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DBGym is a platform designed to facilitate ML research and application on databases. With less than 5 lines of code, you can provide the path of your database, and write the predictive query you want, and DBGym will output the predictions along with your database.

DBGym is an ongoing research project serving the vibrant open-source community. We sincerely welcome new ideas, use cases, and pull requests to extend DBGym's capability.


Prebuilt DBGym can be easily installed with pip (tested with Python 3.8 and above):

pip install dbgym

Alternatively, you can install the latest DBGym version from our code repository:

git clone
cd DBGym
pip install -e . 

DBGym makes ML on Relational DBs simple

In the current release, DBGym focuses on relational databases (databases with multiple tables), which can be as simple as a directory of CSV or Parquet files. Here we show a simple example of what DBGym can help you achieve.

Example DBGym use case

You may have the following CSV files in your directory database, each representing a table

 ├── user.csv
 ├── item.csv
 └── trans.csv

For example, user.csv may look like this:

_user x y time
0 0.1 A 2021/01/01
1 0.8 A 2022/02/01
2 0.5 B 2023/05/01
3 0.5 N/A 2024/08/01

Your goal is to leverage the entire database (not just the user.csv table) to predict the unknown N/A values in column y in user.csv.

Let's pause here - the simple capability of predicting unknown column values is in fact extremely expressive. For example,

  • It can be used for classification or regression tasks
  • It can be used for time series prediction tasks suppose the N/A values are associated with future time column values
  • It can be used for recommendation tasks by predicting with respect to pairs of user and item IDs
  • It can unify node, edge, and graph-level prediction tasks on graphs by representing (heterogeneous) graphs as multiple tables
  • ...

This is a non-exhaustive list. By being creative, we can do so many things with the capability of predicting unknown column values.

What DBGym can do for you

DBGym defines a simple declarative predictive query to describe the prediction task above, by specifying table_name.column_name in DBGym config. In the example above, the predictive query should be user.y, indicating that you want to set up an ML prediction task for column y in table user, based on the full database's information. DBGym will then automatically set up the ML prediction pipeline, including splitting the train/val/test sets, training an ML model, getting evaluation metrics for train/val/test sets, and returning user_pred.csv where any missing N/A values will be replaced with DBGym predictions.

To solve a given predictive query, DBGym provides a variety of ML models from tabular ML to graph ML communities, including:

DBGym data API Model
Tabular XGBoost, MLP
Graph GCN, GraphSAGE, GIN, GAT
Heterogeneous graph HGCN, HGT

You can also easily create your own models and register them to DBGym. We hope to integrate more ML models into DBGym, and we sincerely appreciate your pull requests!

DBGym Quick Start

0 Your first DBGym experiment

With less than 5 lines of code, you can set up and carry out experiments using DBGym.

from import run
from dbgym.config import get_config

# Get default DBGym config
config = get_config()
stats = run(config)

The experiment statistics and predictions are returned from the run() function and are further saved in the output directory by default.

1 Run DBGym experiments on RDBench datasets

For users who want to customize DBGym experiments, we provide two ways to customize configuration: using Python and/or using the YAML config file. Please refer to dbgym/ for all the available configurations.

Customize configs with Python

You can easily set customized config values in the Python code, e.g., picking an RDBench dataset and writing your favorite predictive query. For example:

from import run
from dbgym.config import get_config

config = get_config()
# point to an RDBench dataset. Will auto-download if not cached = 'rdb1-ather'
# predictive query. Format: table_name.column_name
config.dataset.query = 'entry_examination.Cholesterol'
stats = run(config)

Customize configs with YAML file

Alternatively, you can write a customized config in a YAML file, e.g., config_gcn.yaml, and load it with DBGym:

from import run
from dbgym.config import get_config

config = get_config()
stats = run(config)

where the yaml config_gcn.yaml can be defined as follows:

# Example Experiment Configuration for GCN

  epoch: 200

  name: 'GCN'
  hidden_dim: 128
  layer: 3

  lr: 0.001

2 Apply DBGym to your own database datasets

You can also easily apply DBGym to your own database datasets. To start, you can first organize your customized data as follows:

├── dataset_1
│   ├── user.csv
│   ├── item.csv
│   └── ...
├── dataset_2
└── ...

Within each CSV file, DBGym assumes that most of the table columns can be arbitrarily named, except for the key columns, where you should follow the naming convention, where the primary key column for table table is named as _table. For example, the column names for each CSV file may look like:

user.csv:	_user, x1, x2, ...
item.csv:	_item, Feature1, Feature2, ...

where the special columns begin with _ indicate key columns, and the remaining columns (can be arbitrarily named) are regarded as feature columns. For example, _user is the primary key column for user.csv, which should save the unique ID for each user; other tables could also refer to user ID information, e.g., by adding _user column in trans.csv, in which case _user is the foreign key column in trans.csv that could have non-unique values.

Then, you can point DBGym to the dataset directory, specify the dataset you want, and write a simple predictive query by pointing to any feature column:

from import run
from dbgym.config import get_config

config = get_config()

# provide path to your dataset
config.dataset.dir = 'dataset_path' = 'dataset_1'
config.dataset.query = 'target.x1'
# (optional) set additional customized configs
stats = run(config)

Finally, DBGym will generate experiment logs and predictions in the output directory in dataset_path folder by default. The predictions for column x1 of target.csv will be saved as target_pred.csv.

Alternatively, you can customize your output directory name by adding the following line

config.log_dir = 'output_path'

3 Include customized models to DBGym

You can further easily register your customized models to DBGym and run experiments with them. This is especially helpful if you want to benchmark your proposed model with DBGym. You may follow the instructions below to customize your own model and potentially contribute back to the DBGym repository via pull requests.

To start, instead of using the simple pip install dbgym method, you should:

git clone
pip uninstall dbgym  # uninstall existing DBGym
pip install -e .  # install with developer mode

Then, you can customize your own model in dbgym/contribute/

from dbgym.register import register

class YourModel(nn.Module):

your_model_type = 'tabular_model' or 'graph_model'
register(your_model_type, 'your_model_name', YourModel)

Next, you can use DBGym with your customized model

from import run
from dbgym.config import get_config

config = get_config() = 'your_model_name'
stats = run(config)

DBGym Feature Highlights

Figure 1: An overview of DBGym design principle.

1. Unified Task Definition for Various Data Formats.

  • To meet the requirements of diverse users, DBGym provides 3 kinds of APIs: tabular data, homogeneous graphs, and heterogeneous graphs.
  • For all these data formats, we propose a unified task definition, enabling results comparison between models for different formats of data.

2. Hierarchical Datasets with Comprehensive Experiments

  • Via RDBench, DBGym provides 11 datasets with a range of scales, domains, and relationships.
  • These datasets are categorized into three groups based on their relationship complexity.
  • Extensive experiments with 10 baselines are carried out on these datasets.

3. Easy-to-use Interfaces with Robust Results

  • Highly modularized pipeline.
  • Reproducible experiment configuration.
  • Scalable experiment management.
  • Flexible user customization.
  • Results reported are averaged over the same dataset and same task type (classification or regression).

DBGym has enabled RDBench, a user-friendly toolkit for benchmarking ML methods on relational databases. Please refer to our paper for more details: RDBench: ML Benchmark for Relational Databases, arXiv, Zizhao Zhang*, Yi Yang*, Lutong Zou*, He Wen*, Tao Feng, Jiaxuan You.


Logs and predictions

After running DBGym, the logs and predictions are saved to an output directory named as output by default. Moreover, the command line output will also indicate the path where logs and predictions are saved. For example

Logs and predictions are saved to Datasets/output/rdb2-bank/loan.Status_MLP_42_20231024_123456

Visualization with tensorboard

To see the visualization of the training process, you can go into the output directory and run

tensorboard --logdir .

Then visit localhost:6006, or any other port you specified.


If you find DBGym useful or relevant to your research, please kindly cite our paper:

  title={RDBench: ML Benchmark for Relational Databases}, 
  author={Zizhao, Zhang and Yi, Yang and Lutong, Zou and He, Wen and Tao, Feng and Jiaxuan, You},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.16837},