This script generates estimated coverage information for paired-end fastq files (Illumina WGS data). No dependencies needed - runs smoothly on Linux or Mac as this is a pure Bash script. Should generate outcomes within seconds. You will need raw paired-end fastq files (R1 and R2) and genome assemblies to estimate the coverage.
The calculation of coverage is based the Lander/Waterman equation:
C = LN / G
Where coverage (C) based on read length (L), number of reads (N), and genome size (G) from
$ -h
This bash script calculates actual sequencing coverage(X)
Fasta assembly and raw fastq files (paired-end) are needed
Usage: / [options] fastq_R1 fastq_R2 fasta_assembly
-r insert size (default=125)
-h print usage and exit
-a print author and exit
-v print version and exit
Version 2.0
Author: Raymond Kiu
$ ./ -r INSERT_SIZE R1.fastq R2.fastq ASSEMBLY.fasta
You will need R1 and R2 raw fastq files (paired-end) and a genome assembly (draft genome will do) to compute the coverage, or sequencing depth (X). This is based on the fact that Illumina raw fastq files have the same insert size for every read.
- Additionally you will need the insert size (or read length) for the fastq files, to quickly generate this:
$ head -n 2 R1.fastq |tail -n 2|wc -c
$ 250
This is actually printing the second line of the fastq file and calculate the AGTC counts as follows:
WARNING: Using the wrong insert size will bias the outcomes and accuracy. Also this script is designed to calculate microbial genomes not tested on eukaryotic genomes.
It will generate tab-delimited standard outputs e.g.:
Sample Insert Reads Genome Coverage(X)
CA-68.fna 250 1014649 2499579 202
- Insert: insert size in bp
- Reads: total read counts in both paired-end fastq files
- Genome: Size (bp) of genome assembly supplied
- Coverage(X): estimated sequencing depth of the genome
This script has been tested on Linux OS, it should run smoothly with no dependencies needed. Please report any issues to the issues page.
If you use fastq-info for results in your publication, please cite:
- Kiu R, fastq-info: compute estimated sequencing depth (coverage) of prokaryotic genomes, GitHub
Raymond Kiu