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Analysis of Dypsidinae target capture data: main analysis

0. Workspace

Data folder on GIS07: /data_vol/wolf/Dypsis/

  • original_data: raw read files with original naming, cf. sampling.xlsx
  • original_data_renamed: renamed read files for compatibility with SECAPR (see 1. below).
  • fastqc_results: results of fastqc check run via SECAPR
    • raw: fastqc results for raw reads (as in original_data_renamed)
    • trimmed: fastqc results after trimming (as in trimmed)
    • trimmed2: fastqc results after trimming (as in trimmed2)
  • trimmed: trimmed reads (see below)
  • trimmed2: trimmed reads with alternative trimming criteria (see below)
  • trimmed_for_fastqc: temporary directory with combined trimmed readfiles for FASTQC
  • assembly: HybPiper results (see below)
  • coverage: output of coverage trimming step (see below)
  • seq_sets2: sequence sets after coverage trimming and length filtering below
  • alignments2: aligned sequence sets after coverage trimming and length filtering (see below)
  • alignments_exon: alignments with added exon sequences for partitioning (see below)
  • optrimal: working directory for dynamic alignment trimming with optrimAl (see below)
  • alignments_for_editing: output of optrimal step, will be manually edited and moved to:
  • alignments_edited: manually cleaned alignments (see below). Contains subfolders genetrees for iqtree results and done for processed alignments, allowing batch-wise treebuilding.
  • alignments_bad: blacklisted alignments, moved directly from alignments_for_editing.
  • speciestree: intermediate ASTRAL input and output (see below
  • treeshrink: output of TreeShrink step (see below)
  • alignments_edited2: manually cleaned alignments after 2nd cleaning step. Structure as in alignments_edited (see below)
  • alignments_edited2_newspp/done: contains cleaned alignments after adding last-minute species
  • final_tree_nofilter: gene and species trees for the inclusive analysis

Repository location on GIS07: ~/scripts/dypsidinae

Repository location on Macbook: ~/Documents/WOLF/PROJECTS/65 Dypsis systematics paper/~git/Dypsidinae_species_tree

Analysis folder on Macbook: ~/Documents/WOLF/PROJECTS/65 Dypsis systematics paper/analysis

1. Preparing data for analysis

Rename read files to four-digit names for compatibility with SECAPR. NB this has now options for ingroup and outgroup - check before running.

  1. Run to generate a bash script with file copy commands. Requires sampling.xls (adjust path in script!). This is the reason why a bash script is generated rather than using subprocess, as the sampling table is on my local computer but the renaming needs to be done on the server.

  2. Run from the data folder (see above). This creates a renamed copy of all files in original_datain original_data_renamed.

  3. Manually added a sample that has been resequenced as Dypsis-heterophylla-SBL179-repooled_*.fastq. Manually added to original_data_renamed as 0201_R*.fastq

2. Trimming

Assess pre-trimming data quality

SECAPR quality check (!has to be run from within secapr_env!)

secapr quality_check --input original_data_renamed --output fastqc_results/raw

This takes about 90 minutes on the server.

PDF results stored in repo in fastqc_results/raw.


Run in original_data renamed:

ls *R1* | parallel -j 4 ~/scripts/dypsidinae/

Trimmomatic settings used: ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE-2.fa:2:30:10:1:true LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 MAXINFO:40:0.5 MINLEN:36

Trimmomatic v. 0.39

This takes <90min on the server.

Alternative trimming (more stringent settings, 1.4.2020):

Run in original_data renamed:

ls *R1* | parallel -j 4 ~/scripts/dypsidinae/

Trimmomatic settings used: ILLUMINACLIP:/usr/local/bioinf/trimmomatic/Trimmomatic-0.39/adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa:2:30:10:1:true LEADING:30 TRAILING:30 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:36 AVGQUAL:30

Assess post-trimming data quality

Combine paired reads and singles again for comparability (created temporary directory trimmed_for_fastqc - this is deleted again after this step to save space). Run from within trimmed:

ls *READ1.fastq | parallel ~/scripts/dypsidinae/
secapr quality_check --input trimmed_for_fastqc --output fastqc_results/trimmed

Or for alternative trimming settings (see above):

secapr quality_check --input trimmed_for_fastqc --output fastqc_results/trimmed2

PDF results stored in repo in fastqc_results/trimmed/fastqc_results/trimmed2.

Based on comparing trimming results, it was decided to use the first trimming settings. I.e., all downstream analyses are based on the contents of trimmed.

3. Assembly

Combine unpaired reads into a single file:

Run in trimmed:

ls *1-single.fastq | parallel -j 16 ~/scripts/dypsidinae/

This merges ####_clean-READ1-single.fastq and ####_clean-READ2-single.fastq into a single file, ####_clean-READ12-single.fastq.

Generate name list:

Run in trimmed:

ls *READ2.* > namelist.txt
sed -i'.old' -e 's/_clean-READ2.fastq//g' namelist.txt
mv namelist.txt ../assembly/
rm namelist.txt.old

Execute HybPiper:

Run ~/scripts/dypsidinae/ from within assembly.

Get assembly stats:

From within assembly run:

python /usr/local/bioinf/HybPiper/ /data_vol/wolf/Heyduk_baits/sidonie/Heyduk_palms_exons_final_concatenated_corrected.fasta namelist.txt dna > test_seq_lengths.txt

python /usr/local/bioinf/HybPiper/ test_seq_lengths.txt namelist.txt > test_stats.txt

Do intronerate:

(generate new namelist if necessary, e.g. after excluding samples)

ls -d */ > namelist.txt
sed -i'.old' -e 's/\///g' namelist.txt


while read name; do (python /usr/local/bioinf/HybPiper/ --prefix $name &>> intronerate_out.txt); done < namelist.txt

Retrieve paralog information (see):

while read i
echo $i
python /usr/local/bioinf/HybPiper/ $i
done < namelist.txt

Paralogs found for 362 825 728 1013 168 985.

parallel "python /usr/local/bioinf/HybPiper/ namelist.txt {} > {}.paralogs.fasta" ::: 362 825 728 1013 168 985

4. Coverage trimming and length filtering

Create directory coverage for coverage trimming output.

In assembly, run:

while read name; do ~/scripts/dypsidinae/ $name; done < namelist.txt

NB Ensure that "supercontig" is chosen in the script rather than exon. This is currently done by (un)commenting two lines of code.

This script does the following:

  • Gather all contigs from each sample in one fasta file: coverage/sample.fasta
  • Map paired and unpaired reads to that fasta using BWA mem
  • Deduplicate reads using Picard
  • Calculate depth using samtools
  • Mask/strip any bases with coverage <2
  • Generate a new trimmed sample-level fasta: coverage/sample_trimmed.fasta

Then, in coverage, run:

ls *trimmed.fasta > filelist.txt
~/scripts/dypsidinae/ > outstats.csv

This script does the following:

  • Split the sample-level fasta files up and sorts their sequences into genes.
  • Remove any sequences shorter than 150bp or 20% of the median sequence length of the gene
  • Generate new gene fasta files in seq_sets2

These are ready for blacklisting and alignment.

5. Blacklisting

Run from seq_sets2 to clean up sequence names:

for f in *.FNA; do (sed -i'.old' -e $'s/-[0-9]\+[p,n,s,e]* [0-9]\+-[0-9]\+[p,n,s,e]*_[0-9]\+[p,n,s,e]* [0-9]\+-[0-9]\+[p,n,s,e]*//g' $f); done
rm *.old 

Remove blacklisted taxa from all sequence sets and tidy up file names.

python3 /home/au265104/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/amas/ remove -x 0016 0056 0094 0192 0147 0200 0165 0096 0186 0064 0127 0093 -d dna -f fasta -i *FNA -u fasta
for f in *-out.fas; do (mv $f ${f/-out.fas}); done

NB: The black list is currently hard coded in this command. Add further blacklisted species to the argument -x.

6. Alignment

Run from seq_sets2:

for f in reduced_*; do (linsi --thread 16 $f > ../alignments2/${f/.FNA}_aligned.fasta); done

7. Mapping exons to alignments

In alignments2, run:


This creates new alignments in alignments_exon that contain the original alignments plus the exon sequences of the two species that had the highest recovery success at each locus.

8. Gap trimming

Copy alignments to new directory optrimal (this is necessary as the alignments will get deleted):

mkdir optrimal
cp alignments_exon/*.fasta optrimal

In that directory, generate cutoff_trim.txt with desired -gt values to be tested.

Then, from optrimal:

Prepare alignments:

# replace n's with gaps in alignmenets - this will otherwise trip up TrimAl
for f in *.fasta; do (sed -i'.old' -e 's/n/-/g' $f); done
# change back "exo" to "exon"
for f in *.fasta; do (sed -i'.old' -e 's/exo-/exon/g' $f); done

Run optrimal:

# create summary tables for all thresholds specified
# create summary table for the raw alignments
python3 /home/au265104/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/amas/ summary -f fasta -d dna -i *.fasta
mv summary.txt summary_0.txt
rm *.fasta
Rscript --vanilla ~/scripts/dypsidinae/optrimAl.R

NB: optrimAL.R was modified as to NOT discard alignments with data loss exceeding 30% (cf. Shee et al. 2020). Excessive "data loss" is probably an artefact of alignment error.

Some of the alignments generated by optrimal may contain empty sequences. To remove these, run (in optrimal):

for f in *.fasta;do(~/scripts/dypsidinae/ $f);done
reduced_1171_aligned_noempty.fasta has 1 empty sequences removed
reduced_120_aligned_noempty.fasta has 2 empty sequences removed
reduced_326_aligned_noempty.fasta has 2 empty sequences removed
reduced_392_aligned_noempty.fasta has 2 empty sequences removed
reduced_874_aligned_noempty.fasta has 8 empty sequences removed
reduced_938_aligned_noempty.fasta has 3 empty sequences removed
reduced_982_aligned_noempty.fasta has 1 empty sequences removed

Copy alignments to alignments_for_editing.

9. Manual editing

At this stage, each alignment needs to be scrutinised and cleaned by hand as follows:

  1. Move (not copy) the alignment you want to edit from alignments_for_editing to a place of your choice.
  2. Make all necessary edits, and save the edited version in alignments_edited.

If alignments are found to be overall wrong or doubtful (e.g. alignment patterns indicate the presence of paralogs/chimeric sequences), these should be moved to alignments_bad and excluded from further analysis.

10. Tree building

Once a reasonable number of alignments has been saved in alignments_edited, run


from this folder. This script will

  • run ~/scripts/dypsidinae/ with a smoothing parameter of 10bp (i.e. ignoring any mini-partitions <10bp long) to generate RAxML-style partition files called *_part.txt, and remove the exon sequences from the alignment (new alignment file saved as *_clean.fasta)
  • run iqtree with model search and 1000 fast bootstrap replicates
  • move iqtree outputs and partition files to alignments_edited/genetrees, renaming *.treefile to \*.tre for convenience
  • move the original edited alignment to alignments_edited/done
  • remove the *_clean.fasta
  • reroot genetrees on Loxococcus, collapse all internal nodes with UFBS<30%, and gather the trees ina file genetrees.txt in Dypsis/speciestree
  • run ASTRAL (output: speciestree/astral.log and speciestree/astral_tree.tre)
  • calculate EQP-IC (output: speciestree/astral_tree_QS.tre)
  • rename taxa in LPP and EQP-IC trees (output: speciestree/*renamed.tre)

Importantly, this script will overwrite anything that already exists for an alignment in alignments_edited/genetrees or alignments_edited/done. This is on purpose, as it allows an iterative process: If you check a genetree in alignments_edited/done and find that it, e.g., still contains conspicuously long branches, and decide to give the alignment another round of editing, all you need to do is move it back into alignments_edited, make your changes, and run again.

Also, it will overwrite the contents of speciestree!!

11. Diagnosing remaining errors using TreeShrink

Create directory Dypsis/treeshrink.

From alignments_edit, run:


This creates a folder structure suitable for TreeShrink in treeshrink.

From treeshrink, run:

python3 ~/software/TreeShrink/ -i . -t input.tre

12. Manual editing 2nd round

All alignments that yielded gene trees with anomalously long branches (see previous step) were checked again with focus on the species flagged by TreeShrink. However, alignments in which only outgroup species were flagged by TreeShrink were not checked (assuming that these were likely false positives). Corrected alignments, as well as the alignments not flagged by TreeShrink, were moved to alignments_edited2.

13. Adding last-minute samples

Some additional samples that were sequenced at the last minute were added to the edited alignments, which were then checked again manually.

The new samples were trimmed, assembled, coverage trimmed and compiled in sequence sets separately, using the same code as described here in 1-4.

The sequence sets of the new samples are stored in seq_sets_newspp.

NB sequence names in sequence sets need cleaning prior to alignment as described in 5.

To create combined alignments, create alignments_edited2_newspp and run from Dypsis:


14. Manual editing 3rd round

In all new alignments, the newly added species were checked for assembly- or alignment artefacts as described above, then moved to alignments_edited2_newspp/edited. NB: After a first round of gene tree building, alignments were checked again and edited some more. The final alignments are now in alignments_edited2_newspp/edited_again.

15. Fix intronerate error

In seven species (0003, 0008, 0010, 0017, 0061, 0105, 0110), an unnoticed error in resulted in missing supercontigs. For those species, the intronerate step was repeated with the development version of the script. The contigs were then added to the relevant alignments, and their alignment checked for assembly- or alignment errors as described above. These edited alignments are in alignments_fix_intronerate. See also here.

SECAPR Species
0003 Dypsis albofarinosa
0008 Dypsis ankirindro
0010 Dypsis arenarum
0017 Dypsis betsimisarakae
0061 Dypsis rabepierrei
0105 Dypsis mijoroana
0110 Dypsis nossibensis

16. Gather final alignments

From data folder:

mkdir alignments_final
cp alignments_edited2_newspp/edited_again/* alignments_final
cd alignments_edited2/done
for f in *.fasta
	if [ ! -f "../../alignments_edited2_newspp/edited/$f" ] ; then
    	cp $f ../../alignments_final
cd ../../alignments_fix_intronerate
for f in *.fasta
	rm ../alignments_final/${f/-out.fasta}
	cp $f ../alignments_final/${f/-out.fasta}

17. Prep for final tree building

Copy alignments to final_tree_nofilter/iqtree. Then, run in this folder:

for f in *.fasta; do(sed -i'.old' -e 's/ [0-9]\+ bp//g' $f); done
rm *.old
python3 /home/au265104/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/amas/ remove -x 0075 0076 0157 0197 0159 0164 2013 2016 0119 2017 -d dna -f fasta -i *.fasta -u fasta -g red_
rm reduced*
for f in *.fas; do (mv $f ${f#red_}ta); done

to remove multiple sequences of same individual and blacklist some problematic samples, namely:

SECAPR no species reason
0119, 2013 D. sahanofensis polyphyletic, one of them wrongly named?
2016 "D. ifanadianae" sample mix-up, most likely Masoala sp. nov.
0159 D humblotiana v. poor data, new sample placed more meaningfully
0164 D. lanceolata v. poor data, new sample placed more meaningfully

NB: The alignments that were affected by the intronerate error already had those species removed. This needs to be addressed if those species are ever to be put back into the cleaned alignments.

18. Tree building 2nd round

In final_tree_nofilter/iqtree, run:

~/scripts/dypsidinae/ --smoother 10
for f in *_part.txt; do (cp $f ${f/_part.txt}_clean.part); done
ls *clean.fasta | parallel -j 6 ~/software/iqtree-2.0.6-Linux/bin/iqtree2 -s {} -T AUTO -ntmax 4 -p {.}.part -B 1000

Build species tree:

for f in *.treefile
	~/scripts/dypsidinae/ $f
	nw_ed temp.tre 'i & (b<30)' o >> ../astral/genetrees.tre 
	rm temp.tre[[:digit:][:punct:]E]\+
cd ../astral
java -jar ~/software/Astral/astr[[:digit:]\.\-E]\+al.5.7.3.jar -i genetrees.tre -o astral_tree.tre  2> astral.log
# ~/scripts/dypsidinae/ ../../rename.csv astral_tree.tre astral_tree_renamed.tre
java -jar ~/software/Astral/astral.5.7.3.jar -q astral_tree.tre -i genetrees.tre -o astral_tree_full_annot.tre -t 2 2> annotation.log





19. Generate main tree figure

NB: All R scripts have to be run locally, NOT on linospadix - otherwise data loss can occur.

Use main_figure.R interactively.

20. Create gene tree figures for supplement

Use genetrees2.R.

21. Alignment statistics: intron vs exon statistics

In iqtree, run:

python3 /home/au265104/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/amas/ summary -f fasta -d dna -i *_clean.fasta
#mv summary.txt summary_all.txt
mkdir stats # copy alignments and partition files to separate dir for splitting into exons and introns
cp *.part stats
cp *_clean.fasta stats
cd stats
for f in *.part # reformat partition files for AMAS
	sed -i'.old' -e's/DNA, //g' $f
for f in *clean.fasta # split alignments into intron and exon
python3 /home/au265104/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/amas/ split -f fasta -d dna -i $f -l ${f/_clean.fasta}_clean.part -u fasta
python3 /home/au265104/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/amas/ summary -f fasta -d dna -i *exon-out.fas
mv summary.txt summary_exon.txt
python3 /home/au265104/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/amas/ summary -f fasta -d dna -i *intron-out.fas
mv summary.txt summary_intron.txt

Then use alignment_stats.R to generate raw table.