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Protocol Documentation

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Local encoding of virtual device. Defines how it is presented to apps.

Field Type Label Description
sample_rate uint32 optional Virtual device sample rate, in Hertz (e.g. 44100). Keep unset to use default.
channel_layout RvChannelLayout optional Virtual device channel layout (e.g. stereo). Keep unset to use default.
buffer_length google.protobuf.Duration optional Virtual device buffer size. Keep unset to use default.


Virtual device info.

Field Type Label Description
type RvDeviceType Device type. Each virtual device can be either sender (output device) or receiver (input device). Required field.
index uint32 optional Device index identifier. Index is a small numeric value that is reused for new devices after device deletion. When retrieving device info, always present and non-zero. When creating device, keep unset to automaitcally select free index. When set, should not be zero.
uid string optional Device UID identifier. UID is a long string identifier, unique across all audio devices, and very unlikely to be ever reused. When retrieving device info, always present and non-empty. When creating device, keep unset to generate random UID. When set, should not be empty.
name string optional Human-readable device name. Device name is shown to the user in UI. When retrieving device info, always present and non-empty. When creating device, keep unset to generate name automatically. When set, should not be empty.
enabled bool optional Whether device is active and visible to the user. Device can be disabled to remove it from system without losing configuration, and then re-enabled later. When retrieving device info, always present and non-empty. When creating device, if this field is unset or set to true, devices is enabled emmediately, and if it's set to false, it's created disabled.
device_encoding RvDeviceEncoding Local encoding of device. Parameters of virtual device, as it's shown to the apps.
sender_config RvSenderConfig Configuration for sender device. Should be used if device type is RV_DEVICE_TYPE_SENDER.
receiver_config RvReceiverConfig Configuration for receiver device. Should be used if device type is RV_DEVICE_TYPE_RECEIVER.
local_endpoints RvEndpointInfo repeated List of local endpoints on which device is receiving traffic or control requests. Local endpoints can be added intially via add_device() or on fly via bind().
remote_endpoints RvEndpointInfo repeated List of remote endpoints to which device is sending traffic or control requests. Remote endpoints can be added intially via add_device() or on fly via connect().


Virtual device list.

Field Type Label Description
devices RvDeviceInfo repeated


Virtual device selector.

Field Type Label Description
index uint32 Select device by index.
uid string Select device by UID.


Info about driver.

Field Type Label Description
version string Driver version (comes from git tag).
commit string Driver commit hash (comes from git commit).


Endpoint description.

Field Type Label Description
slot uint32 optional Slot to which this endpoint belongs. Slot is a group of related endpoints, like complementary transport and control stream pair connecting two peers. Multiple slots can be used to connect a sender to a few remote addresses, or to bind a receiver to a few different local addresses. When an endpoint is bound or connected, specified slot is created automatically if it does not exist yet. When retrieving endpoint info, always present. When sending endpoint info, keep unset to use default slot (0).
interface RvInterface Interface to which this endpoint attached. Interface defines type of data transfered via endpoint, and list of allowed endpoint protocols (URI schemas). Each slot can have up to one endpoint of every interface type, e.g. one source endpoint and one control endpoint.
uri string URI is address associated with endpoint. For local endpoint, URI defines address to which endpoint is bound. For remote endpoint, URI defines address to which endpoint is connected. Allowed URI schemas are defined by endpoint interface.


Endpoint bind or connect request.

Field Type Label Description
device RvDeviceSelector Virtual device to which request is send.
endpoint RvEndpointInfo New local or remote endpoint to be bound or connected.


Driver log message.

Field Type Label Description
time google.protobuf.Timestamp Absolute time when message was generated.
level RvLogEntry.Level Message level.
text string Formatted message text (without time and level).


No data.


Network packet encoding. Defines how samples are encoded when sent over network.

Field Type Label Description
encoding_id uint32 Encoding identifier (arbitrary 8-bit number). You should use the same numbers on sender and receiver to identifiy encodings.
sample_rate uint32 Sample rate, in Hertz (e.g. 44100).
sample_format RvSampleFormat Sample format (e.g. 16-bit PCM).
channel_layout RvChannelLayout Channel layout (e.g. stereo).


Parameters of receiver device.

Field Type Label Description
packet_encodings RvPacketEncoding repeated Non-standard encodings for network packets. If your senders use non-standard packet encodings, you should also list them on receiver using the same encoding identifiers. Multiple encodings can be specified for the case when different senders use different custom encodings.
latency_tuner_backend RvLatencyTunerBackend optional Latency tuning algorithm. Keep unset to use default.
latency_tuner_profile RvLatencyTunerProfile optional Latency tuning profile. Keep unset to use default.
resampler_backend RvResamplerBackend optional Resampling algorithm. Keep unset to use default.
resampler_profile RvResamplerProfile optional Resampling quality. Keep unset to use default.
target_latency google.protobuf.Duration optional Target latency. Keep unset to use default.
latency_tolerance google.protobuf.Duration optional Maximum deviation of latency from target. Keep unset to disable.
no_playback_timeout google.protobuf.Duration optional Timeout for the lack of playback. Keep unset to use default.
choppy_playback_timeout google.protobuf.Duration optional Timeout for choppy playback. Keep unset to use default.


Parameters of sender device.

Field Type Label Description
packet_encoding RvPacketEncoding optional Non-standard encoding for network packets. If you use non-default device encoding (e.g. change sample rate), you should also explicitly provide packet encoding on both sender and receiver, using the same encoding id.
packet_length google.protobuf.Duration optional Duration of a single packet. Keep unset to use default.
packet_interleaving bool optional Enable packet interleaving. Keep unset to use default.
fec_encoding RvFecEncoding optional Forward Error Correction encoding. Keep unset to use default.
fec_block_source_packets uint32 optional Number of source packets per FEC block. Keep unset to use default.
fec_block_repair_packets uint32 optional Number of repair packets per FEC block. Keep unset to use default.
latency_tuner_backend RvLatencyTunerBackend optional Latency tuning algorithm. Use only if you need sender-side latency tuning. Keep unset to disable.
latency_tuner_profile RvLatencyTunerProfile optional Latency tuning profile. Use only if you need sender-side latency tuning. Keep unset to disable.
resampler_backend RvResamplerBackend optional Resampling algorithm. Keep unset to use default.
resampler_profile RvResamplerProfile optional Resampling quality. Keep unset to use default.
target_latency google.protobuf.Duration optional Target latency. Use only if you need sender-side latency tuning. Keep unset to disable.
latency_tolerance google.protobuf.Duration optional Maximum deviation of latency from target. Use only if you need sender-side latency tuning. Keep unset to disable.


Device enable/disable request.

Field Type Label Description
device RvDeviceSelector Virtual device to which request is send.
enabled bool Should device be enabled or disabled.


Channel layout. Defines what channel count and their meaning.

Name Number Description
RV_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO 0 One monochromatic channel.
RV_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO 1 Two channels: left and right.


Device type. Defines whether device will be input (receiver) or output (sender).

Name Number Description
RV_DEVICE_TYPE_SENDER 0 Output device that sends sound to remote receiver.
RV_DEVICE_TYPE_RECEIVER 1 Input device that receives sound from remote sender.


Forward Error Correction encoding. Defines method for repairing lost packets to improve quality on unreliable networks.

Name Number Description
RV_FEC_ENCODING_RS8M 2 Reed-Solomon FEC encoding (RFC 6865) with m=8. Good for small block sizes (below 256 packets).
RV_FEC_ENCODING_LDPC_STAIRCASE 3 LDPC-Staircase FEC encoding (RFC 6816). Good for large block sizes (above 1024 packets).


Endpoint interface type.

Name Number Description
RV_INTERFACE_CONSOLIDATED 0 Interface that consolidates all types of streams.
RV_INTERFACE_AUDIO_SOURCE 1 Interface for audio stream source data.
RV_INTERFACE_AUDIO_REPAIR 2 Interface for audio stream repair data.
RV_INTERFACE_AUDIO_CONTROL 3 Interface for audio control messages.


Latency tuner backend. Defines which latency is monitored and adjusted.

Name Number Description
RV_LATENCY_TUNER_BACKEND_DEFAULT 0 Select best backend automatically.
RV_LATENCY_TUNER_BACKEND_NIQ 2 Latency tuning based on network incoming queue length.


Latency tuner profile. Defines whether latency tuning is enabled and which algorithm is used.

Name Number Description
RV_LATENCY_TUNER_PROFILE_DEFAULT 0 Select best profile automatically.
RV_LATENCY_TUNER_PROFILE_INTACT 1 No latency tuning. Expect regular underruns or overruns.
RV_LATENCY_TUNER_PROFILE_RESPONSIVE 2 Responsive latency tuning. Clock speed is adjusted quickly and accurately.
RV_LATENCY_TUNER_PROFILE_GRADUAL 3 Gradual latency tuning. Clock speed is adjusted slowly and smoothly.


Name Number Description


Resampler backend. Affects speed and quality.

Name Number Description
RV_RESAMPLER_BACKEND_DEFAULT 0 Select best backend automatically.
RV_RESAMPLER_BACKEND_BUILTIN 1 CPU-demanding good-quality built-in resampler. Works fine with any latency.
RV_RESAMPLER_BACKEND_SPEEX 2 Fast good-quality resampler from SpeexDSP. Works fine with higher latency.
RV_RESAMPLER_BACKEND_SPEEXDEC 3 Lower quiality fast resampler combining SpeexDSP and decimation. Works fine with any latency.


Resampler profile. Affects speed and quality. Each resampler backend treats profile in its own way.

Name Number Description
RV_RESAMPLER_PROFILE_DEFAULT 0 Select default profile.
RV_RESAMPLER_PROFILE_HIGH 1 High quality, low speed.
RV_RESAMPLER_PROFILE_MEDIUM 2 Medium quality, medium speed.
RV_RESAMPLER_PROFILE_LOW 3 Low quality, high speed.


Sample format. Defines how audio samples are encoded.

Name Number Description
ROC_FORMAT_PCM_SINT16 0 Uncompressed PCM, 16-bit signed integers, network endian.


RPC interface for Roc Virtual Audio Device driver.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
ping RvNone RvNone Check driver presence. This command does nothing and just returns success.
driver_info RvNone RvDriverInfo Get driver info.
stream_logs RvNone RvLogEntry stream Stream driver logs to client. Logs are duplicated to all clients that want to stream them. Logs are also duplicated to syslog.
get_all_devices RvNone RvDeviceList Get info for all virtual devices.
get_device RvDeviceSelector RvDeviceInfo Get info for one virtual device. Device can be selected by index or UID.
add_device RvDeviceInfo RvDeviceInfo Create new virtual device. Returns updated device info with all fields set.
delete_device RvDeviceSelector RvNone Delete virtual device. Device can be selected by index or UID.
toggle_device RvToggleRequest RvNone Enable or disable device. Device can be selected by index or UID.
bind RvEndpointRequest RvEndpointInfo Bind device to local endpoint.
connect RvEndpointRequest RvEndpointInfo Connect device to remote endpoint.

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)