- Layer-2 Devices
- MAC devices page
- Implemented MAC last seen tracking in redis
- Manufacturer filter and sort
- Host pools (logical groups of hosts)
- Logstash flow export extension
- Implemented data anonymization: hosts and top sites
- Implements CPU load average and memory usage
- Virtual Interfaces
- ZMQ: disaggregate based on probeIP or ingress interfaceId
- Packet: disaggregate on VLANId
- ElasticSearch and MySQL flow export statistics
- Tiny Flows
- Alerts
- Implements alerts on a per-interface per-vlan basis
- Global alert thresolds for all local hosts/interfaces/local networks
- LUA alerts generation
- Adds hosts stateful syn attacks alerts
- Visualization/Retrieval of Host Alerts
- Added the ability to generate alert when ntopng detects traffic produced by malware hosts
- Slack integration: send alerts to slack
- Alerts for anomalous flows
- Host blacklisted alerts
- Alerts delete by type, older than, by host
- SSL certificates mismatch alerts generation
- Implement SSL/TLS handshake detection
- Integrated MSDN support
- Implemented DHCP dissection for name resolution
- Traffic bridging
- Per host pool, per host pool member policies
- Per L7 protocol category policies
- Flashstart categories to block
- Time and Traffic quotas
- Support to google Safe Search DNS
- Ability to set custom DNS
- Captive portal
- Limited lifetime users
- Support for pc, kindle, android, ipad devices
- Periodic SNMP device monitoring and polling
- Historical SNMP timeseries
- Host-to-SNMP devices mapping
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Traffic Report: per host, interface, network
- Added ability to define host blacklists
- DNS flow characterization with FlashStart (www.flashstart.it)
- Flow LUA scripts: on flow creation, protocol detected, expire
- Periodic MySQL flows aggregation
- Batched MySQL flows insertions
- sFlow device/interface counters
- Implementation of flow devices stats
- Allows web server binding to system ports for non-privileged users
- Improved VLAN support
- Improved IPv6 support
- Implements a script to add users from the command line
- View interfaces rework
- Reported number of Layer-2 devices in ntopng footer
- Preferences re-organization and search
- Adds RIPE integration for Autonomous Systems
- Search host by custom name
- Move to the UTF-8 encoding
- Make real-time statics refresh time configurable (footer, dashboard)
- Adds support for localization (i18n)
- Traffic bridging: improved stability
- Traffic profiles: improved stability and data persistence
- Charts
- Improved historical graphs
- Traffic report rework and optimizations
- Improves the responsiveness and interactivity of historical exploration (ajax)
- Stacked top hosts
- Add ZMQ flows/sec graph
- Profiles graphs
- Implemented ICMP detailed stats for local hosts
- ASN graphs: traffic and protocols history
- ARP requests VS replies sent and received by hosts
- Implement host TCP flags distribution
- DNS packets ratio
- FlashStart category graphs
- Added ARP protocol in interface statistics
- SNMP port graphs
- Changes and rework for SIP and RTP protocol
- Adds VoIP SIP to RTP flow search
- Improves VoIP visualization (RTP)
- Disable TLS 1.0 (vulnerable) in mongoose
- Disabled insecure cyphers in SSL (when using ntopng over SSL)
- Hardens the code to prevent SQL injections
- Enforce POST form CSRF to prevent programmer mistakes
- Strict GET and POST parameters validation to prevent XSS
- Prevent HTTP splitting attacks
- Force default admin password change
- Fundamental memory-management, stability and speed improvements
- Security fixes to prevent privileges escalation and XSS
- Improved alerts with support for
- Re-arming
- Nagios
- Network-based triggers
- Suspicious probing attempts
- Netfilter support with optional packet dropping features
- Routing visibility through RIPE
- Hosts/flows listing and grouping facilities implemented directly into the C core rather than in Lua
- Fine-grained historical data drill-down features in the Professional/Small Business version. Features include top talkers, top applications, and interactions between hosts.
- Integrations with other tools:
- LDAP authentication support
- alerts forwarding/withdrawal to Nagios
- nBox integration to request pcaps of monitored flows
- Apache Kafka flows export
- Extended and improved traffic monitoring:
- TCP sessions throughput estimations and state breakdown (e.g., established, reset, etc.)
- Goodput monitoring
- Trends detection
- Highlight of low-goodput flows and hosts
- Added hosts top-visited sites
- Built-in support for:
- GRE detunnelling
- per-VLAN historical statistics
- ICMP and ICMPv6 dissection
- Extended and improved supported OSes: Ubuntu 16, Debian 7, EdgeOS
- Optional support for hosts categorization via service
- New options:
that allows the user to chose which direction to monitor (tx only, rx only, or both)--zmq-collector-mode
to assure proper nProbe flow collection behind firewalls--online-license-check
for to check licenses online--print-ndpi-protocols
to print nDPI Layer-7 application protocols supported
- Implementation of traffic profiles, logical flow-based aggregations -- e.g., Facebook traffic originating at host X. Real-time statistics as well as historical data are collected for each traffic profile
- Added a fine-grained network traffic breakdown that captures and stores ingress, egress, and inner traffic for each local network
- Ex-novo redesign of historical interfaces. Historical interface data have been seamlessly integrated with real-time data
- Historical flow dump and runtime drill-down of historical data with support for MySQL and ElasticSearch
- Built-in support for protocols:
- CAPWAP (Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5415)
- BATMAN (http://www.open-mesh.org/projects/open-mesh/wiki/BATMANConcept)
- TZSP (TaZmen Sniffer Protocol)
- Added SIP and RTP protocols information in flow details
- Additional MAC-based host classification
- Added support for Linux TUN/TAP devices in TUN mode
- Extended and improved supported OSes: EdgeOS, Centos 6/7, Ubuntu 12.04/14.04, Debian, Windows x64, Raspbian (Raspberry)
- Extended and improved supported architectures: x86, x86-64, MIPS, ARM.
- Documentation and User Guide significantly improved
- Added a great deal of READMEs, including ElasticSearch, bridging, traffic shaping and policing, NetBeans development
- Improved stability both under normal and high network loads
- Fixed tens of minor bugs