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270 lines (232 loc) · 15.7 KB

File metadata and controls

270 lines (232 loc) · 15.7 KB


RELEASE 1.6.3 (2023-11-22)

  • New ExtConfig : ExtVariables = BOOLEAN, defaults to false
  • New ExtConfig : FileWatcher = BOOLEAN, defaults to true
  • Add shortcuts to some online websites
    • FA2sp Github Page, translation key: Menu.Online.FA2sp
    • Phobos Github Page, translation key: Menu.Online.Phobos
    • PPM Forum MainPage, translation key: Menu.Online.PPM
    • ModEnc MainPage, translation key: Menu.Online.ModEnc
    • You can also add your own shortcuts (3 at max) by editing FAData.ini section [Online]
      • This feature might be vulnerable in some cases, so it is disabled by default, you can enable it by setting ExtConfig : CustomOnlineWebsites = BOOLEAN, defaults to false
    ; In `FAData.ini`
    Custom1=My Website Name 1,
    Custom2=My Website Name 2,
    Custom3=My Website Name 3,

RELEASE 1.6.2 (2023-07-18)

  • Renamed ExtConfig : BrowserRedraw.GuessMode to ObjectBrowser.GuessMode
  • Renamed ExtConfig : BrowserRedraw.CleanUp to ObjectBrowser.CleanUp
  • Renamed ExtConfig : BrowserRedraw.SafeHouses to ObjectBrowser.SafeHouses
  • Now buildings whose hp percentage lower than [AudioVisual]>ConditionYellow will be displayed as damaged one
  • Now buildings whose hp is 0 will be displayed as their rubble frame
    • Currently the rubble will probably be drawn with an incorrect palette
  • New ExtConfig : HideNoRubbleBuilding = BOOLEAN, defaults to false, enable it so Buildings with LeaveRubble=no will be hide if their HP = 0
  • New ExtConfig : MultiSelectionShiftDeselect = BOOLEAN, defaults to false, enable it so deselect all hotkey would be CTRL+SHIFT+D, otherwise it would be CTRL+D
  • Added hotkey CTRL+SHIFT+F for Navigate to coordinate
  • SliderCtrl now displays tooltip indicating current strength of the object
  • Now Map Editor will hint if the map file had been externally modified. Can be translated by FileWatcherMessage.

RELEASE 1.6.1 (2023-05-06)

  • New Map Tool: Navigate to coordinate, can be translated by Menu.MapTools.NavigateCoordinate, more locolization tags could be found in the document
  • Fixed the bug that Taskforce window didn't translate message properly
  • ExtConfig : EnableMultiSelection defaults to true since this version. This tag is supposed to be deprecated in 1.7.0.

RELEASE 1.6.0 (2023-04-30)

  • Reimplemented file reading system
  • Support Ares Custom Foundation
  • Map validator now checks overlapping structures, raise an error instead of warning for now. String can be modified by MV_OverlapStructures
    • You should manually add buildings that need to be ignored in FADATA.INI section [StructureOverlappingCheckIgnores], as it is raising an error, and you probably want some lightposts to be ignored.
    • The Ignorance list might be removed in the future, when I can finally figure out what is that stupid problem
  • Map validator now checks missing logic params, raise an error instead of warning for now. String can be modified by MV_LogicMissingParams
  • Fixed the bug that lighting is not reset correctly when loading/creating a map
  • Fixed the bug that smudges and basenodes drifting away when resizing the map
  • Multiselection now supports copy & paste
  • Multiselection operations(raise or lower cells) now supports undo & redo
  • New ExtConfig : ExtendedValidationNoError = BOOLEAN, defaults to false

RELEASE 1.5.2 (2023-03-03)

  • Fixed the bug that money calculation is incorrect
  • Now SHP Vehicles more than 8 facings are supported
  • New ExtConfig : EnableMultiSelection = BOOLEAN, defaults to false

RELEASE 1.5.1 (2023-01-12)

  • Fixed the bug that Preview was incorrectly saved in version 1.5.0
  • Built-in script params can be translated
  • Trigger repeat type can be translated

RELEASE 1.5.0 (2023-01-03)

  • Implement Auto Property Brush
  • New ExtConfig : DDrawInVideoMem = BOOLEAN, defaults to true
  • New ExtConfig : DDrawEmulation = BOOLEAN, defaults to false
  • New ExtConfig : NoHouseNameTranslation = BOOLEAN, defaults to false

RELEASE 1.4.2 (2022-10-27)

  • Split CncVxlRenderText
  • New ExtConfig : RandomTerrainObjects = BOOLEAN, enable it so random trees will show all TerrainTypes.
  • Fixed a bug when saving [PreviewPack] and [Preview]

RELEASE 1.4.1 (2022-06-18)

  • This is a cumulative update
  • Reimplemented CTeamTypes message handler
  • Support for lower case of theater names
  • Fix a possible memory leak
  • Disable MultiSelection
  • Optimizations on UI
  • Put Preview and PreviewPack at the beginning of the map file if they exist
  • Update the changelog file and document file, now really using Markdown

RELEASE (2022-02-11)

  • Fixed the bug that Powerups are not being rendered in several cases
  • Fixed the bug that MoneyCounter is not working properly

RELEASE 1.4.0 (2022-02-10)

  • Now you can create a map with size up to $255$ * $255$
  • New ExtConfig : RecentFileLimit = INTEGER, defaults to $6$, should be a integer between $4$ and $9$
  • Optimized mouse attached building drawing
  • Reimplemented tube generation
  • Support for multi-selection, the detailed usage can be looked up in the document below
  • New ExtConfig : MultiSelectionColor = COLORREF, back color of selected tiles
  • Theater order in dropdown is now customizable and theaters can be disabled
  • New ExtConfig : Waypoint.Text.ExtraOffset = POINT, WP text offsets
  • New ExtConfig : SaveMap.DefaultPreviewOptionMP = INTEGER, SaveMap.DefaultPreviewOptionSP = INTEGER, read the doc below
  • ExtConfig : SaveMap tag has been removed, it will be forced to enable now

RELEASE 1.3.0 (2021-12-31)

  • The project now compiles under v143 with /std:c++latest, Windows XP may not be able to use this dll
  • New ExtConfig : FastResize = BOOLEAN, enable it so resizing the map will be much more faster when expanding
  • Experimental Lighting, only for preview, not correct
  • More localization support
  • Added more internal param codes
  • You can now customize tile manager by regex
  • Reimplement waypoint drawing, reduce lag
  • Minor adjustments

RELEASE 1.2.2 (2021-11-20)

  • Now you can add more ramps to be auto generated in FA2 by setting [THEATERInfo] in fadata.ini
  • Now you can specify the display name of theaters
  • Support for ExtraMixes, will be read before any other mixes
  • Support for OverlayDisplayLimit, the frame after this number won't be displayed in the TilesetBrowserView, up to 60
  • ExtConfig : Stringtable tag has been removed, it will be forced to enable now
  • Minor fixes

RELEASE 1.2.1 (2021-11-12)

  • Remove a hook that might lead to some problem
  • Adjust some rc file
  • Fixed BrowserRedraw.SafeHouses not working correctly
  • Now property brush handles mouse move too

RELEASE 1.2.0 (2021-11-04)

  • New ObjectBrowser items: Property brushes (FALanguage has been updated)

RELEASE 1.1.3 (2021-11-02)

  • Fixed the bug that EVA(md).ini cannot be loaded
  • Now ScriptsRA2 will correctly read inconsistent keys
  • New ExtConfig : BrowserRedraw.SafeHouses, enable it so that the houses being displayed in ObjectBrowserView will be rearranged correctly but won't update until you load the map again

RELEASE 1.1.2 (2021-10-16)

*) Fixed the bug that FA2sp crashes while trying to read/write file on some PCs

RELEASE 1.1.1 (2021-10-12)

  • Minor bugfixes
  • Now FA2sp will apply Visual Style depending on your system instead of keeping them look like Windows95 style

RELEASE 1.1.0 (2021-10-03)

  • Trigger sort, which will provide you some handy in trigger classification
  • Now you can directly edit [Ranking] in SingleplayerSettings
  • Now you can edit all stuff of [Lighting]
  • New ExtConfig : VerticalLayout = BOOLEAN, enable it so that FA2sp will make the bottom view go to the right side
  • Now you can delete a trigger and its celltags at the same time
  • Now you can customize script param typelist

RELEASE 1.0.7 (2021-09-28)

  • Changed the layout of CRightView::CTileSetBrowserFrame from [0, 1] to [1, 0], it's vertical now
  • Now FA2 will not only read default palettes from cache.mix but read them like the normal files
  • Fix the remaining autosave bug cannot removing earlier maps
  • Fix the bug that Multiplayer map cannot save PreviewPack correctly

RELEASE 1.0.6 (2021-09-23)

  • Fix the autosave bug caused by Loritas
  • Fix the problem that FA2 crashes after kill focus
  • Fix the problem that Allie Editor not being applied to the data automatically
  • Fix the bug that resize map not take basenodes and smudges into consideration

RELEASE 1.0.5 (2021-08-25)

  • Enhanced SaveMap logic by Loritas
  • New ExtConfig : SaveMap.OnlySaveMAP, enable it so that FA2 will only save map with .map file extension
  • Now VXL drawing lib no longer requires DirectX 9 anymore
  • Reimplemented Building & Basenode outline rendering, also Celltags, Waypoints and Tubes rendering
  • Significantly reduce the lag of Building & Celltag & Waypoint & Tube rendering

RELEASE 1.0.4 (2021-08-20)

  • Now you can copy AITriggers
  • New ExtConfig : SaveMap = BOOLEAN, enable it so that we will replace FA2's vanilla slow saving function
    • New ExtConfig : SaveMap.AutoSave = BOOLEAN, enable it so that we will enable FA2 to save map automatically after one save
      • New ExtConfig : SaveMap.AutoSave.Interval = INTEGER, set the interval between two auto saving, need to be greater than or equal to than 30
      • New ExtConfig : SaveMap.AutoSave.MaxCount = INTEGER, how many auto saving files can FA2 keep, set to -1 will disable the auto cleanning up

RELEASE 1.0.3 (2021-08-19)

  • Now we read file without extracting them to the game folder, this might fix some reading bugs
  • The ObjectBrowserView will show player locations again in Multiplayer maps (with Basic -> MultiplayerOnly=yes)
  • Easy mode is disabled, and it won't be displayed in menu either anymore

RELEASE 1.0.2 (2021-08-18)

  • Now Allie Editor answer double click command for listboxes
  • Fixed the bug that TransportWP was not correctly copied
  • ScriptTypes and VXLDrawing will no longer cause memory leak

RELEASE 1.0.1 (2021-08-14)

  • Now Unit/Aircraft/Infantry dialog will show up at the center of the screen
  • Fixed the bug that delete script do not delete the key in [ScriptTypes]
  • Fixed the bug that copy team do not really clone Droppod key

RELEASE 1.0.0 (2021-08-13)

  • Minor adjustments on ObjectBrowserControl
  • Replace the exception handler, now you can save a dmp file when FA2 crashes
  • Fix the bug that some building cannot be drawn correctly

Build20210811 (2021-08-11)

  • VXL Units' TurretOffset and Buildings' VXL turrets should be drawn at correct place
  • New ignore keys: IgnoreIdleAnim and IgnoreActiveAnimX
  • New drawing config: VehicleVoxelBarrelsRA2
  • IgnoreSuperAnimX will be read correctly now
  • Import AllieEditor for CHouses from FA2Copy
  • Adjustments on several dialogs
  • Now you can run multiple FA2sp at the same time

Build20210807B (2021-08-07)

  • Fixed the bug for PowerUpLocs

Build20210807 (2021-08-07)

  • The drawing function is fixed for several items
  • The Isoview now will be redrawn automatically after layers are set
  • New tags in falanguage so you can translate menu items

Build20210806 (2021-08-06)

  • New param code: $30$ for float, this param code can be used for action $71$ & $72$
  • New menu checkboxes: Layers, you can hide Strutures, Infantries and so on through this system
  • The drawing function for Structures, Infantries, Vehicles, Terrains, Smudges and Aircrafts have been completely rewritten

Build20210802 (2021-08-02)

  • Fixed fatal error on STDHelper::SplitString caused bugs on Clone Actions/Events and ExtConfig::SortByTriggerName

Build20210731 (2021-07-31)

  • Fixed wrongly painted infantry subcell place
  • Undo/Redo limit is now controlled by ExtConfig : UndoRedoLimit = INTEGER, defaults to $16$
  • New ExtConfig : UseRGBHouseColor
  • Now you can copy single action/event in trigger editor
  • Now you can copy taskforce and its member

Build20210719 (2021-07-19)

  • Undo/Redo extended to $2147483647$ steps, be careful about your memory
  • Fixed wrongly painted Remap color for technos using UNITXXX.PAL
  • Fixed buildings with shp turret can only been painted to NORTH
  • Refactored ScriptTypes window, now you can use MoveUp, MoveDown, InsertMode and Clones

Build20210611 (2021-06-11)

  • New ExtConfig : ExtWaypoints = BOOLEAN, enable it to support no limitation of waypoints, defaults to false (Phobos required)
  • New ExtConfig : Waypoint.Background = BOOLEAN, enable it to draw a background rectangle for waypoints, defaults to false
    • New ExtConfig : Waypoint.Background.Color = COLORREF, custom the waypoint background color
  • New ExtConfig : Waypoint.Color = COLORREF, custom the waypoint text color
  • New ExtConfig : CopySelectionBound.Color = COLORREF, custom the copy selection bound color, defaults to $255,0,0$
  • New ExtConfig : CursorSelectionBound.Color = COLORREF, same as the above one, defaults to $60,160,60$
  • New ExtConfig : CursorSelectionBound.HeightIndicatorColor = COLORREF, same as the above one, defaults to $60,60,60$

Build20210507 (2021-05-07)

  • New ExtConfig : SortByTriggerName = BOOLEAN, enable it so FA2 will sort the triggers dropdown and sort them by their name instead of ID
  • New ExtConfig : AdjustDropdownWidth = BOOLEAN, enable it so FA2 will adjust the param dropdown width automatically
    • New ExtConfig : AdjustDropdownWidth.Factor = INTEGER, determines how long is a single char takes, defaults to $8$
    • New ExtConfig : AdjustDropdownWidth.Max = INTEGER, determines the max length of the combobox, defaults to $360$
  • Remove ExtConfig : OverlayFilter, enable it always.

Build20210322 (2021-03-22)

  • Now you can force to use Name first instead of UIName in the ObjectBrowserControl under [ForceName] just like [IgnoreRA2]
  • More accelerators and fixes from E1Elite

Build20210305 (2021-03-05)

  • Now the game directory FA2 reads would use the path in FinalAlert.ini instead of the one in registry
  • Coordinates are now shown as X / Y - H
  • Undo/Redo extended to $127$ steps (was $15$ steps)
  • ObjectBrowserControl refactored
    • Not only Buildings, but Infantrys, Aircrafts and Vehicles now have been classified into sides
    • Not only the original hardcoded overlays but also all overlays having Wall=yes will be auto connected
  • Now infantry's facing will be correctly shown
  • Overlay which has the index bigger than $255$ will be ignored
  • Teamtypes and Scripttypes are now able to use Clone just as Triggers
  • House colors will be correctly drawn instead of using a hardcoded set of colors (for most, yellow)
  • For most dialogs, the content will only be updated while lose focus. (Used to be content changed, and lead to famous stupid lag teamtype)
  • Several dialogs UI Redrawn
  • Support Ares' += and #include functions (not recommended to use, still has several bugs)
  • Support Ares' stringtableXX.csf
  • ScriptTypes now use a different set of params and can be extended
  • Mix Extension and INI Filenames can be customed
  • Ctrl+S, Ctrl+O, Ctrl+N and Ctrl+Shift+S are now supported
  • Easy encrypted mix files will be correctly read
  • Tile manager, can be helpful while you are having lots of tiles