):

sims -group=ariane_tile1_asm_tests_p -sim_type=msm

sims -group=ariane_tile1_asm_tests_v -sim_type=msm

sims -group=ariane_tile1_amo_tests_p -sim_type=msm

sims -group=ariane_tile1_amo_tests_v -sim_type=msm

  • RISC-V benchmarks can be run with:

sims -group=ariane_tile1_benchmarks -sim_type=msm

  • Simple hello world programs and AMO tests for 1 tile can be invoked with

sims -group=ariane_tile1_simple -sim_type=msm

  • And a multicore "hello world" example running on 16 tiles can be run with

sims -group=ariane_tile16_simple -sim_type=msm

If you would like to get an overview of the exit status of a regression batch, step into the regression subfolder and call regreport . -summary.

Find out more

If you use OpenPiton in your research please reference our ASPLOS 2016 paper mentioned above and send us a citation of your work.


  1. Cavalcante, Matheus, et al. Ara: A 1-GHz+ Scalable and Energy-Efficient RISC-V Vector Processor With Multiprecision Floating-Point Support in 22-nm FD-SOI. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 2020.
  2. Balkind, Jonathan, et al. OpenPiton: An Open Source Manycore Research Framework. In Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS '16).
  3. Askari Hemmat, MohammadHossein, et al. Quark: An Integer RISC-V Vector Processor for Sub-Byte Quantized DNN Inference. 2023 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2023).