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A quick example on how to get up and running with singularity on a cluster with CUDA

Note: if you copy paste these examples, at a minimum verify you know what they do. These are listed only as examples, without any warranty, you should know if and how they apply to your use case and cluster

See for a slidedeck, and pdf version made with HackMD/Reveal.js


  • HPC cluster account
    • You know your account/group info
    • You've configured ssh key access
  • Basic Linux CLI interaction

You do not need Singularity on your own machine, though for more advanced use cases you probably will want to.

If you do not have Linux to work with Singularity on your home machine, try a VM using VirtualBox or similar software, or WSL2.


Login to the cluster


Get the image

We'll use a tensorflow image from NVidia. We'll assume for now there's a temporary directory on a fast local disk at $SLURM_TMPDIR. This may not be the case, so please adjust to your setting. If you don't set these variables, singularity will write to $HOME, which you never want.

module load singularity
if [[ "$SLURM_TMPDIR" ]]; then export STMP=$SLURM_TMPDIR; else export STMP="/scratch/$USER"; fi

This ensures that, if you're in a compute node, you use its fast storage, if not, use scratch space.

mkdir -p $STMP/singularity/{cache,tmp}
export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR="$STMP/singularity/tmp"
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="$STMP/singularity/cache"

Now pull (~ download) the image. This is a docker image, so Singularity will convert it on the fly.

singularity pull tensorflow-19.11-tf1-py3.sif docker://

The pull image can take ~20 mins or depending on network, disk, ... .

Pull is too slow ...

In that case, run the pull command locally, and copy the resulting image to the cluster.

Store the image where compute nodes can access it

For example:

cp tensorflow-19.11-tf1-py3.sif /scratch/$USER
# or
cp tensorflow-19.11-tf1-py3.sif /project/$USER

Filesystems on clusters specialize usually for 2 orthogonal use cases: fast and temporary, slow and permanent. Your cluster documentation will tell you which is which.

Get an interactive node

salloc --time=3:0:0 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem-per-cpu=4G --account=<YOURGROUP> --gres=gpu:1

After getting the node

## Make sure environment is clean
module purge

module load singularity
module load cuda

if [[ "$SLURM_TMPDIR" ]]; then export STMP=$SLURM_TMPDIR; else export STMP="/scratch/$USER"; fi
mkdir -p $STMP/singularity/{cache,tmp}
export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR="$STMP/singularity/tmp"
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="$STMP/singularity/cache"

cp /scratch/$USER/tensorflow-19.11-tf1-py3.sif .  # Change if needed

singularity shell --nv tensorflow-19.11-tf1-py3.sif

Now you can execute code inside the container

Singularity> python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> tf.test.is_gpu_available()

This should print a lot of info on CUDA version, GPU type etc, and evaluate to True.


Check as an example. Make sure you modify the account, email, and image location entries.



Creating your own images

You can create your own images in 2 x 2 ways:

  • local vs remote
  • definition file or stateful
Local v remote

For most non-trivial images you will need sudo rights on the machine where you build singularity. If you do not have that on your current machine, fear not, you have these options:

When in doubt, go with the first option, all you need is your definition file, the builder will even do syntax checking, that won't be the case if you build yourself.

Building an image shouldn't take longer than ~ 30 minutes, well within the free tier of cloud providers.

Definition v stateful

A definition file a pristine recipe that is interpretable, someone who wants to know what the image contains or how it is built only needs to read that file. Sometimes you may need to 'edit' the image, that is, you convert the image to writable folders, open a shell, modify, and rebuild. In 99.99% of all cases, however, a definition file is the way to go. Editing an image is an option if you want to figure out how to improve it in a way that isn't working by definition file, iow you figure out interactively what commands are needed, then rebuild the image. If it works, then add your commands to the definition file. The Singularity docs detail precisely how to achieve either case.

Accessing data

singularity shell --nv -B <somedir>:<mountpoint> tensorflow-19.11-tf1-py3.sif

Now will appear inside the container as .

Extra resources

Compute Canada Wiki on Singularity

Singularity documentation

Sylabs cloud builder

But I want PyTorch

singularity pull image.sif docker://

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