If you want to contribute a new pattern, the workflow is done through Branches and Pull Requests (PR's). You can see the available branches on the branches URL and existing PR's on the Pull Request page. Branches are meant to separate content, so that multiple people can work all at once. Pull Requests (PR's) are used to bring discussion/review about a specific inner source pattern.
There are indeed multiple ways to start a discussion:
- Send a Pull Request for your branch and the maintainers will receive a notification.
- Create an Issue and ask for comments from some of the maintainers. You can mention them using the '@' symbol prior to their github nickname.
- Add reviewers to the Pull Request on the website - this sends requests to review your work
New patterns should use, as their base, the pattern template file.
Please, when starting a new pattern, make sure that it does not already exist. Take a look at some of the existing patterns in this repository.
The basic steps below can be thought of as branch, commit, pull request, and review.
First you need to create a branch (no need to ask for permission!). For this, let's clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/paypal/InnerSourcePatterns.git
Then you should see a message similar to the following one:
Cloning into 'InnerSourcePatterns'...
remote: Counting objects: 73, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (37/37), done.
remote: Total 73 (delta 35), reused 73 (delta 35), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (73/73), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
This means that you successfully cloned the repository. Then we need to access the directory and check that everything is as expected.
$ cd InnerSourcePatterns/
$ ls
first-test.md README.md second-test.md third-test.md workflow.md
$ git branch
* master
$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
The command 'git branch' shows you which branch you are currently working within. And with 'git branch -a' you see additional branches which are local (on desktop) and remote (on the web). There is extra information using the command '$ man git branch' in linux based systems.
Next, in order to create a new branch as a way to start creating a new pattern,
you need to 'checkout' that branch. As a common nomenclature, all of the
pattern-related branches should start with the keyword pattern/
. Thus, a new
branch with a new pattern named as foo should be as follows:
$ git checkout -b pattern/foo
You are now in the 'pattern/foo' branch. When you create a new branch, the files in the directory might appear to have changed. Each branch can have slightly different content, and that is intentional. If you need to go back to the 'master' branch or another branch, you can easily 'checkout' to those as follows:
$ git checkout <branchname>
Let's imagine we want to create a new pattern related to the activities of the Ewoks - they gave up hunting for some reason. We should choose some initial name for this pattern file. We will use 'ewoks-do-not-hunt.md'.
$ git checkout -b pattern/ewoks-do-not-hunt
$ touch ewoks-do-not-hunt.md
You can fill your markdown file with the pattern template text and begin to fill it in with your pattern.
Once our pattern file is ready to go, we need to add the file to the repo and commit that change to our new branch.
$ git add ewoks-do-not-hunt.md
$ git commit -m "Inner Source Pattern to deal with Ewoks that do not hunt"
And we should finally upload that branch and file to the server.
$ git push origin pattern/ewoks-do-not-hunt
Then, if you feel the pattern is ready to be reviewed, you can start a Pull Request (PR) asking to join your new branch to the github master branch. To do this, navigate to the github web repo and get into your new branch. You should see a 'Create pull request' button while in your branch.
PR's are the mechanism we use for our multi-step Review process. See next steps in Interacting with Pattern Reviews.