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django-startproject v1.0.1


Set up a fresh Django project to build your large or small app, with everything configured to be controlled simply from environment variables.

Getting Started

git clone
  1. Rename the django-startproject to YOUR-PROJECT-NAME
  2. Rename the YOUR-PROJECT-NAME/.env.Example to .env
  3. Remove the existing "origin" remote: git remote remove origin & Add your new remote repository (Optional)
  • Create a virtual environment
python -m venv zenv
source zenv/Scripts/activate # Windows
source zenv/bin/activate # Mac
  • Install basic requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install django "django-phonenumber-field[phonenumberslite]" django-import-export django-filter django-cleanup gunicorn whitenoise django-cors-headers python-dotenv
  • To create a .env file from the .env.Example file
ENABLE_TEST_PANEL = True  # It will enable the testing panel.
ENABLE_SYSINFO = False  # It will enable the system info. || pip install psutil
ENABLE_DRF = False # It will enable the django rest framework || pip install djangorestframework djangorestframework-simplejwt
ENABLE_SWAGGER = False # It Enables Swagger-UI || pip install drf-yasg
USE_ASGI_MODE = False # Need to enable the redis for django channels || pip install 'channels[daphne]'
ENABLE_CRON_JOBS = False # Enables Django Crontab || pip install django-crontab
ENABLE_CELERY = False # enables the celery || pip install celery
ENABLE_CELERY_BEAT = False # Enables the celery beat || pip install django-celery-beat django-celery-results
ENABLE_MONGO_ENGINE = False # pip install mongoengine
ENABLE_AWS_S3_STORAGE = False # pip install django-storages boto3
  • Start Server
python makemigrations
python migrate
python createsuperuser

python runserver

Enabling Database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite)

To use PostgreSQL, set DB_TYPE = 'PostgreSQL' and ENABLE_DB = True make sure you have installed psycopg2:

# stand-alone package
pip install psycopg2
# OR binary package
pip install psycopg2-binary

To use MySQL, set DB_TYPE = 'MySQL' and ENABLE_DB = True make sure you have installed pymysql:

pip install mysqlclient

Help: Installing mysqlclient on Ubuntu 22.04 / 24.04

To use SQLite, set ENABLE_DB = False

It will automatically use SQLite by default.

Enabling the Mongo Engine

Install mongoengine

pip install mongoengine

Apply the following changes to your .env file.

MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING = 'mongodb://username:password@host:27017/db?authSource=admin'

You can test the connection from TEST_PANEL.

Enabling the ASGI Mode (WebSocket)

To activate ASGI mode, enable USE_ASGI_MODE=True and install Django Channels:

pip install 'channels[daphne]'

Redis Channels layers are also required for this. To enable Redis, set ENABLE_REDIS=True and REDIS_CHANNEL_LAYER=True, and install Django Channels Channel Layers:

pip install channels-redis

You can test the socket connections from TEST_PANEL.

Enabling Celery & Celery Beat

To activate Celery, enable ENABLE_CELERY=True and make sure Redis is working properly. Run the following commands:

pip install celery
python makemigrations
python migrate

Open a new instance of terminal and run the following code:

# Windows
source zenv/Scripts/activate && celery -A project worker -l info -P eventlet 

# Ubuntu | Mac
celery -A project worker -l info

You can test the celery tasks from TEST_PANEL.

For Enabling Celery Beat

Enable ENABLE_CELERY_BEAT=True and then install:

pip install django-celery-beat
pip install django-celery-results
python makemigrations
python migrate

Open a new instance of terminal and run the following code:

# Windows
source zenv/Scripts/activate && celery -A project beat -l info  

# Ubuntu | Mac
celery -A project beat -l info

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