diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/doctrees/environment.pickle b/doctrees/environment.pickle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b82022
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/environment.pickle differ
diff --git a/doctrees/index.doctree b/doctrees/index.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e2745
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/index.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/modules.doctree b/doctrees/modules.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b93e93e
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/modules.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.bcs.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.bcs.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1489074
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.bcs.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.bvps.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.bvps.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63495f5
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.bvps.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.constitutive_models.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.constitutive_models.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d894f50
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.constitutive_models.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.data.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.data.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..644ca0b
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.data.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d2bf50
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.domains.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.domains.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..629db48
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.domains.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.fem.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.fem.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe06a2d
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.fem.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.fem.elements.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.fem.elements.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..155adcc
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.fem.elements.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.kernels.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.kernels.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..861766f
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.kernels.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.loss_functions.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.loss_functions.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf14539
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.loss_functions.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.math.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.math.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169ef69
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.math.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.networks.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.networks.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e9bed0
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.networks.doctree differ
diff --git a/doctrees/pancax.optimizers.doctree b/doctrees/pancax.optimizers.doctree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91f02ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/doctrees/pancax.optimizers.doctree differ
diff --git a/html/.buildinfo b/html/.buildinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d73133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/.buildinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Sphinx build info version 1
+# This file records the configuration used when building these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done.
+config: 030c48f1638182c071f4607d697d8ccf
+tags: 645f666f9bcd5a90fca523b33c5a78b7
diff --git a/html/_modules/index.html b/html/_modules/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b17cec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/_modules/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ mesh=domain.fspace.mesh
+ ssets=[mesh.sideSets[name]fornameinsset_names]
+ edges=jnp.vstack(ssets)
+ edges=jnp.sort(edges,axis=1)
+ edges=jnp.unique(edges,axis=0)# TODO not sure about this one
+ returnedges
+ :param nodeSet: A name for a nodeset in the mesh
+ :param component: The dof to apply the essential bc to
+ :param function: A function f(x, t) = u that gives the value
+ to enforce on the (nodeset, component) of a field.
+ This defaults to the zero function
+ """
+ nodeSet:str
+ component:int
+ function:Optional[BCFunc]=lambdax,t:0.0
+# remove component from the definition.
+# it doesn't appear to be doing anything
+# class NaturalBC(NamedTuple):
+ Base class for consistutive models.
+ The interface to be defined by derived classes include
+ the energy method and the unpack_properties method.
+ :param n_properties: The number of properties
+ :param property_names: The names of the properties
+ """
+ n_properties:int
+ property_names:List[str]
+ @abstractmethod
+ defunpack_properties(self,props:Float[Array,"np"]):
+ This method unpacks properties from 'props' and returns
+ them with potentially static properties bound to the model.
+ """
+ pass
+ Data structure to store full field data used as ground truth
+ for output fields of a PINN when solving inverse problems.
+ :param inputs: Data that serves as inputs to the PINN
+ :param outputs: Data that serves as outputs of the PINN
+ :param n_time_steps: Variable used for book keeping
+ """
+ inputs:Array
+ outputs:Array
+ n_time_steps:int
+# TODO currently hardcoded to force which may be limiting
+# for others interested in doing other physics
+ Data structure that holds global data to be used as
+ ground truth for some global field calculated from
+ PINN outputs used in inverse modeling training
+ :param times: A set of times used to compare to physics calculations
+ :param displacements: Currently hardcoded to use a displacement-force curve TODO
+ :param outputs: Field used as ground truth, hardcoded essentially to a reaction force now
+ :param n_nodes: Book-keeping variable for number of nodes on nodeset to measure global response from
+ :param n_time_steps: Book-keeping variable
+ :param reaction_nodes: Node set nodes for where to measure reaction forces
+ :param reaction_dof: Degree of freedom to use for reaction force calculation
+ """
+ times:Array# change to inputs?
+ displacements:Array
+ outputs:Array
+ n_nodes:int
+ n_time_steps:int
+ reaction_nodes:Array
+ reaction_dof:int
+ Base domain for all problem types.
+ This holds essential things for the problem
+ such as a mesh to load a geometry from,
+ times, physics, bcs, etc.
+ :param mesh: A mesh from an exodus file most likely
+ :param coords: An array of coordinates
+ :param times: An array of times
+ :param physics: An initialized physics object
+ :param essential_bcs: A list of EssentialBCs
+ :param natural_bcs: a list of NaturalBCs
+ :param dof_manager: A DofManager for keeping track of essential bcs
+ """
+ mesh_file:str
+ mesh:Mesh
+ coords:Float[Array,"nn nd"]
+ times:Union[Float[Array,"nt"],Float[Array,"nn 1"]]
+ physics:PhysicsKernel
+ essential_bcs:List[EssentialBC]
+ natural_bcs:List[NaturalBC]
+ dof_manager:DofManager
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ physics:PhysicsKernel,
+ essential_bcs:List[EssentialBC],
+ natural_bcs:any,# TODO figure out to handle this
+ mesh_file:str,
+ times:Float[Array,"nt"],
+ p_order:Optional[int]=1
+ ):
+ withTimer('BaseDomain.__init__'):
+ # setup
+ n_dofs=physics.n_dofs
+ # mesh
+ mesh=read_exodus_mesh(mesh_file)
+ # if tri mesh, we can make it higher order from lower order
+ iftype(mesh.parentElement)==SimplexTriElement:
+ mesh=create_higher_order_mesh_from_simplex_mesh(mesh,p_order,copyNodeSets=True)
+ else:
+ print('WARNING: Ignoring polynomial order flag for non tri mesh')
+ withTimer('move coordinates to device'):
+ coords=jnp.array(mesh.coords)
+ # dof book keeping
+ dof_manager=DofManager(mesh,n_dofs,essential_bcs)
+ # TODO move below to dof manager
+ dof_manager.isUnknown=jnp.array(dof_manager.isUnknown,dtype=jnp.bool)
+ dof_manager.unknownIndices=jnp.array(dof_manager.unknownIndices)
+ # setting all at once
+ self.mesh_file=mesh_file
+ self.mesh=mesh
+ self.coords=coords
+ self.times=times
+ self.physics=physics
+ # self.essential_bcs = essential_bcs
+ self.essential_bcs=EssentialBCSet(essential_bcs)
+ self.natural_bcs=natural_bcs
+ self.dof_manager=dof_manager
+ Base domain for all problem types.
+ This holds essential things for the problem
+ such as a mesh to load a geometry from,
+ times, physics, bcs, etc.
+ :param mesh: A mesh from an exodus file most likely
+ :param coords: An array of coordinates
+ :param times: An array of times
+ :param physics: An initialized physics object
+ :param essential_bcs: A list of EssentialBCs
+ :param natural_bcs: a list of NaturalBCs
+ :param dof_manager: A DofManager for keeping track of essential bcs
+ """
+ mesh:Mesh
+ coords:Float[Array,"nn nd"]
+ times:Union[Float[Array,"nt"],Float[Array,"nn 1"]]
+ physics:PhysicsKernel
+ essential_bcs:List[EssentialBC]
+ natural_bcs:List[NaturalBC]
+ dof_manager:DofManager
+ neumann_xs:Float[Array,"nn nd"]
+ neumann_ns:Float[Array,"nn nd"]
+ # neumann_outputs: Float[Array, "nn nf"]
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ physics:PhysicsKernel,
+ essential_bcs:List[EssentialBC],
+ natural_bcs:List[NaturalBC],
+ mesh_file:str,
+ times:Float[Array,"nt"],
+ p_order:Optional[int]=1,
+ q_order:Optional[int]=2,
+ vectorize_over_time:Optional[bool]=False
+ )->None:
+ :param physics: A ``PhysicsKernel`` object
+ :param essential_bcs: A list of ``EssentiablBC`` objects
+ :param natural_bcs: TODO
+ :param mesh_file: mesh file name as string
+ :param times: set of times
+ :param p_order: Polynomial order for mesh. Only hooked up to tri meshes.
+ :param q_order: Quadrature order to use.
+ :param vectorize_over_time: Flag to enable vectorization over time
+ this likely only makes sense for path-independent problems.
+ """
+ withTimer('CollocationDomain.__init__'):
+ super().__init__(
+ physics,essential_bcs,natural_bcs,
+ mesh_file,times,
+ p_order=p_order
+ )
+ # TODO currently all of the below is busted for transient problems
+ # TODO need to gather dirichlet inputs/outputs
+ # mesh = self.fspace.mesh
+ # if len(essential_bcs) > 0:
+ # self.dirichlet_xs = jnp.vstack([bc.coordinates(mesh) for bc in essential_bcs])
+ # self.dirichlet_outputs = jnp.vstack([
+ # jax.vmap(bc.function, in_axes=(0, None))(bc.coordinates(mesh), )
+ # ])
+ # TODO below should eventually be move to the base class maybe?
+ # get neumann xs and ns
+ # mesh = self.fspace.mesh
+ mesh=self.mesh
+ ifmesh.num_dimensions!=2:
+ raiseValueError(
+ 'Only 2D meshes currently supported for collocation problems. '
+ 'Need to implement surface normal calculations on 3D elements.'
+ )
+ # q_rule_1d = self.q_rule_1d
+ # currently only support 2D meshes
+ q_rule_1d=QuadratureRule(LineElement(1),q_order)
+ iflen(natural_bcs)>0:
+ self.neumann_xs=[bc.coordinates(mesh,q_rule_1d)forbcinnatural_bcs]
+ self.neumann_ns=[bc.normals(mesh,q_rule_1d)forbcinnatural_bcs]
+ print('Warning this neumann condition will fail for inhomogenous conditions with time')
+ # self.neumann_outputs = jnp.vstack([
+ # jax.vmap(bc.function, in_axes=(0, None))(bc.coordinates(mesh, q_rule_1d), 0.0) \
+ # for bc in natural_bcs
+ # ])
+ else:
+ self.neumann_xs=[]
+ self.neumann_ns=[]
+ Base domain for all problem types.
+ This holds essential things for the problem
+ such as a mesh to load a geometry from,
+ times, physics, bcs, etc.
+ :param mesh: A mesh from an exodus file most likely
+ :param coords: An array of coordinates
+ :param times: An array of times
+ :param physics: An initialized physics object
+ :param essential_bcs: A list of EssentialBCs
+ :param natural_bcs: a list of NaturalBCs
+ :param dof_manager: A DofManager for keeping track of essential bcs
+ :param conns: An array of connectivities
+ :param fspace: A FunctionSpace to help with integration
+ :param fspace_centroid: A FunctionSpace to help with integration
+ :param n_eigen_values: Number of eigenvalues to use
+ """
+ mesh:Mesh
+ coords:Float[Array,"nn nd"]
+ times:Union[Float[Array,"nt"],Float[Array,"nn 1"]]
+ physics:PhysicsKernel
+ essential_bcs:List[EssentialBC]
+ natural_bcs:List[NaturalBC]
+ dof_manager:DofManager
+ conns:Int[Array,"ne nnpe"]
+ fspace:FunctionSpace
+ fspace_centroid:FunctionSpace
+ n_eigen_values:int
+ eigen_modes:Float[Array,"nn nev"]
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ physics:PhysicsKernel,
+ essential_bcs:List[EssentialBC],
+ natural_bcs:List[NaturalBC],
+ mesh_file:str,
+ times:Float[Array,"nt"],
+ n_eigen_values:int,
+ p_order:Optional[int]=1,
+ q_order:Optional[int]=2
+ )->None:
+ :param physics: A ``PhysicsKernel`` object
+ :param essential_bcs: A list of ``EssentiablBC`` objects
+ :param natural_bcs: TODO
+ :param mesh_file: mesh file name as string
+ :param times: set of times
+ :param p_order: Polynomial order for mesh. Only hooked up to tri meshes.
+ :param q_order: Quadrature order to use.
+ :param n_eigen_values: Number of eigenvalues to use
+ """
+ ifnotphysics.use_delta_pinn:
+ raiseValueError('Need a physics object set up for DeltaPINN')
+ withTimer('DeltaPINNDomain.__init__'):
+ super().__init__(
+ physics,essential_bcs,natural_bcs,mesh_file,times,
+ p_order=p_order,q_order=q_order
+ )
+ self.n_eigen_values=n_eigen_values
+ self.eigen_modes=self.solve_eigen_problem(mesh_file,p_order,q_order)
+ Inverse domain type derived from a ForwardDomain
+ Note that currently this likely only supports single block meshes.
+ :param physics: A physics kernel to use for physics calculations.
+ :param dof_manager: A DofManager to track what dofs are free/fixed.
+ :param fspace: A FunctionSpace to help with integration
+ :param q_rule_1d: A quadrature rule for line/surface integrations. TODO rename this
+ :param q_rule_2d: A quadrature rule for cell integrations. TODO rename this
+ :param coords: Nodal coordinates in the reference configuration.
+ :param conns: Element connectivity matrix
+ :param field_data: Data structure that holds the full field data.
+ :param global_data: Data structure that holds the global data.
+ """
+ physics:PhysicsKernel
+ dof_manager:DofManager
+ fspace:FunctionSpace
+ fspace_centroid:FunctionSpace
+ coords:Float[Array,"nn nd"]
+ conns:Float[Array,"ne nnpe"]
+ times:Union[Float[Array,"nt"],Float[Array,"nn 1"]]
+ field_data:FullFieldData
+ global_data:GlobalData
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ physics:PhysicsKernel,
+ essential_bcs:List[EssentialBC],
+ natural_bcs:any,# TODO figure out to handle this
+ mesh_file:str,
+ times:Float[Array,"nt"],
+ field_data:FullFieldData,
+ global_data:GlobalData,
+ p_order:Optional[int]=1,
+ q_order:Optional[int]=2
+ )->None:
+ :param physics: A ``PhysicsKernel`` object
+ :param essential_bcs: A list of ``EssentiablBC`` objects
+ :param natural_bcs: TODO
+ :param mesh_file: mesh file name as string
+ :param times: An array of time values to use
+ :param field_data: ``FieldData`` object
+ :param global_data: ``GlobalData`` object
+ :param p_order: Polynomial order for mesh. Only hooked up to tri meshes.
+ :param q_order: Quadrature order to use.
+ """
+ super().__init__(
+ physics,essential_bcs,natural_bcs,mesh_file,times,
+ p_order=p_order,q_order=q_order
+ )
+ self.field_data=field_data
+ self.global_data=global_data
+ Base domain for all problem types.
+ This holds essential things for the problem
+ such as a mesh to load a geometry from,
+ times, physics, bcs, etc.
+ :param mesh: A mesh from an exodus file most likely
+ :param coords: An array of coordinates
+ :param times: An array of times
+ :param physics: An initialized physics object
+ :param essential_bcs: A list of EssentialBCs
+ :param natural_bcs: a list of NaturalBCs
+ :param dof_manager: A DofManager for keeping track of essential bcs
+ :param conns: An array of connectivities
+ :param fspace: A FunctionSpace to help with integration
+ :param fspace_centroid: A FunctionSpace to help with integration
+ """
+ mesh:Mesh
+ coords:Float[Array,"nn nd"]
+ times:Union[Float[Array,"nt"],Float[Array,"nn 1"]]
+ physics:PhysicsKernel
+ essential_bcs:List[EssentialBC]
+ natural_bcs:List[NaturalBC]
+ dof_manager:DofManager
+ conns:Int[Array,"ne nnpe"]
+ fspace:FunctionSpace
+ fspace_centroid:FunctionSpace
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ physics:PhysicsKernel,
+ essential_bcs:List[EssentialBC],
+ natural_bcs:any,# TODO figure out to handle this
+ mesh_file:str,
+ times:Float[Array,"nt"],
+ p_order:Optional[int]=1,
+ q_order:Optional[int]=2
+ )->None:
+ :param physics: A ``PhysicsKernel`` object
+ :param essential_bcs: A list of ``EssentiablBC`` objects
+ :param natural_bcs: TODO
+ :param mesh_file: mesh file name as string
+ :param times: set of times
+ :param p_order: Polynomial order for mesh. Only hooked up to tri meshes.
+ :param q_order: Quadrature order to use.
+ """
+ withTimer('VariationalDomain.__init__'):
+ super().__init__(
+ physics,essential_bcs,natural_bcs,mesh_file,times,
+ p_order=p_order
+ )
+ withTimer('move connectivity to device'):
+ self.conns=jnp.array(self.mesh.conns)
+ self.fspace=NonAllocatedFunctionSpace(
+ self.mesh,QuadratureRule(self.mesh.parentElement,q_order)
+ )
+ self.fspace_centroid=NonAllocatedFunctionSpace(
+ self.mesh,QuadratureRule(self.mesh.parentElement,1)
+ )
+# getting some error when making this a child of eqx.Module
+ Collection of arrays needed to differentiate between
+ fixed and free dofs for fem like calculations.
+ TODO better document the parameters in this guy
+ """
+ def__init__(self,mesh,dim:int,EssentialBCs:List[EssentialBC])->None:
+ :param functionSpace: ``FunctionSpace`` object
+ :param dim: The number of dims (really the number of active dofs for the physics)
+ :param EssentialBCs: A list of of ``EssentialBC`` objects
+ """
+ withTimer('DofManager.__init__'):
+ self.fieldShape=mesh.num_nodes,dim
+ self.isBc=onp.full(self.fieldShape,False,dtype=bool)
+ forebcinEssentialBCs:
+ self.isBc[mesh.nodeSets[ebc.nodeSet],ebc.component]=True
+ self.isUnknown=~self.isBc
+ self.ids=onp.arange(self.isBc.size).reshape(self.fieldShape)
+ self.unknownIndices=self.ids[self.isUnknown]
+ self.bcIndices=self.ids[self.isBc]
+ ones=onp.ones(self.isBc.size,dtype=int)*-1
+ # self.dofToUnknown = ones.at[self.unknownIndices].set(np.arange(self.unknownIndices.size))
+ self.dofToUnknown=ones
+ self.dofToUnknown[self.unknownIndices]=onp.arange(self.unknownIndices.size)
+ self.HessRowCoords,self.HessColCoords=self._make_hessian_coordinates(onp.array(mesh.conns))
+ self.hessian_bc_mask=self._make_hessian_bc_mask(onp.array(mesh.conns))
+ defget_bc_size(self)->int:
+ :return: the number of fixed dofs
+ """
+ returnnp.sum(self.isBc).item()# item() method casts to Python int
+ defget_unknown_size(self)->int:
+ :return: the size of the unkowns vector
+ """
+ returnnp.sum(self.isUnknown).item()# item() method casts to Python int
+ defcreate_field(self,Uu,Ubc=0.0)->Float[Array,"nn nd"]:
+ :param Uu: Vector of unknown values
+ :param Ubc: Values for bc to apply
+ :return: U, a field of unknowns and bcs combined.
+ """
+ U=np.zeros(self.isBc.shape).at[self.isBc].set(Ubc)
+ returnU.at[self.isUnknown].set(Uu)
+ defget_bc_values(self,U)->Float[Array,"nb"]:
+ :param U: a nodal field
+ :return: the bc values in the field U
+ """
+ returnU[self.isBc]
+ defget_unknown_values(self,U)->Float[Array,"nu"]:
+ :param U: a nodal field
+ :return: the unknown values in the field U
+ """
+ returnU[self.isUnknown]
+ x=np.asarray(x)
+ nNodes=(degree+1)*(degree+2)//2
+ pq=pascal_triangle_monomials(degree)
+ # It's easier to process if the input arrays
+ # always have the same shape
+ # If a 1D array is given (a single point),
+ # convert to the equivalent 2D array
+ x=x.reshape(-1,2)
+ # switch to bi-unit triangle (-1,-1)--(1,-1)--(-1,1)
+ z=2.0*x-1.0
+ defmap_from_tri_to_square(xi):
+ small=1e-12
+ # The mapping has a singularity at the vertex (-1, 1).
+ # Handle that point specially.
+ indexSingular=xi[:,1]>1.0-small
+ xiShifted=xi.copy()
+ xiShifted[indexSingular,1]=1.0-small
+ eta=np.zeros_like(xi)
+ eta[:,0]=2.0*(1.0+xiShifted[:,0])/(1.0-xiShifted[:,1])-1.0
+ eta[:,1]=xiShifted[:,1]
+ eta[indexSingular,0]=-1.0
+ eta[indexSingular,1]=1.0
+ # Jacobian of map.
+ # Actually, deta is just the first row of the Jacobian.
+ # The second row is trivially [0, 1], so we don't compute it.
+ # We just use that fact directly in the derivative Vandermonde
+ # expressions.
+ deta=np.zeros_like(xi)
+ deta[:,0]=2/(1-xiShifted[:,1])
+ deta[:,1]=2*(1+xiShifted[:,0])/(1-xiShifted[:,1])**2
+ returneta,deta
+ E,dE=map_from_tri_to_square(np.asarray(z))
+ A=np.zeros((x.shape[0],nNodes))
+ Ax=A.copy()
+ Ay=A.copy()
+ N1D=np.polynomial.Polynomial([0.5,-0.5])
+ foriinrange(nNodes):
+ p=np.polynomial.Legendre.basis(pq[i,0])
+ # SciPy's polynomials use the deprecated poly1d type
+ # of NumPy. To convert to the modern Polynomial type,
+ # we need to reverse the order of the coefficients.
+ qPoly1d=special.jacobi(pq[i,1],2*pq[i,0]+1,0)
+ q=np.polynomial.Polynomial(qPoly1d.coef[::-1])
+ forjinrange(pq[i,0]):
+ q*=N1D
+ # orthonormality weight
+ weight=np.sqrt((2*pq[i,0]+1)*2*(pq[i,0]+pq[i,1]+1))
+ A[:,i]=weight*p(E[:,0])*q(E[:,1])
+ # derivatives
+ dp=p.deriv()
+ dq=q.deriv()
+ Ax[:,i]=2*weight*dp(E[:,0])*q(E[:,1])*dE[:,0]
+ Ay[:,i]=2*weight*(dp(E[:,0])*q(E[:,1])*dE[:,1]
+ +p(E[:,0])*dq(E[:,1]))
+ returnA,Ax,Ay
+# TODO add hessians maybe?
+ Shape functions and shape function gradients (in the parametric space).
+ :param values: Values of the shape functions at a discrete set of points.
+ Shape is ``(nPts, nNodes)``, where ``nPts`` is the number of
+ points at which the shame functinos are evaluated, and ``nNodes``
+ is the number of nodes in the element (which is equal to the
+ number of shape functions).
+ :param gradients: Values of the parametric gradients of the shape functions.
+ Shape is ``(nPts, nDim, nNodes)``, where ``nDim`` is the number
+ of spatial dimensions. Line elements are an exception, which
+ have shape ``(nPts, nNdodes)``.
+ """
+ values:Float[Array,"np nn"]
+ gradients:Float[Array,"np nd nn"]
+ Base class for different element technologies
+ :param elementType: Element type name
+ :param degree: Polynomial degree
+ :param coordinates: Nodal coordinates in the reference configuration
+ :param vertexNodes: Vertex node number, 0-based
+ :param faceNodes: Nodes associated with each face, 0-based
+ :param interiorNodes: Nodes in the interior, 0-based or empty
+ """
+ elementType:str
+ degree:int
+ coordinates:Float[Array,"nn nd"]
+ vertexNodes:Int[Array,"nn"]
+ faceNodes:Int[Array,"nf nnpf"]
+ interiorNodes:Int[Array,"nni"]
+ # def __init__(self, elementType, degree, coordinates, vertexNodes, faceNodes, interiorNodes):
+ # self.elementType = elementType
+ # self.degree = degree
+ # self.coordinates = coordinates
+ # self.vertexNodes = vertexNodes
+ # self.faceNodes = faceNodes
+ # self.interiorNodes = interiorNodes
+ @abstractmethod
+ defcompute_shapes(self,nodalPoints,evaluationPoints):
+ Method to be defined to calculate shape function values
+ and gradients given a list of nodal points (usually the vertexNodes)
+ and a list of evaluation points (usually the quadrature points).
+ """
+ pass
+ # TODO figure out how to rope in quadrature rules into this class
+# TODO need to do checks on inputs to make sure they're compatable
+ defcompute_field_gradient(self,u,X):
+ Takes in element level coordinates X and field u
+ """
+ grad_Ns=self.shape_function_gradients(X)
+ returnjax.vmap(lambdau,grad_N:u.T@grad_N,in_axes=(None,0))(u,grad_Ns)
+ defevaluate_on_element(self,U,X,state,dt,props,func):
+ Takes in element level field, coordinates, states, etc.
+ and evaluates the function func
+ """
+ Ns=self.shape_function_values(X)
+ grad_Ns=self.shape_function_gradients(X)
+ u_qs=jax.vmap(lambdau,N:u.T@N,in_axes=(None,0))(U,Ns)
+ grad_u_qs=jax.vmap(lambdau,grad_N:u.T@grad_N,in_axes=(None,0))(U,grad_Ns)
+ X_qs=jax.vmap(lambdaX,N:X.T@N,in_axes=(None,0))(X,Ns)
+ func_vals=jax.vmap(func,in_axes=(0,0,0,None,0,None))(
+ u_qs,grad_u_qs,state,props,X_qs,dt
+ )
+ returnfunc_vals
+ Data needed for calculus on functions in the discrete function space.
+ In describing the shape of the attributes, ``ne`` is the number of
+ elements in the mesh, ``nqpe`` is the number of quadrature points per
+ element, ``npe`` is the number of nodes per element, and ``nd`` is the
+ spatial dimension of the domain.
+ :param shapes: Shape function values on each element, shape (ne, nqpe, npe)
+ :param vols: Volume attributed to each quadrature point. That is, the
+ quadrature weight (on the parameteric element domain) multiplied by
+ the Jacobian determinant of the map from the parent element to the
+ element in the domain. Shape (ne, nqpe).
+ :param shapeGrads: Derivatives of the shape functions with respect to the
+ spatial coordinates of the domain. Shape (ne, nqpe, npe, nd).
+ :param mesh: The ``Mesh`` object of the domain.
+ :param quadratureRule: The ``QuadratureRule`` on which to sample the shape
+ functions.
+ :param isAxisymmetric: boolean indicating if the function space data are
+ axisymmetric.
+ """
+ shapes:Float[Array,"ne nqpe npe"]
+ vols:Float[Array,"ne nqpe"]
+ shapeGrads:Float[Array,"ne nqpe npe nd"]
+ # mesh: any
+ conns:Int[Array,"ne nnpe"]
+ quadratureRule:QuadratureRule
+ isAxisymmetric:bool
+"""Construct a discrete function space.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ :param mesh: The mesh of the domain.
+ :param quadratureRule: The quadrature rule to be used for integrating on the
+ domain.
+ :param mode2D: A string indicating how the 2D domain is interpreted for
+ integration. Valid values are ``cartesian`` and ``axisymmetric``.
+ Axisymetric mode will include the factor of 2*pi*r in the ``vols``
+ attribute.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ The ``FunctionSpace`` object.
+ """
+ withTimer('construct_function_space'):
+ # shapeOnRef = interpolants.compute_shapes(mesh.parentElement, quadratureRule.xigauss)
+ shapeOnRef=mesh.parentElement.compute_shapes(mesh.parentElement.coordinates,quadratureRule.xigauss)
+ returnconstruct_function_space_from_parent_element(mesh,shapeOnRef,quadratureRule,mode2D)
+ Construct a function space with precomputed shape function data on the parent element.
+ This version of the function space constructor is Jax-transformable,
+ and in particular can be jitted. The computation of the shape function
+ values and derivatives on the parent element is not transformable in
+ general. However, the mapping of the shape function data to the elements in
+ the mesh is transformable. One can precompute the parent element shape
+ functions once and for all, and then use this special factory function to
+ construct the function space and avoid the non-transformable part of the
+ operation. The primary use case is for shape sensitivities: the coordinates
+ of the mesh change, and we want Jax to pick up the sensitivities of the
+ shape function derivatives in space to the coordinate changes
+ (which occurs through the mapping from the parent element to the spatial
+ domain).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ :param mesh: The mesh of the domain.
+ :param shapeOnRef: A tuple of the shape function values and gradients on the
+ parent element, evaluated at the quadrature points. The caller must
+ take care to ensure the shape functions are evaluated at the same
+ points as contained in the ``quadratureRule`` parameter.
+ :param quadratureRule: The quadrature rule to be used for integrating on the
+ domain.
+ :param mode2D: A string indicating how the 2D domain is interpreted for
+ integration. See the default factory function for details.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ The ``FunctionSpace`` object.
+ """
+ shapes=jax.vmap(lambdaelConns,elShape:elShape,(0,None))(mesh.conns,shapeOnRef.values)
+ shapeGrads=jax.vmap(map_element_shape_grads,(None,0,None,None))(
+ mesh.coords,mesh.conns,mesh.parentElement,shapeOnRef.gradients
+ )
+ ifmode2D=='cartesian':
+ el_vols=compute_element_volumes
+ isAxisymmetric=False
+ elifmode2D=='axisymmetric':
+ el_vols=compute_element_volumes_axisymmetric
+ isAxisymmetric=True
+ vols=jax.vmap(el_vols,(None,0,None,None,None,None))(
+ mesh.coords,mesh.conns,mesh.parentElement,shapeOnRef.values,shapeOnRef.gradients,quadratureRule.wgauss
+ )
+ # return FunctionSpace(shapes, vols, shapeGrads, mesh, quadratureRule, isAxisymmetric)
+ returnFunctionSpace(shapes,vols,shapeGrads,mesh.conns,quadratureRule,isAxisymmetric)
+ # coords here should be 3 x 2
+ # shapegrads shoudl be 3 x 2
+ # need J to be 2 x 2 but be careful about transpose
+ # below from Cthonios
+ # J = (X_el * ∇N_ξ)'
+ # J_inv = inv(J)
+ # ∇N_X = (J_inv * ∇N_ξ')'
+ Xn=coordField.take(nodeOrdinals,0)
+ Js=jax.vmap(lambdax,dN:(x.T@dN).T,in_axes=(None,0))(Xn,shapeGradients)
+ Jinvs=jax.vmap(lambdaJ:np.linalg.inv(J),in_axes=(0,))(Js)
+ returnjax.vmap(lambdaJinv,dN:(Jinv@dN.T).T,in_axes=(0,0))(Jinvs,shapeGradients)
+ *params,modify_element_gradient=default_modify_element_gradient):
+ Integrates a density function over a block of the mesh.
+ :param functionSpace: Function space object to do the integration with.
+ :param U: The vector of dofs for the primal field in the functional.
+ :param X: Nodal coordinates
+ :param stateVars: Internal state variable array.
+ :param dt: Current time increment
+ :param func: Lagrangian density function to integrate, Must have the signature
+ ``func(u, dudx, q, x, *params) -> scalar``, where ``u`` is the primal field, ``q`` is the
+ value of the internal variables, ``x`` is the current point coordinates, and ``*params`` is
+ a variadic set of additional parameters, which correspond to the ``*params`` argument.
+ block: Group of elements to integrate over. This is an array of element indices. For
+ performance, the elements within the block should be numbered consecutively.
+ :param modify_element_gradient: Optional function that modifies the gradient at the element level.
+ This can be to set the particular 2D mode, and additionally to enforce volume averaging
+ on the gradient operator. This is a keyword-only argument.
+ Returns
+ A scalar value for the integral of the density functional ``func`` integrated over the
+ block of elements.
+ """
+ # below breaks the sphinx doc stuff
+ # :param *params: Optional parameter fields to pass into Lagrangian density function. These are
+ vals=evaluate_on_block(functionSpace,U,X,stateVars,props,dt,func,block,*params,modify_element_gradient=modify_element_gradient)
+ returnnp.dot(vals.ravel(),functionSpace.vols[block].ravel())
+ *params,modify_element_gradient=default_modify_element_gradient):
+"""Evaluates a density function at every quadrature point in a block of the mesh.
+ :param functionSpace: Function space object to do the evaluation with.
+ :param U: The vector of dofs for the primal field in the functional.
+ :param X: Nodal coordinates
+ :param stateVars: Internal state variable array.
+ :param dt: Current time increment
+ :param func: Lagrangian density function to evaluate, Must have the signature
+ ```func(u, dudx, q, x, *params) -> scalar```, where ```u``` is the primal field, ```q``` is the
+ value of the internal variables, ```x``` is the current point coordinates, and ```*params``` is
+ a variadic set of additional parameters, which correspond to the ```*params``` argument.
+ :param block: Group of elements to evaluate over. This is an array of element indices. For
+ performance, the elements within the block should be numbered consecutively.
+ :param modify_element_gradient: Optional function that modifies the gradient at the element level.
+ This can be to set the particular 2D mode, and additionally to enforce volume averaging
+ on the gradient operator. This is a keyword-only argument.
+ Returns
+ An array of shape (numElements, numQuadPtsPerElement) that contains the scalar values of the
+ density functional ```func``` at every quadrature point in the block.
+ """
+ # below breaks sphinx doc stuff
+ # :param *params: Optional parameter fields to pass into Lagrangian density function. These are
+ # represented as a single value per element.
+ fs=functionSpace
+ compute_elem_values=jax.vmap(evaluate_on_element,(None,None,0,None,None,0,0,0,0,None,None,*tuple(0forpinparams)))
+ blockValues=compute_elem_values(U,X,stateVars[block],props,dt,fs.shapes[block],
+ fs.shapeGrads[block],fs.vols[block],
+ fs.conns[block],func,modify_element_gradient,*params)
+ returnblockValues
+ Integrate over element with element nodal field as input.
+ This allows element residuals and element stiffness matrices to computed.
+ """
+ elemVals=jax.vmap(interpolate_to_point,(None,0))(elemNodalField,elemShapes)
+ elemGrads=jax.vmap(compute_quadrature_point_field_gradient,(None,0))(elemNodalField,elemShapeGrads)
+ elemGrads=modify_element_gradient(elemGrads,elemShapes,elemVols,elemNodalField,elemNodalCoords)
+ elemPoints=jax.vmap(interpolate_to_point,(None,0))(elemNodalCoords,elemShapes)
+ fVals=jax.vmap(func,(0,0,0,0,None))(elemVals,elemGrads,elemStates,elemPoints,dt)
+ returnnp.dot(fVals,elemVols)
+ Get nodal values of a field on an element edge.
+ :param functionSpace: a FunctionSpace object
+ :param nodalField: The nodal vector defined over the mesh (shape is number of
+ nodes by number of field components)
+ :param edge: tuple containing the element number containing the edge and the
+ permutation (0, 1, or 2) of the edge within the triangle
+ """
+ edgeNodes=functionSpace.mesh.parentElement.faceNodes[edge[1],:]
+ nodes=functionSpace.mesh.conns[edge[0],edgeNodes]
+ returnnodalField[nodes]
+ Interpolate a nodal field to specified points on an element edge.
+ :param functionSpace: a FunctionSpace object
+ :param U: the nodal values array
+ :param interpolationPoints: coordinates of points (in the 1D parametric space) to
+ interpolate to
+ :param edge: tuple containing the element number containing the edge and the
+ permutation (0, 1, or 2) of the edge within the triangle
+ """
+ # edgeShapes = interpolants.compute_shapes(functionSpace.mesh.parentElement1d, interpolationPoints)
+ edgeShapes=functionSpace.mesh.parentElement1d.compute_shapes(
+ functionSpace.mesh.parentElement1d.coordinates,interpolationPoints
+ )
+ edgeU=get_nodal_values_on_edge(functionSpace,U,edge)
+ returnedgeShapes.values.T@edgeU
+ Triangle mesh representing a domain.
+ :param coords: Coordinates of the nodes, shape ``(nNodes, nDim)``.
+ :param conns: Nodal connectivity table of the elements.
+ :param simplexNodesOrdinals: Indices of the nodes that are vertices.
+ :param parentElement: A ``ParentElement`` that is the element type in
+ parametric space. A mesh can contain only 1 element type.
+ :param parentElement1d:
+ :param blocks: A dictionary mapping element block names to the indices of the
+ elements in the block.
+ :param nodeSets: A dictionary mapping node set names to the indices of the
+ nodes.
+ :param sideSets: A dictionary mapping side set names to the edges. The
+ edge data structure is a tuple of the element index and the local
+ number of the edge within that element. For example, triangle
+ elements will have edge 0, 1, or 2 for this entry.
+ """
+ coords:Float[Array,"nn nd"]
+ conns:Float[Array,"ne nnpe"]
+ simplexNodesOrdinals:Float[Array,"ne 3"]
+ # TODO finish out the typing below
+ parentElement:any
+ parentElement1d:any
+ blocks:Optional[Dict[str,Float]]=None
+ nodeSets:Optional[Dict[str,Float]]=None
+ sideSets:Optional[Dict[str,Float]]=None
+"""Generate topological information about edges in a triangulation.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ conns : (nTriangles, 3) array
+ Connectivity table of the triangulation.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ edgeConns : (nEdges, 2) array
+ Vertices of each edge. Boundary edges are always in the
+ counter-clockwise sense, so that the interior of the body is on the left
+ side when walking from the first vertex to the second.
+ edges : (nEdges, 4) array
+ Edge-to-triangle topological information. Each row provides the
+ follwing information for each edge: [leftT, leftP, rightT, rightP],
+ where leftT is the ID of the triangle to the left, leftP is the
+ permutation of the edge in the left triangle (edge 0, 1, or 2), rightT
+ is the ID of the triangle to the right, and rightP is the permutation
+ of the edge in the right triangle. If the edge is a boundary edge, the
+ values of rightT and rightP are -1.
+ """
+ nTris=conns.shape[0]
+ allTriFaces=onp.vstack((conns[:,(0,1)],conns[:,(1,2)],conns[:,(2,0)]))
+ foo=onp.sort(allTriFaces,axis=1)
+ bar,i=onp.unique(foo,return_index=True,axis=0)
+ edgeConns=(allTriFaces[i,:])
+ nEdges=edgeConns.shape[0]
+ edges=-onp.ones((nEdges,4),dtype=onp.int_)
+ edgeElementIds=onp.tile(np.arange(nTris),3)
+ edges[:,0]=edgeElementIds[i]
+ edges[:,1]=i//nTris
+ fori,ecinenumerate(edgeConns):
+ rowsMatch=onp.all(onp.flip(ec)==allTriFaces,axis=1)
+ ifonp.any(rowsMatch):
+ j=onp.where(rowsMatch)[0][0]
+ # there should only be one matching row, but take element 0
+ # because j will have the same number of axes (2) as
+ # rowsMatch.
+ edges[i,2]=edgeElementIds[j]
+ edges[i,3]=j//nTris
+ returnedgeConns,edges
+ Evaluate field on nodes of an element edge.
+ Arguments:
+ :param mesh: a Mesh object
+ :param edge: tuple containing the element number containing the edge and the
+ permutation (0, 1, or 2) of the edge within the triangle
+ """
+ returnfield[get_edge_node_indices(mesh,edge)]
+ Get geometric vectors for an element edge.
+ Assumes that the edgs has a constant shape jacobian, that is, the
+ transformation from the parent element is affine.
+ Arguments
+ :param mesh: a Mesh object
+ :param edgeCoords: coordinates of all nodes on the edge, in the order
+ defined by the 1D parent element convention
+ Returns
+ tuple (t, n, j) with
+ :return t: the unit tangent vector
+ :return n: the outward unit normal vector
+ :return j: jacobian of the transformation from parent to physical space
+ """
+ Xv=edgeCoords[mesh.parentElement1d.vertexNodes,:]
+ tangent=Xv[1]-Xv[0]
+ normal=np.array([tangent[1],-tangent[0]])
+ jac=np.linalg.norm(tangent)
+ returntangent/jac,normal/jac,jac
+# think about moving this stuff into elements
+ Quadrature rule points and weights.
+ A ``namedtuple`` containing ``xigauss``, a numpy array of the
+ coordinates of the sample points in the reference domain, and
+ ``wgauss``, a numpy array with the weights.
+ :param xigauss: coordinates of gauss points in reference element
+ :param wgauss: weights of gauss points in reference element
+ """
+ xigauss:Float[Array,"nq nd"]
+ wgauss:Float[Array,"nq"]
+ # TODO maybe there's a better way?
+ # TODO below is just so we don't have to change any tests for now
+ def__iter__(self):
+ yieldself.xigauss
+ yieldself.wgauss
+ def__len__(self):
+ returnself.xigauss.shape[0]
+"""Creates a Gauss-Legendre quadrature on the unit interval.
+ The rule can exactly integrate polynomials of degree up to
+ ``degree``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ degree: Highest degree polynomial to be exactly integrated by the quadrature rule
+ Returns
+ -------
+ A ``QuadratureRule`` named tuple containing the quadrature point coordinates
+ and the weights.
+ """
+ n=math.ceil((degree+1)/2)
+ xi,w=scipy.special.roots_sh_legendre(n)
+ returnxi,w
+"""Creates a Gauss-Legendre quadrature on the unit triangle.
+ The rule can exactly integrate 2D polynomials up to the value of
+ ``degree``. The domain is the triangle between the vertices
+ (0, 0)-(1, 0)-(0, 1). The rules here are guaranteed to be
+ cyclically symmetric in triangular coordinates and to have strictly
+ positive weights.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ degree: Highest degree polynomial to be exactly integrated by the quadrature rule
+ Returns
+ -------
+ A ``QuadratureRule`` named tuple containing the quadrature point coordinates
+ and the weights.
+ """
+ ifdegree==1:
+ xi=ojnp.array([[3.33333333333333333E-01,3.33333333333333333E-01]])
+ w=ojnp.array([5.00000000000000000E-01])
+ elifdegree==2:
+ xi=ojnp.array([[6.66666666666666667E-01,1.66666666666666667E-01],
+ [1.66666666666666667E-01,6.66666666666666667E-01],
+ [1.66666666666666667E-01,1.66666666666666667E-01]])
+ w=ojnp.array([1.66666666666666666E-01,
+ 1.66666666666666667E-01,
+ 1.66666666666666667E-01])
+ elifdegree<=4:
+ xi=ojnp.array([[1.081030181680700E-01,4.459484909159650E-01],
+ [4.459484909159650E-01,1.081030181680700E-01],
+ [4.459484909159650E-01,4.459484909159650E-01],
+ [8.168475729804590E-01,9.157621350977100E-02],
+ [9.157621350977100E-02,8.168475729804590E-01],
+ [9.157621350977100E-02,9.157621350977100E-02]])
+ w=ojnp.array([1.116907948390055E-01,
+ 1.116907948390055E-01,
+ 1.116907948390055E-01,
+ 5.497587182766100E-02,
+ 5.497587182766100E-02,
+ 5.497587182766100E-02])
+ elifdegree<=5:
+ xi=ojnp.array([[3.33333333333333E-01,3.33333333333333E-01],
+ [5.97158717897700E-02,4.70142064105115E-01],
+ [4.70142064105115E-01,5.97158717897700E-02],
+ [4.70142064105115E-01,4.70142064105115E-01],
+ [7.97426985353087E-01,1.01286507323456E-01],
+ [1.01286507323456E-01,7.97426985353087E-01],
+ [1.01286507323456E-01,1.01286507323456E-01]])
+ w=ojnp.array([1.12500000000000E-01,
+ 6.61970763942530E-02,
+ 6.61970763942530E-02,
+ 6.61970763942530E-02,
+ 6.29695902724135E-02,
+ 6.29695902724135E-02,
+ 6.29695902724135E-02])
+ elifdegree<=6:
+ xi=ojnp.array([[5.01426509658179E-01,2.49286745170910E-01],
+ [2.49286745170910E-01,5.01426509658179E-01],
+ [2.49286745170910E-01,2.49286745170910E-01],
+ [8.73821971016996E-01,6.30890144915020E-02],
+ [6.30890144915020E-02,8.73821971016996E-01],
+ [6.30890144915020E-02,6.30890144915020E-02],
+ [5.31450498448170E-02,3.10352451033784E-01],
+ [6.36502499121399E-01,5.31450498448170E-02],
+ [3.10352451033784E-01,6.36502499121399E-01],
+ [5.31450498448170E-02,6.36502499121399E-01],
+ [6.36502499121399E-01,3.10352451033784E-01],
+ [3.10352451033784E-01,5.31450498448170E-02]])
+ w=ojnp.array([5.83931378631895E-02,
+ 5.83931378631895E-02,
+ 5.83931378631895E-02,
+ 2.54224531851035E-02,
+ 2.54224531851035E-02,
+ 2.54224531851035E-02,
+ 4.14255378091870E-02,
+ 4.14255378091870E-02,
+ 4.14255378091870E-02,
+ 4.14255378091870E-02,
+ 4.14255378091870E-02,
+ 4.14255378091870E-02])
+ elifdegree<=10:
+ xi=ojnp.array([[0.33333333333333333E+00,0.33333333333333333E+00],
+ [0.4269134091050342E-02,0.49786543295447483E+00],
+ [0.49786543295447483E+00,0.4269134091050342E-02],
+ [0.49786543295447483E+00,0.49786543295447483E+00],
+ [0.14397510054188759E+00,0.42801244972905617E+00],
+ [0.42801244972905617E+00,0.14397510054188759E+00],
+ [0.42801244972905617E+00,0.42801244972905617E+00],
+ [0.6304871745135507E+00,0.18475641274322457E+00],
+ [0.18475641274322457E+00,0.6304871745135507E+00],
+ [0.18475641274322457E+00,0.18475641274322457E+00],
+ [0.9590375628566448E+00,0.20481218571677562E-01],
+ [0.20481218571677562E-01,0.9590375628566448E+00],
+ [0.20481218571677562E-01,0.20481218571677562E-01],
+ [0.3500298989727196E-01,0.1365735762560334E+00],
+ [0.1365735762560334E+00,0.8284234338466947E+00],
+ [0.8284234338466947E+00,0.3500298989727196E-01],
+ [0.1365735762560334E+00,0.3500298989727196E-01],
+ [0.8284234338466947E+00,0.1365735762560334E+00],
+ [0.3500298989727196E-01,0.8284234338466947E+00],
+ [0.37549070258442674E-01,0.3327436005886386E+00],
+ [0.3327436005886386E+00,0.6297073291529187E+00],
+ [0.6297073291529187E+00,0.37549070258442674E-01],
+ [0.3327436005886386E+00,0.37549070258442674E-01],
+ [0.6297073291529187E+00,0.3327436005886386E+00],
+ [0.37549070258442674E-01,0.6297073291529187E+00]])
+ w=ojnp.array([0.4176169990259819E-01,
+ 0.36149252960283717E-02,
+ 0.36149252960283717E-02,
+ 0.36149252960283717E-02,
+ 0.3724608896049025E-01,
+ 0.3724608896049025E-01,
+ 0.3724608896049025E-01,
+ 0.39323236701554264E-01,
+ 0.39323236701554264E-01,
+ 0.39323236701554264E-01,
+ 0.3464161543553752E-02,
+ 0.3464161543553752E-02,
+ 0.3464161543553752E-02,
+ 0.147591601673897E-01,
+ 0.147591601673897E-01,
+ 0.147591601673897E-01,
+ 0.147591601673897E-01,
+ 0.147591601673897E-01,
+ 0.147591601673897E-01,
+ 0.1978968359803062E-01,
+ 0.1978968359803062E-01,
+ 0.1978968359803062E-01,
+ 0.1978968359803062E-01,
+ 0.1978968359803062E-01,
+ 0.1978968359803062E-01])
+ else:
+ raiseValueError("Quadrature of precision this high is not implemented.")
+ returnxi,w
+# TODO remove this stuff
+"""Creates 1D Gauss quadrature rule data that are padded to maintain a
+ uniform size, which makes this function jit-able.
+ This function is inteded to be used only when jit compilation of calls to the
+ quadrature rules are needed. Otherwise, prefer to use the standard quadrature
+ rules. The standard rules do not contain extra 0s for padding, which makes
+ them more efficient when used repeatedly (such as in the global energy).
+ Args:
+ degree: degree of highest polynomial to be integrated exactly
+ """
+ jnpts=jnp.ceil((degree+1)/2).astype(int)
+ xi,w=switch(jnpts,
+ [_gauss_quad_1D_1pt,_gauss_quad_1D_2pt,_gauss_quad_1D_3pt,
+ _gauss_quad_1D_4pt,_gauss_quad_1D_5pt],
+ None)
+ return0.5*(xi+1.0),0.5*w
+ # This function isn't used yet.
+ # We may want to replicate parts of FunctionSpace to do surface integrals.
+ #
+ fieldIndex=Surface.get_field_index(edge,mesh.conns)
+ nodalValues=Surface.eval_field(U,fieldIndex)
+ return0.0
+ Provides a full list of tensorial variable component names
+ :param base_name: base name for a tensor variable e.g. base_name_xx
+ """
+ return[
+ f'{base_name}_xx',f'{base_name}_xy',f'{base_name}_xz',
+ f'{base_name}_yx',f'{base_name}_yy',f'{base_name}_yz',
+ f'{base_name}_zx',f'{base_name}_zy',f'{base_name}_zz'
+ ]
+ Provides a full list of tensorial variable component names
+ :param base_name: base name for a tensor variable e.g. base_name_xx
+ """
+ return[
+ f'{base_name}_xx',f'{base_name}_xy',
+ f'{base_name}_yx',f'{base_name}_yy'
+ ]
+# TODO improve this
+ :param func: Function to use for an element property output variable
+ :param has_props: Whether or not this function need properties
+ :param jit: Whether or not to jit this function
+ """
+ ifjit:
+ returneqx.filter_jit(func)
+ else:
+ returnfunc
+ :param func: Function to use for a nodal property output variable
+ :param has_props: Whether or not this function need properties
+ :param jit: Whether or not to jit this function
+ """
+ ifhas_props:
+ # new_func = lambda p, d, t: vmap(
+ # func, in_axes=(None, 0, None, None)
+ # )(p.fields, d.coords, t, p.properties)
+ new_func=lambdap,d,t:vmap(
+ func,in_axes=(None,0,None)
+ )(p,d.coords,t)
+ else:
+ new_func=lambdap,d,t:vmap(
+ func,in_axes=(None,0,None)
+ )(p.fields,d.coords,t)
+ ifjit:
+ returneqx.filter_jit(new_func)
+ else:
+ returnnew_func
+# make a standard pp method that just has nodal fields, element grads, etc.
+ n_dofs:int
+ field_value_names:List[str]
+ bc_func:Callable# further type this guy
+ var_name_to_method:Dict[str,Dict[str,Union[Callable,List[str]]]]={}
+ use_delta_pinn:bool
+ n_dofs:int
+ field_value_names:List[str]
+ bc_func:Callable# further type this guy
+ use_delta_pinn:bool
+ def__init__(self,mesh_file,bc_func,use_delta_pinn)->None:
+ # if use_delta_pinn:
+ # raise ValueError('DeltaPINNs are currently not supported with collocation PINNs.')
+ super().__init__(mesh_file,bc_func,use_delta_pinn)
+ n_dofs:int
+ field_value_names:List[str]
+ bc_func:Callable# further type this guy
+ use_delta_pinn:bool
+ Base class for loss functions.
+ Currently does nothing but helps build a
+ type hierarchy.
+ """
+ Base class for boundary condition loss functions.
+ A ``load_step`` method is expect with the following
+ type signature
+ ``load_step(self, params, domain, t)``
+ """
+ Base class for physics loss functions.
+ A ``load_step`` method is expect with the following
+ type signature
+ ``load_step(self, params, domain, t)``
+ """
+ def__call__(self,params,domain):
+ field_network,_=params
+ n_dims=domain.coords.shape[1]
+ xs=domain.field_data.inputs[:,0:n_dims]
+ # TODO need time normalization
+ ts=domain.field_data.inputs[:,n_dims]
+ # TODO below is currenlty the odd ball for the field_value API
+ u_pred=vmap(domain.physics.field_values,in_axes=(None,0,0))(
+ field_network,xs,ts
+ )
+ # TODO add output normalization
+ loss=jnp.square(u_pred-domain.field_data.outputs).mean()
+ aux={'field_data_loss':loss}
+ returnself.weight*loss,aux
Source code for pancax.loss_functions.strong_form_loss_functions
+# NOTE this probably does not currently dsupport deltaPINNs
+ defload_step(self,params,domain,t):
+ func=domain.physics.strong_form_residual
+ # TODO this will fail on delta PINNs currently
+ residuals=vmap(func,in_axes=(None,0,None))(params,domain.coords,t)
+ returnjnp.square(residuals).mean()
+ Energy loss function akin to the deep energy method.
+ Calculates the following quantity
+ .. math::
+ \mathcal{L} = w\Pi\left[u\right] = w\int_\Omega\psi\left(\mathbf{F}\right)
+ :param weight: weight for this loss function
+ """
+ weight:float
+ Energy and residual loss function used in Hamel et. al
+ Calculates the following quantity
+ .. math::
+ \mathcal{L} = w_1\Pi\left[u\right] + w_2\delta\Pi\left[u\right]_{free}
+ :param energy_weight: Weight for the energy w_1
+ :param residual_weight: Weight for the residual w_2
+ """
+ energy_weight:float
+ residual_weight:float
+ Energy loss function akin to the deep energy method.
+ Calculates the following quantity
+ .. math::
+ \mathcal{L} = w\Pi\left[u\right] = w\int_\Omega\psi\left(\mathbf{F}\right)
+ :param weight: weight for this loss function
+ """
+ weight:float
+ Energy and residual loss function used in Hamel et. al
+ Calculates the following quantity
+ .. math::
+ \mathcal{L} = w_1\Pi\left[u\right] + w_2\delta\Pi\left[u\right]_{free}
+ :param energy_weight: Weight for the energy w_1
+ :param residual_weight: Weight for the residual w_2
+ """
+ energy_weight:float
+ residual_weight:float
+ Sum a vector to much higher accuracy than numpy.sum.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ a : ndarray, with only one axis (shape [n,])
+ Returns
+ -------
+ sum : real
+ The sum of the numbers in the array
+ This special sum method computes the result as accurate as if
+ computed in quadruple precision.
+ Reference:
+ T. Ogita, S. M. Rump, and S. Oishi. Accurate sum and dot product.
+ SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol 26, No 6, pp. 1955-1988.
+ doi: 10.1137/030601818
+ """
+ deff(carry,ai):
+ p,sigma=carry
+ p,q=_two_sum(p,ai)
+ sigma+=q
+ return(p,sigma),p
+ total=0.0
+ c=0.0
+ (total,c),partialSums=lax.scan(f,(total,c),a)
+ returntotal+c
+ Compute inner product of 2 vectors to much higher accuracy than numpy.dot.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ :param x: ndarray, with only one axis (shape [n,])
+ :param y: ndarray, with only one axis (shape [n,])
+ Returns
+ -------
+ :return dotprod: real
+ The inner product of the input vectors.
+ This special inner product method computes the result as accurate
+ as if computed in quadruple precision. This algorithm is useful to
+ computing objective functions from numerical integration. It avoids
+ accumulation of floating point cancellation error that can obscure
+ whether an objective function has truly decreased.
+ The environment variable setting
+ 'XLA_FLAGS = "--xla_cpu_enable_fast_math=false"'
+ is critical for this function to work on the CPU. Otherwise, xla
+ apparently sets a flag for LLVM that allows unsafe floating point
+ optimizations that can change associativity.
+ Reference
+ T. Ogita, S. M. Rump, and S. Oishi. Accurate sum and dot product.
+ SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol 26, No 6, pp. 1955-1988.
+ doi 10.1137/030601818
+ """
+ deff(carry,xy):
+ p,s=carry
+ xi,yi=xy
+ h,r=_two_product(xi,yi)
+ p,q=_two_sum(p,h)
+ s=s+(q+r)
+ return(p,s),p
+ rawTotal=0.0
+ compensation=0.0
+ X=np.column_stack((x,y))
+ (rawTotal,compensation),partialSums=lax.scan(f,
+ (rawTotal,compensation),
+ X)
+ returnrawTotal+compensation
+ mean_normal=np.trace(A)/3.0
+ mises_norm=mises_equivalent_stress(A)
+ # avoid division by zero in case of spherical tensor
+ mises_norm+=np.finfo(np.dtype("float64")).eps
+ returnmean_normal/mises_norm
+# Compute eigen values and vectors of a symmetric 3x3 tensor
+# Note, returned eigen vectors may not be unit length
+# Note, this routine involves high powers of the input tensor (~M^8).
+# Thus results can start to denormalize when the infinity norm of the input
+# tensor falls outside the range 1.0e-40 to 1.0e+40.
+# Outside this range use eigen_sym33_unit
+# Helper function for 3x3 spectral decompositions
+# Pade approximation to cos( acos(x)/3 )
+# was obtained from Mathematica with the following commands:
+# Needs["FunctionApproximations`"]
+# r1 = MiniMaxApproximation[Cos[ArcCos[x]/3], {x, {0, 1}, 6, 5}, WorkingPrecision -> 18, MaxIterations -> 500]
+# 6 and 5 indicate the polynomial order in the numerator and denominator.
+ A,=primals
+ H,=tangents
+ sqrtA=sqrtm(A)
+ dim=A.shape[0]
+ # TODO(brandon): Use a stable algorithm for solving a Sylvester equation.
+ # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartels%E2%80%93Stewart_algorithm
+ # The following will only reliably work for small matrices.
+ I=np.identity(dim)
+ M=np.kron(sqrtA.T,I)+np.kron(I,sqrtA)
+ Hvec=H.T.ravel()
+ returnsqrtA,(linalg.solve(M,Hvec)).reshape((dim,dim)).T
+""" Matrix square root by product form of Denman-Beavers iteration.
+ Translated from the Matrix Function Toolbox
+ http://www.ma.man.ac.uk/~higham/mftoolbox
+ Nicholas J. Higham, Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation,
+ SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2008. ISBN 978-0-898716-46-7,
+ """
+ dim=A.shape[0]
+ tol=0.5*np.sqrt(dim)*np.finfo(np.dtype("float64")).eps
+ maxIters=32
+ scaleTol=0.01
+ defscaling(M):
+ d=np.abs(linalg.det(M))**(1.0/(2.0*dim))
+ g=1.0/d
+ returng
+ defcond_f(loopData):
+ _,_,error,k,_=loopData
+ p=np.array([k<maxIters,error>tol],dtype=bool)
+ returnnp.all(p)
+ defbody_f(loopData):
+ X,M,error,k,diff=loopData
+ g=np.where(diff>=scaleTol,
+ scaling(M),
+ 1.0)
+ X*=g
+ M*=g*g
+ Y=X
+ N=linalg.inv(M)
+ I=np.identity(dim)
+ X=0.5*X@(I+N)
+ M=0.5*(I+0.5*(M+N))
+ error=np.linalg.norm(M-I,'fro')
+ diff=np.linalg.norm(X-Y,'fro')/np.linalg.norm(X,'fro')
+ k+=1
+ return(X,M,error,k,diff)
+ X0=A
+ M0=A
+ error0=np.finfo(np.dtype("float64")).max
+ k0=0
+ diff0=2.0*scaleTol# want to force scaling on first iteration
+ loopData0=(X0,M0,error0,k0,diff0)
+ X,_,_,k,_=while_loop(cond_f,body_f,loopData0)
+ returnX,k
+"""Logarithmic map by inverse scaling and squaring and Padé approximants
+ Translated from the Matrix Function Toolbox
+ http://www.ma.man.ac.uk/~higham/mftoolbox
+ Nicholas J. Higham, Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation,
+ SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2008. ISBN 978-0-898716-46-7,
+ """
+ dim=A.shape[0]
+ c15=log_pade_coefficients[15]
+ defcond_f(loopData):
+ _,_,k,_,_,converged=loopData
+ conditions=np.array([~converged,k<16],dtype=bool)
+ returnconditions.all()
+ defcompute_pade_degree(diff,j,itk):
+ j+=1
+ # Manually force the return type of searchsorted to be 64-bit int, because it
+ # returns 32-bit ints, ignoring the global `jax_enable_x64` flag. This looks
+ # like a bug. I filed an issue (#11375) with Jax to correct this.
+ # If they fix it, the conversions on p and q can be removed.
+ p=np.searchsorted(log_pade_coefficients[2:16],diff,side='right').astype(np.int64)
+ p+=2
+ q=np.searchsorted(log_pade_coefficients[2:16],diff/2.0,side='right').astype(np.int64)
+ q+=2
+ m,j,converged=if_then_else((2*(p-q)//3<itk)|(j==2),
+ (p+1,j,True),(0,j,False))
+ returnm,j,converged
+ defbody_f(loopData):
+ X,j,k,m,itk,converged=loopData
+ diff=np.linalg.norm(X-np.identity(dim),ord=1)
+ m,j,converged=if_then_else(diff<c15,
+ compute_pade_degree(diff,j,itk),
+ (m,j,converged))
+ X,itk=sqrtm_dbp(X)
+ k+=1
+ returnX,j,k,m,itk,converged
+ X=A
+ j=0
+ k=0
+ m=0
+ itk=5
+ converged=False
+ X,j,k,m,itk,converged=while_loop(cond_f,body_f,(X,j,k,m,itk,converged))
+ returnX,k,m
+ Base class for pancax model parameters.
+ This includes a few helper methods
+ """
+ defserialise(self,base_name,epoch):
+ file_name=f'{base_name}_{str(epoch).zfill(7)}.eqx'
+ print(f'Serialising current parameters to {file_name}')
+ eqx.tree_serialise_leaves(file_name,self)
+ Data structure for storing a set of field network
+ parameters and a set of material properties
+ :param fields: field network parameters object
+ :param properties: property parameters object
+ """
+ fields:eqx.Module
+ properties:eqx.Module
+ def__iter__(self):
+ Iterator for user friendliness
+ """
+ returniter((self.fields,self.properties))
+defzero_init(key:jax.random.PRNGKey,shape)->Float[Array,"no ni"]:
+ :param weight: current weight array for sizing
+ :param key: rng key
+ :return: A new set of weights
+ """
+ out,in_=weight.shape
+ returnjnp.zeros(shape,dtype=jnp.float64)
+deftrunc_init(key:jax.random.PRNGKey,shape)->Float[Array,"no ni"]:
+ :param weight: current weight array for sizing
+ :param key: rng key
+ :return: A new set of weights
+ """
+ stddev=jnp.sqrt(1/shape[0])
+ returnstddev*jax.random.truncated_normal(key,shape=shape,lower=-2,upper=2)
+ :param model: equinox model
+ :param init_fn: function to initialize weigth with
+ :param key: rng key
+ :return: a new equinox model
+ """
+ is_linear=lambdax:isinstance(x,eqx.nn.Linear)
+ get_weights=lambdam:[
+ x.weight
+ forxinjax.tree_util.tree_leaves(m,is_leaf=is_linear)
+ ifis_linear(x)
+ ]
+ weights=get_weights(model)
+ new_weights=[
+ init_fn(subkey,weight.shape)
+ forsubkey,weightinzip(jax.random.split(key,len(weights)),weights)
+ ]
+ new_model=eqx.tree_at(get_weights,model,new_weights)
+ returnnew_model
+# TODO should we convert these to actual classes?
+ n_inputs:int,
+ n_outputs:int,
+ key:jax.random.PRNGKey
+ :param n_inputs: Number of inputs to linear layer
+ :param n_outputs: Number of outputs of the linear layer
+ :param key: rng key
+ :return: Equinox Linear layer
+ """
+ model=eqx.nn.Linear(
+ n_inputs,n_outputs,
+ use_bias=False,
+ key=key
+ )
+ model=eqx.tree_at(lambdal:l.weight,model,jnp.zeros((n_outputs,n_inputs),dtype=jnp.float64))
+ returnmodel
+ n_inputs:int,
+ n_outputs:int,
+ n_neurons:int,
+ n_layers:int,
+ activation:Callable,
+ key:jax.random.PRNGKey,
+ use_final_bias:Optional[bool]=False,
+ init_func:Optional[Callable]=trunc_init
+ :param n_inputs: Number of inputs to the MLP
+ :param n_outputs: Number of outputs of the MLP
+ :param n_neurons: Number of neurons in each hidden layer of the MLP
+ :param n_layers: Number of hidden layers in the MLP
+ :param activation: Activation function, e.g. tanh or relu
+ :param key: rng key
+ :param use_final_bias: Boolean for whether or not to use a bias
+ vector in the final layer
+ :return: Equinox MLP layer
+ """
+ model=eqx.nn.MLP(
+ n_inputs,n_outputs,n_neurons,n_layers,
+ activation=activation,
+ use_final_bias=use_final_bias,
+ key=key
+ )
+ # model = init_linear_weight(model, init_func, key)
+ # model = init_linear(model, init_func, key)
+ returnmodel
+ defensemble_init(self,params):
+ self.step=self.make_step_method()
+ # if self.jit:
+ # self.step = eqx.filter_jit(self.step)
+ # need to now make an ensemble wrapper our self.step
+ # but make sure not to jit it until after the vmap
+ defensemble_step(params,domain,opt_st):
+ params,opt_st,loss=eqx.filter_vmap(
+ self.step,in_axes=(eqx.if_array(0),None,eqx.if_array(0))
+ )(params,domain,opt_st)
+ returnparams,opt_st,loss
+ ifself.jit:
+ self.ensemble_step=eqx.filter_jit(ensemble_step)
+ defvmap_func(p):
+ returnself.opt.init(eqx.filter(p,eqx.is_array))
+ opt_st=eqx.filter_vmap(vmap_func,in_axes=(eqx.if_array(0),))(params)
+ returnopt_st
+"""A custom exception used to report errors in use of Timer class"""
+"""Time your code using a class, context manager, or decorator"""
+ timers:ClassVar[Dict[str,float]]=dict()
+ name:Optional[str]=None
+ text:str="Time in {name}: {:0.8f} seconds"
+ logger:Optional[Callable[[str],None]]=print
+ _start_time:Optional[float]=field(default=None,init=False,repr=False)
+ def__post_init__(self)->None:
+"""Initialization: add timer to dict of timers"""
+ ifself.name:
+ self.timers.setdefault(self.name,0)
+ defstart(self)->None:
+"""Start a new timer"""
+ ifself._start_timeisnotNone:
+ raiseTimerError(f"Timer is running. Use .stop() to stop it")
+ self._start_time=time.perf_counter()
+ defstop(self)->float:
+"""Stop the timer, and report the elapsed time"""
+ ifself._start_timeisNone:
+ raiseTimerError(f"Timer is not running. Use .start() to start it")
+ # Calculate elapsed time
+ elapsed_time=time.perf_counter()-self._start_time
+ self._start_time=None
+ # Report elapsed time
+ ifself.logger:
+ if(self.name):
+ self.logger(self.text.format(elapsed_time,name=self.name))
+ else:
+ self.logger(self.text.format(elapsed_time,name=''))
+ ifself.name:
+ self.timers[self.name]+=elapsed_time
+ returnelapsed_time
+ def__enter__(self)->"Timer":
+"""Start a new timer as a context manager"""
+ self.start()
+ returnself
+ def__exit__(self,*exc_info:Any)->None:
+"""Stop the context manager timer"""
+ self.stop()
+# TODO make this a proper equinox module
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * helper function to hide the search marks again
+ */
+ hideSearchWords: () => {
+ document
+ .querySelectorAll("#searchbox .highlight-link")
+ .forEach((el) => el.remove());
+ document
+ .querySelectorAll("span.highlighted")
+ .forEach((el) => el.classList.remove("highlighted"));
+ localStorage.removeItem("sphinx_highlight_terms")
+ },
+ initEscapeListener: () => {
+ // only install a listener if it is really needed
+ document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
+ // bail for input elements
+ if (BLACKLISTED_KEY_CONTROL_ELEMENTS.has(document.activeElement.tagName)) return;
+ // bail with special keys
+ if (event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) return;
+ SphinxHighlight.hideSearchWords();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+_ready(() => {
+ /* Do not call highlightSearchWords() when we are on the search page.
+ * It will highlight words from the *previous* search query.
+ */
+ if (typeof Search === "undefined") SphinxHighlight.highlightSearchWords();
+ SphinxHighlight.initEscapeListener();
diff --git a/html/genindex.html b/html/genindex.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c62a6b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/genindex.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2845 @@
+ Index — pancax 0.0.2 documentation
+ _
+ | A
+ | B
+ | C
+ | D
+ | E
+ | F
+ | G
+ | H
+ | I
+ | J
+ | K
+ | L
+ | M
+ | N
+ | O
+ | P
+ | Q
+ | R
+ | S
+ | T
+ | U
+ | V
+ | W
+ | X
+ | Z
Data structure that holds global data to be used as
+ground truth for some global field calculated from
+PINN outputs used in inverse modeling training
times – A set of times used to compare to physics calculations
displacements – Currently hardcoded to use a displacement-force curve TODO
outputs – Field used as ground truth, hardcoded essentially to a reaction force now
n_nodes – Book-keeping variable for number of nodes on nodeset to measure global response from
n_time_steps – Book-keeping variable
reaction_nodes – Node set nodes for where to measure reaction forces
reaction_dof – Degree of freedom to use for reaction force calculation
Shape functions and shape function gradients (in the parametric space).
values – Values of the shape functions at a discrete set of points.
+Shape is (nPts,nNodes), where nPts is the number of
+points at which the shame functinos are evaluated, and nNodes
+is the number of nodes in the element (which is equal to the
+number of shape functions).
gradients – Values of the parametric gradients of the shape functions.
+Shape is (nPts,nDim,nNodes), where nDim is the number
+of spatial dimensions. Line elements are an exception, which
+have shape (nPts,nNdodes).
Method to be defined to calculate shape function values
+and gradients given a list of nodal points (usually the vertexNodes)
+and a list of evaluation points (usually the quadrature points).
Method to be defined to calculate shape function values
+and gradients given a list of nodal points (usually the vertexNodes)
+and a list of evaluation points (usually the quadrature points).
Method to be defined to calculate shape function values
+and gradients given a list of nodal points (usually the vertexNodes)
+and a list of evaluation points (usually the quadrature points).
Method to be defined to calculate shape function values
+and gradients given a list of nodal points (usually the vertexNodes)
+and a list of evaluation points (usually the quadrature points).
Method to be defined to calculate shape function values
+and gradients given a list of nodal points (usually the vertexNodes)
+and a list of evaluation points (usually the quadrature points).
Method to be defined to calculate shape function values
+and gradients given a list of nodal points (usually the vertexNodes)
+and a list of evaluation points (usually the quadrature points).
Method to be defined to calculate shape function values
+and gradients given a list of nodal points (usually the vertexNodes)
+and a list of evaluation points (usually the quadrature points).
Method to be defined to calculate shape function values
+and gradients given a list of nodal points (usually the vertexNodes)
+and a list of evaluation points (usually the quadrature points).
Data needed for calculus on functions in the discrete function space.
In describing the shape of the attributes, ne is the number of
+elements in the mesh, nqpe is the number of quadrature points per
+element, npe is the number of nodes per element, and nd is the
+spatial dimension of the domain.
shapes – Shape function values on each element, shape (ne, nqpe, npe)
vols – Volume attributed to each quadrature point. That is, the
+quadrature weight (on the parameteric element domain) multiplied by
+the Jacobian determinant of the map from the parent element to the
+element in the domain. Shape (ne, nqpe).
shapeGrads – Derivatives of the shape functions with respect to the
+spatial coordinates of the domain. Shape (ne, nqpe, npe, nd).
mesh – The Mesh object of the domain.
quadratureRule – The QuadratureRule on which to sample the shape
isAxisymmetric – boolean indicating if the function space data are
:param :
+:type : param mesh: The mesh of the domain.
+:param :
+:type : param quadratureRule: The quadrature rule to be used for integrating on the
+:param domain.:
+:param :
+:type : param mode2D: A string indicating how the 2D domain is interpreted for
+:param integration. Valid values are cartesian and axisymmetric.:
+:param Axisymetric mode will include the factor of 2*pi*r in the vols:
+:param attribute.:
Construct a function space with precomputed shape function data on the parent element.
This version of the function space constructor is Jax-transformable,
+and in particular can be jitted. The computation of the shape function
+values and derivatives on the parent element is not transformable in
+general. However, the mapping of the shape function data to the elements in
+the mesh is transformable. One can precompute the parent element shape
+functions once and for all, and then use this special factory function to
+construct the function space and avoid the non-transformable part of the
+operation. The primary use case is for shape sensitivities: the coordinates
+of the mesh change, and we want Jax to pick up the sensitivities of the
+shape function derivatives in space to the coordinate changes
+(which occurs through the mapping from the parent element to the spatial
:param :
+:type : param mesh: The mesh of the domain.
+:param :
+:type : param shapeOnRef: A tuple of the shape function values and gradients on the
+:param parent element:
+:param evaluated at the quadrature points. The caller must:
+:param take care to ensure the shape functions are evaluated at the same:
+:param points as contained in the quadratureRule parameter.:
+:param : domain.
+:type : param quadratureRule: The quadrature rule to be used for integrating on the
+:param :
+:type : param mode2D: A string indicating how the 2D domain is interpreted for
+:param integration. See the default factory function for details.:
+pancax.fem.function_space.integrate_over_block(functionSpace, U, X, stateVars, props, dt, func, block, *params, modify_element_gradient=<functiondefault_modify_element_gradient>)[source]
Integrates a density function over a block of the mesh.
functionSpace – Function space object to do the integration with.
U – The vector of dofs for the primal field in the functional.
X – Nodal coordinates
stateVars – Internal state variable array.
dt – Current time increment
func – Lagrangian density function to integrate, Must have the signature
+func(u,dudx,q,x,*params)->scalar, where u is the primal field, q is the
+value of the internal variables, x is the current point coordinates, and *params is
+a variadic set of additional parameters, which correspond to the *params argument.
+block: Group of elements to integrate over. This is an array of element indices. For
+performance, the elements within the block should be numbered consecutively.
modify_element_gradient – Optional function that modifies the gradient at the element level.
+This can be to set the particular 2D mode, and additionally to enforce volume averaging
+on the gradient operator. This is a keyword-only argument.
+A scalar value for the integral of the density functional func integrated over the
+block of elements.
+pancax.fem.function_space.evaluate_on_block(functionSpace, U, X, stateVars, dt, props, func, block, *params, modify_element_gradient=<functiondefault_modify_element_gradient>)[source]
Evaluates a density function at every quadrature point in a block of the mesh.
functionSpace – Function space object to do the evaluation with.
U – The vector of dofs for the primal field in the functional.
X – Nodal coordinates
stateVars – Internal state variable array.
dt – Current time increment
func – Lagrangian density function to evaluate, Must have the signature
+`func(u,dudx,q,x,*params)->scalar`, where `u` is the primal field, `q` is the
+value of the internal variables, `x` is the current point coordinates, and `*params` is
+a variadic set of additional parameters, which correspond to the `*params` argument.
block – Group of elements to evaluate over. This is an array of element indices. For
+performance, the elements within the block should be numbered consecutively.
modify_element_gradient – Optional function that modifies the gradient at the element level.
+This can be to set the particular 2D mode, and additionally to enforce volume averaging
+on the gradient operator. This is a keyword-only argument.
+An array of shape (numElements, numQuadPtsPerElement) that contains the scalar values of the
+density functional `func` at every quadrature point in the block.
coords – Coordinates of the nodes, shape (nNodes,nDim).
conns – Nodal connectivity table of the elements.
simplexNodesOrdinals – Indices of the nodes that are vertices.
parentElement – A ParentElement that is the element type in
+parametric space. A mesh can contain only 1 element type.
blocks – A dictionary mapping element block names to the indices of the
+elements in the block.
nodeSets – A dictionary mapping node set names to the indices of the
sideSets – A dictionary mapping side set names to the edges. The
+edge data structure is a tuple of the element index and the local
+number of the edge within that element. For example, triangle
+elements will have edge 0, 1, or 2 for this entry.
Generate topological information about edges in a triangulation.
conns ((nTriangles, 3) array) – Connectivity table of the triangulation.
edgeConns ((nEdges, 2) array) – Vertices of each edge. Boundary edges are always in the
+counter-clockwise sense, so that the interior of the body is on the left
+side when walking from the first vertex to the second.
edges ((nEdges, 4) array) – Edge-to-triangle topological information. Each row provides the
+follwing information for each edge: [leftT, leftP, rightT, rightP],
+where leftT is the ID of the triangle to the left, leftP is the
+permutation of the edge in the left triangle (edge 0, 1, or 2), rightT
+is the ID of the triangle to the right, and rightP is the permutation
+of the edge in the right triangle. If the edge is a boundary edge, the
+values of rightT and rightP are -1.
Assumes that the edgs has a constant shape jacobian, that is, the
+transformation from the parent element is affine.
+:param mesh: a Mesh object
+:param edgeCoords: coordinates of all nodes on the edge, in the order
+defined by the 1D parent element convention
+tuple (t, n, j) with
+:return t: the unit tangent vector
+:return n: the outward unit normal vector
+:return j: jacobian of the transformation from parent to physical space
Quadrature rule points and weights.
+A namedtuple containing xigauss, a numpy array of the
+coordinates of the sample points in the reference domain, and
+wgauss, a numpy array with the weights.
xigauss – coordinates of gauss points in reference element
wgauss – weights of gauss points in reference element
Creates a Gauss-Legendre quadrature on the unit triangle.
The rule can exactly integrate 2D polynomials up to the value of
+degree. The domain is the triangle between the vertices
+(0, 0)-(1, 0)-(0, 1). The rules here are guaranteed to be
+cyclically symmetric in triangular coordinates and to have strictly
+positive weights.
degree (Highest degree polynomial to be exactly integrated by the quadrature rule)
A QuadratureRule named tuple containing the quadrature point coordinates
Creates 1D Gauss quadrature rule data that are padded to maintain a
+uniform size, which makes this function jit-able.
This function is inteded to be used only when jit compilation of calls to the
+quadrature rules are needed. Otherwise, prefer to use the standard quadrature
+rules. The standard rules do not contain extra 0s for padding, which makes
+them more efficient when used repeatedly (such as in the global energy).
degree – degree of highest polynomial to be integrated exactly
Jacobian of element_quantity_new with respect to positional argument(s) 3. Takes the same arguments as element_quantity_new but returns the jacobian of the output with respect to the arguments at positions 3.
Jacobian of element_quantity_new with respect to positional argument(s) 3. Takes the same arguments as element_quantity_new but returns the jacobian of the output with respect to the arguments at positions 3.
Gradient of potential_energy with respect to positional argument(s) 1. Takes the same arguments as potential_energy but returns the gradient, which has the same shape as the arguments at positions 1.
Value and gradient of potential_energy with respect to positional argument(s) 1. Takes the same arguments as potential_energy but returns a two-element tuple where the first element is the value of potential_energy and the second element is the gradient, which has the same shape as the arguments at positions 1.
Gradient of incompressible_energy with respect to positional argument(s) 1. Takes the same arguments as incompressible_energy but returns the gradient, which has the same shape as the arguments at positions 1.
Value and gradient of incompressible_energy with respect to positional argument(s) 1. Takes the same arguments as incompressible_energy but returns a two-element tuple where the first element is the value of incompressible_energy and the second element is the gradient, which has the same shape as the arguments at positions 1.
Sum a vector to much higher accuracy than numpy.sum.
a (ndarray, with only one axis (shape [n,]))
sum – The sum of the numbers in the array
Return type:
This special sum method computes the result as accurate as if
+computed in quadruple precision.
+T. Ogita, S. M. Rump, and S. Oishi. Accurate sum and dot product.
+SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol 26, No 6, pp. 1955-1988.
+doi: 10.1137/030601818
Compute inner product of 2 vectors to much higher accuracy than numpy.dot.
:param :
+:type : param x: ndarray, with only one axis (shape [n,])
+:param :
+:type : param y: ndarray, with only one axis (shape [n,])
The inner product of the input vectors.
Return type:
return dotprod: real
This special inner product method computes the result as accurate
+as if computed in quadruple precision. This algorithm is useful to
+computing objective functions from numerical integration. It avoids
+accumulation of floating point cancellation error that can obscure
+whether an objective function has truly decreased.
The environment variable setting
+‘XLA_FLAGS = “–xla_cpu_enable_fast_math=false”’
+is critical for this function to work on the CPU. Otherwise, xla
+apparently sets a flag for LLVM that allows unsafe floating point
+optimizations that can change associativity.
+T. Ogita, S. M. Rump, and S. Oishi. Accurate sum and dot product.
+SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol 26, No 6, pp. 1955-1988.
+doi 10.1137/030601818
Matrix square root by product form of Denman-Beavers iteration.
Translated from the Matrix Function Toolbox
+Nicholas J. Higham, Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation,
+SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2008. ISBN 978-0-898716-46-7,
Logarithmic map by inverse scaling and squaring and Padé approximants
Translated from the Matrix Function Toolbox
+Nicholas J. Higham, Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation,
+SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2008. ISBN 978-0-898716-46-7,