This is an application that was developped during the Apps For Ghent Hackaton (17/03/'18).
The goal was to come up with an idea and convert that in to an application over the time period of 7 hours, the only condition being that we made use of the Open data provided by Ghent.
This app shows the runningroutes in Ghent retrieved from their open data. This is done by converting Google Polylines and adding them on a Google Map via their API's.
On top of that there is a TileOverlay that shows the pollution level per street. This way a runner can pick a healthier route!
Due to not being able to fix the pollution WMS in time, the working example makes use of the world population.
- Butterknife
- OkHttp
- Retrofit
- Google Services
Learned to work with WMS and a more in depth understanding of the Google Maps API's.
All rights are reserved by their respective owner, I did not develop this to gain anything from it other than knowledge and skills.