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Example 4: Assignment

In this exercise, we take the previous exercise and build a simple programming language on top of the expression evaluator, starting from a variable assignment command and command sequencing.

Version 1: Assignment with explicit substitution

For the first attempt (cf. assignment.k), we still evaluate expressions using an explicit substitution. We extend the syntax of the previous exercise with statements, as follows:


   // A statement is
   syntax Stmt ::=  
      // either an assignment
      Id "=" IExp ";"
      // or a (left-associative) sequence of statements 
      | Stmt Stmt [left]


For the semantics, the K cell needs to contain the statement to be executed, and we also no longer hard-code the store variables, but instead start from an empty store (denoted by .Map):

      // K cell, containing the stmt to be evaluated
      <k> $PGM:Stmt </k>
      // Variable store, modelled as a K map, initially empty
      <store> .Map </store>

The evaluation of expressions remains the same, and is followed by the evaluation of statements, defined as follows:

   // Assignment
      <k> ID = IE ; => . ... </k>
      <mem> MEM => MEM [ ID <- substI(IE, MEM) ] </mem>

   // Sequencing
      <k> S1:Stmt S2:Stmt => S1 ~> S2 ... </k>

The assignment rule features a rewriting rule in both components of the configuration. In the K cell, it "consumes" the leading assignment command, ID = IE;, leaving . behind (more on this shortly). The value of the variable being assigned to, ID, is updated in the variable store to the evaluation of the expression being assigned, IE, in the current store, STORE.

The sequencing rule simply sets up the evaluation so that the statement S1 is evaluated first and the statement S2 second. To illustrate this better, consider the sequence X = 5; Y = 3; Z = 2; and consider only the contents of the K cell during its evaluation. First, recalling that sequencing is left-associative, the sequencing rule rewrites the given sequence to X = 5; ~> Y = 3; Z = 2;. Then, the assignment rule executes X = 5, leaving . ~> Y = 3; Z = 2; (and updating the variable store appropriately). Finally, using a built-in rewriting rule, . ~> S => S, K rewrites this to Y = 3; Z = 2; and the evaluation continues with the next assignment.

Version 2: Assignment with deterministic evaluation order

Writing the substitution explicitly is tedious, and would not scale for larger languages. For this reason, K provides mechanisms that significantly automate this process, which we illustrate in assignment-strict.k).

First, in the syntax, we annotate operators with the seqstrict attribute (given below for integer arithmetic expressions):

   // An integer expression is either an integer value or a variable identifier
   syntax IExp ::= Int | Id 
   // or any of the arithmetic operators
   syntax IExp ::=  IExp "^" IExp [seqstrict]
                  | IExp "*" IExp [seqstrict]
                  | IExp "/" IExp [seqstrict]
                  > IExp "+" IExp [seqstrict]
                  | IExp "-" IExp [seqstrict]
   // or a bracketed integer expression
   syntax IExp ::= "(" IExp ")" [bracket]

which, essentially, means that the sub-expressions of the given binary operators are to be evaluated deterministically, left-to-right. To make the order non-deterministic, you could use the strict attribute instead. We also need to tell K when the evaluation should stop (in this case, when we've reached an integer or a Boolean value), and this is done by extending the K built-in KResult sort, as follows:

   syntax KResult ::= Int | Bool

The semantics is substantially simplified in that there is no more substitution, and the expression evaluation is formulated straightforwardly, as illusatrated by the following excerpt:

   // Base case: Variables evaluate to their values in the store
      <k> I:Id => STORE[I] ... </k>
      <store> STORE </store>

   // Arithmetic operators 
   rule <k> I1 + I2 => I1 +Int I2 ... </k>
   rule <k> I1 - I2 => I1 -Int I2 ... </k>

In particular, operator evaluation has the same complexity (simplicity) as in the first and second exercises, with the only difference being that they explicitly make use of the K cell (<k> ... </k>). The semantics of the assignment is also slightly modified to state that the value being assigned is an integer, rather than an integer expression:

   // Assignment
      <k> ID = I:Int ; => . ... </k>
      <store> STORE => STORE [ ID <- I ] </store>

Compiling and running the exercise(s)

Follow the instructions from the top-level README file to compile these two exercises and run the provided tests. Create some further examples to check if the two approaches return the same (and expected) results.