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Sensu docs style guide

Hillary Fraley edited this page Oct 25, 2019 · 32 revisions

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Sensu docs! If you haven't yet, please read through our contributing guide and code of conduct. If you're new (Welcome!), check out the quick start and feel free to ask any questions by opening an issue or dropping by in #documentation in the Sensu community Slack.

The Sensu docs use US English, Hugo static site generation (including Blackfriday Markdown, Go templates, and Chroma syntax highlighting), TravisCI continuous integration, and Heroku deployment. Sensu docs style follows the internal Sensu voice, tone, and style guide and defaults to its recommendations.

Sensu docs style quick start

Do Don't
Say it clearly and plainly. Use jargon or cultural references.
Make it obvious and scannable. Write long paragraphs.
Refer to the reader as "you". Overuse passive voice.

Code samples

{{< highlight shell >}}
sensuctl entity list
{{< /highlight >}}


See the [installation guide][1].

# Link to the current version in the current section
[1]: ../overview

# Link to the current version in another section
[1]: ../../installation/overview

Use numbers to reference links. When adding new content, it is not necessary to renumber links so that they are referenced in order in the body of the text. In other words, it is OK to list [linked text][10] before [linked text][1] in the body of the text.


heading | heading |
text    | text    |
text    | text    |


See also the Sensu docs template.


All content pages must start with a frontmatter section.

title: "Installing and configuring Sensu 2.0"
linkTitle: "Installation and Configuration"
description: "The Sensu Core installation guide."
weight: 1
version: "2.0"
product: "Sensu Core"
platformContent: true
platforms: ["Ubuntu/Debian", "RHEL/CentOS", "Windows", "macOS", "Docker"]
    parent: getting-started
attribute required? description
title X The title that appears at the top of the page, in sentence case
version X The product version as corresponds to the site config file
product X The product name as corresponds to the site config file
menu X The location of the linkTitle in the sidebar according to product, version, and section name
linkTitle The title that appears in the sidebar, in title case
description Description of the page used in the page metadata. Descriptions should describe what's on the page, include keywords where appropriate, include a CTA (ex: Read the docs to learn more.), and be about 300 characters. For example, this description is part of link unfurling in Slack.
weight Integer that controls the ordering of the page in the sidebar relative to other pages
platformContent Boolean indicating whether the page should include a platform-switching dropdown at the top of the page, default = false
platforms Array of comma-separated strings representing platform names


  • ##: major headings
  • ###: subheadings
  • ####: as needed

Sensu Go guide template

Basic guides in the format How to X with Y. This is the place where we tell users what they need to know before they even get started. They should provide an easy introduction into the design/architecture/purpose of Sensu, along with a gentle introduction to features and terminology. Examples use sensuctl in order to cover the most common use cases.

## What are Sensu X?

Explain what is X and the basic concepts associated to it.

## Why use X?

When to use X / common use cases.

## Using z to do Y

Quick guide on how to create X, with maybe one or two examples max. We should provide examples with sensuctl that uses flag parameters so users can copy/paste them.

We don’t need to explain how to update/delete/list the given resource, that would be the job of the sensuctl reference guide.

## Next steps
Recommended reading around possible interactions of X with other resources (e.g. checks & assets), further steps, etc.

Sensu Go reference template

The reference documentation is comprehensive and pretty dry compared to the overview guides. We use JSON objects (that are compatible with the sensuctl create command) in order to do in-depth explanations of each object type. We should also have a New and improved section that covers the difference between the same object in 1.x & 2.x.

## How do X work?

Explain in details how X works (e.g. How are events created?)

## New and improved X

Cover the difference between X in Sensu 1 & Sensu 2

## X specification

In-depth explanations of each attribute

## X Examples

Complete examples of X in JSON format

These templates originated with the Sensu 2.x documentation structure doc by Mercedes Coyle.

Code samples

DO use highlight tags to indicate code samples and assign a syntax highlighter.

DO separate commands from output using a description.

To see the systems monitored by Sensu:

{{< highlight shell >}}
sensuctl entity list
{{< /highlight >}}

You should see a list of monitored entities:

{{< highlight shell >}}
ID         Class    OS        Subscriptions                 Last Seen            
─────────────── ─────── ─────── ────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────── 
sensu2-centos   agent   linux   entity:sensu2-centos   2018-10-25 02:12:16 +0000 UTC  
{{< /highlight >}}

DON'T prepend the command prompt ($) unless the command is presented in the same block as its output. Better yet, introduce the output with a description.

DON'T include any indentation within highlight tags. This causes commands to fail when copy-pasted from the docs.

DO use comments within code samples to provide important context and enable scanning.

Resource naming

In code examples, use resource names that start with the resource type, followed by a hyphen and a short description: resource-desc.

For example, if your code example is for a CPU check, the resource name could be check-cpu. A Slack hander name in a code example might be handler-slack.

Language toggler

Use the language toggler to create a code sample with tabs for different languages or platforms.

{{< language-toggle >}}

{{< highlight "Tab 1" >}}
Hello, world!
{{< /highlight >}}

{{< highlight "Tab 2" >}}
Hello, world!
{{< /highlight >}}

{{< /language-toggle >}}

Resource definitions

When providing code examples for resources and configurations, list the YAML example first, followed by the JSON example.

{{< language-toggle >}}

{{< highlight yml >}} type: CheckConfig api_version: core/v2 metadata: name: check-cpu namespace: production spec: check_hooks: null command: -w 75 -c 90 handlers:

  • slack interval: 30 subscriptions:
  • system timeout: 0 ttl: 0 {{< /highlight >}}

{{< highlight json >}} { "type": "CheckConfig", "api_version": "core/v2", "metadata": { "name": "check-cpu", "namespace": "production" }, "spec": { "check_hooks": null, "command": " -w 75 -c 90", "handlers": ["slack"], "interval": 30, "subscriptions": ["system"], "timeout": 0, "ttl": 0 } }{{< /highlight >}}

{{< /language-toggle >}}

Code samples labeled as {{< highlight json >}} must be valid JSON.

Use angle brackets for placeholders

Use angle brackets for placeholders, and tell the reader what a placeholder represents.

To see the systems monitored by Sensu:

{{< highlight shell >}}
sensuctl entity <entity-name> info
{{< /highlight >}}

where `<entity-name>` is the name of one of your entities.


You can see any validation errors detected by the syntax highlighter when previewing the site locally. Any red highlighting will also appear on the live site, so be sure to resolve any errors, by specifying text as the highlighter if you need to.

The Sensu docs also includes a python-based JSON validator that TravisCI runs when testing PRs. Because it looks for code samples marked with {{< highlight json >}}, it's important that you only use that tag for valid JSON samples, otherwise use {{< highlight text >}}. To see errors detected by the JSON validator, see the page for your pull request within TravisCI.

Multi-platform content

The Sensu docs use platforms blocks (example: {{< platformBlock "Ubuntu/Debian" >}}) to make it easier to represent multi-platform content.

To create multi-platform content, add platformContent = true and platforms = ["Platform Name 1", "Platform Name 2"] to the page frontmatter. This creates a platform-selector dropdown at the top of the page. Then add platform tags to indicate platform content blocks.

For example:

{{< platformBlock "Linux" >}}


Linux-only step description

{{< highlight shell >}}
service sensu-agent restart
{{< /highlight >}}

{{< platformBlockClose >}}

{{< platformBlock "Windows" >}}


Windows-only step description.

{{< highlight shell >}}
sc restart sensu-agent
{{< /highlight >}}

{{< platformBlockClose >}}

By default, the site shows all platform blocks, so make sure to introduce each block with a heading.


The Sensu docs support three styles of callout: note, warning, and pro tip.


Use a note to highlight a tip or a piece of information that may be helpful to know.

For example:

_NOTE: You can _still_ use Markdown inside these callouts._


Use a warning to indicate danger or a piece of information that is crucial to follow.

For example:

_WARNING: This feature requires the latest version of Sensu._

Pro tip

Use a pro tip to point out ways to get the most out of Sensu's advanced features.

For example:

_PRO TIP: You can override integration attributes on a per-contact basis using contact routing._


Link reference numbering

See the [installation guide][1].

# Link to the current version in the current section
[1]: ../overview

# Link to the current version in another section
[1]: ../../installation/overview

Use numbers to reference links. When adding new content, it is not necessary to renumber links so that they are referenced in order in the body of the text. In other words, it is OK to list [linked text][10] before [linked text][1] in the body of the text.

Links and sections

To link to the current version in the current section:


To link to the current version in another section:


To link to a specific version:


To link to the latest version in another product:


To link to a heading:


Note: latest functionality doesn't work locally.


Steps within a list cannot contain empty lines. Empty lines within steps in an ordered list cause Hugo to lose track of the numbering.

For example:

1. Do a thing
{{< highlight shell >}}
shell command
{{< /highlight >}}
_NOTE: Note about this step._

2. Do another thing
{{< highlight shell >}}
shell command
{{< /highlight >}}


DO use &mdash; to create an em-dash rather than --.

DO use code style for filenames, directories, paths, commands, command line tools, field names, and field values.

DO use text style for Sensu resource names, concepts, and services.

DO write Markdown files with one sentence per line.

Writing style

Use present tense

Exception: Use future or past tense if it is required to convey the correct meaning.

Use active voice

Exception: Use passive voice if active voice leads to an awkward construction.

Use clear and obvious language

Use simple and direct language. Avoid using unnecessary phrases, such as saying "please."

Address the reader as "you"

Avoid Latin phrases

Prefer English terms over Latin abbreviations. Use "for example" rather than "e.g." and "in other words" instead of "i.e."

Exception: Use "etc." for et cetera.

Avoid jargon and idioms

Some readers speak English as a second language. Avoid jargon and idioms to help them understand better.

Avoid statements about the future

Avoid making promises (like "coming soon") or giving hints about the future. If you need to talk about an alpha feature, put the text under a heading that identifies it as alpha information.

Avoid statements that will soon be out of date

Avoid words like "currently" and "new." A feature that is new today might not be considered new in a few months.


This style guide is based on the excellent Kubernetes Documentation Style Guide and Anna MacLachlan's ever-helpful Sensu voice, tone, and style guide.