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Kinbo-E: An online shop for buying music

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Make sure to have the following versions installed:

Rails: 5.2.0
Ruby: 2.5.1
Postgresql: 9.6 or above


A step by step series of commands to get a development env running

Clone the repo:
cd ecommerce-demo
bundle install
rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails s


  • Devise Authentication for admin and users
  • Image upload using carrierwave
  • Admin Panel using rails_admin gem. Access admin panel with the url '/admin'
  • Admin can add categories, products from the admin panel
  • Basic Search implemented where you can search by music genres or by album name through the search bar.
  • See list of products
  • Add item to cart
  • Remove item from cart
  • Increase item quantity in cart
  • Decrease item quantity in cart
  • Add shipping address to cart order
  • Add billing address to cart order
  • add delivery type to cart order
  • add payment type to cart order
  • Confirm order
  • Reset cart after order confirmation

See Live Demo

  • Admin credentials:
     password: iknownothing
  • please note: Having problems with image load on heroku free instance