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File metadata and controls

256 lines (173 loc) · 8.14 KB


⚠️ This project is a WIP and not yet functional. All configuration is subject to change.

Ramon is a lightweight, versatile server monitoring framework. It runs actions (e.g. sending emails) when certain conditions are met. For example, you can configure Ramon to send an email every time an SSH connection from a new IP address is established. Or send an email when a service goes down. Perhaps you would like daily emails of any 5xx server errors that occurred. Ramon makes this easy.

Ramon's design is heavily inspired by fail2ban and Tasker.



smtp = "localhost:587"
from = ""
to = ""
limit = "10/m"
# When a notification is dispatched, wait 10 seconds to see
# if another notification with the same id is dispatched,
# and aggregate them into one notification. If this process
# repeats for longer than 1 minute, send the notification immediately.
aggregate = "10s"
aggregate_timeout = "1m"
notify = "default"

# Aggregate all info notifications, and send them all in
# one email at 8:00AM daily.
aggregate = "0 8 * * *"

# Do not aggregate critical notifications.
aggregate = 0


# Log each login from a new IP
service = "ssh"
match_log = '^.*\]: Accepted \S+ for (?<user>\S+) from (?<ip>)'
unique = "ip"
notify = { type = "critical", title = "New SSH login from {{ip}} to {{user}}@{{host}}" }

System resources

[monitor.cpu] # Monitor
every = "1s" # Event
if = "cpu > 90"
threshold = "2m" # Condition
notify = { type = "warn", title = "[{{host}}] CPU > 90% for 2m" } # Action
cooldown = "1h" # Condition

every = "1s"
if = "ram > 90 && swap > 50"
notify = { type = "warn", title = "[{{host}}] RAM: {{ram}}%, swap: {{swap}}%" }
cooldown = "1h"


nginx_log = "/var/log/nginx/access.log"

log = "{{nginx_log}}"
match_log = '^\S+ \S+ \S+ \[.+\] "(?<path>.*)" (?<code>5\d{2})'
notify = { type = "error", title = "Server error: {{code}} at {{path}}" }


every = "5m"
get_fail = ""
notify = { type = "error", title = "{{url}}: {{err}}" }


on = [ "service_fail" ]
notify = { type = "error", title = "Service failed: {{service}}" }

service = "criticald"
on = [ "service_fail" ]
notify = { type = "critical", title = "Critical daemon failed! Restarting..." }

System integrity

watch = "/etc/passwd"
notify = { type = "critical", title = "File changed: /etc/passwd" }

on = [ "port_open" ]
notify = { type = "critical", title = "New port opened: {{port}}" }


# The following three monitors function identically.

# ...
exec = 'echo "Cpu: $cpu%"'

# ...
exec = ["echo", "Cpu:", "{{cpu}}%"]

exec = ["echo", "Cpu:", "{{cpu}}%"]
# ...
call = "print_cpu"

Specification (WIP)

On startup, Ramon loads [an internal config file] with sane defaults, and then it loads /etc/ramon.d/*.toml, and finally it loads /etc/ramon.toml. Each succeeding config file overwrites any properties loaded prior.*


Monitors are configured by creating a table in the [monitor] table (e.g. [monitor.example]). Each key in a monitor is classified as an event, a condition, or an action. A monitor must have at least one event. When an event is fired, the monitor evaluates each condition, and if they are all true, then the actions are performed. Monitors can share data with each other through variables.


service string

This event is fired every time the specified services output a line to the systemd journal.

Local variables
  • service name of the service

log file (string)

This event is fired for every line that is appended to the specified files.

watch* glob (string), or array of globs

This event is fired each time the contents of a file change.

Local variables
  • file the path to the file that changed

every duration (string)

This event is fired immediately, and then at the specified interval. A value of "1ms" fires every millisecond, "1s" every second, "1m" minute, "1h" hour, "1d" day, "1w" week, and "1mon" fires every month.

every = "1m"
notify = { title = 'The current timestamp is {{ exec("date", "+%s") }}.' }

at* cron (string)

This event is fired at the specified date and time. Refer to for help.

on* string or array of strings

This key allows the monitor to listen to one or more of the following events:

  • service_fail is fired when a systemd service fails. Sets service to the failing service's name.
  • port_forwarded is fired when a new port is open on your public IP address. Sets port (number) to the opened port.
  • port_closed is fired when a public port is closed. Sets port (number) to the closed port.


Conditions are evaluated sequentially in order of priority. Higher priority (least negative) conditions are evaluated before lower priority conditions. The priority is listed in brackets after the key.

cooldown [-10] duration (string)

This condition is true if actions have not been run within the specified duration.

every = "1s"
cooldown = "1m"
exec = "echo I will never run more than once per minute."

match_log [-20] regex (string)

This condition is true if the line matches the specified regular expressions. This condition only applies to events from log or service. If this key is an array, all regular expressions must match.

Named capture groups defined in the regular expression will become available as local variables to the following conditions and actions.

ignore_log [-21] regex (string)

This condition is true if the line does not match the specified regular expression. This condition only applies to events from log or service.

unique [-30] variable (string)

This condition is true if the specified variable has not been seen before. Ramon will cache these values in a text file at /var/cache/ramon/unique_<monitor name>.

get_fail* [-45] string or array of strings

This condition makes an HTTP GET request to the specified URLs and evaluates to true if any status code is not 200. If the URL begins with /, then https://{{host}} is prepended to the URL, allowing you to omit the scheme and hostname.

Local variables
  • err description of first error
  • status number or array of numbers that correspond with the URLs

if* [-50] string

This condition allows you to compare different values.

threshold [-90] string

This condition is true if every preceding condition has been true at least n times within d duration. The format of this key is "n/d".

log = "/var/log/server/error.log"
threshold = "3/1m"
notify = { title = "Three server errors occured within one minute!" }


Actions are run when an event fires and all conditions are true.

exec string or array of strings

This action spawns a child process. If this key is a string, it's passed as an argument to sh -c (*nix) or cmd /C (Windows)*, and variables are passed to the child through the environment. If this key is an array, the first item is the binary, and the remaining items are passed as arguments; variables can be passed to the child as arguments via templates.

ℹ️ Note: Processes are assumed to be short-lived; they will not be killed when Ramon exits.

notify table or string

This action sends a notification via email, PushBullet, etc. If this key is a string, it is treated as the title, and it's sent without a body. If this key is a table, it can have the following keys:

  • type the configuration to use (default: "default")
  • title the title of the notification (default: "Ramon Notification")
  • body the body


  • Not yet implemented