Install dependencies
Prodigal v2.6.3
HMMER v3.1b2
VirFinder v1.1
You should be able to run the following from the command line:
And import 'VirFinder' from the R command line:
Navigate to directory
cd viral_detection_pipeline
Download & decompress reference databases of HMMs
wget -O input/imgvr.hmm.gz
wget -O input/pfam.hmm.gz
gunzip input/imgvr.hmm.gz
gunzip input/pfam.hmm.gz
Locate input metagenomic assembly
An example file 'input/SRS1735492.fna' has been provided. This represents metagenomic contigs for sample_id 'SRS1735492'
Call viral genes
prodigal -i input/SRS1735492.fna -a input/SRS1735492.faa -d input/SRS1735492.ffn -p meta -f gff > input/SRS1735492.gff
Output files include proteins (.faa), genes (.ffn), and gene coordinates (.gff). Genes called in metagenomic mode (-p meta).
Run HMMER on imgvr and pfam databases
hmmsearch -Z 1 --cpu 32 --noali --tblout output/imgvr.out input/imgvr.hmm input/SRS1735492.faa
hmmsearch -Z 1 --cut_tc --cpu 32 --noali --tblout output/pfam.out input/pfam.hmm input/SRS1735492.faa
Here the -Z 1
flag is specified to make E-values comparable between databases and between samples. The IMG/VR database contains viral genes while the Pfam database contains non-viral genes.
Count genes hitting viral and microbial marker genes
python input/SRS1735492.fna input/SRS1735492.faa output/imgvr.out output/pfam.out > output/hmm_hits.tsv
Each gene assigned according to its best hit with E-value <1e-10. We found that several of the HMMs from IMG/VR HMMs are commonly found in non-viral genomes and several of the HMMs from Pfam are commonly found in viral genomes. Those HMMs are excluded from the analysis.
Run VirFinder
Rscript virfinder.R input/SRS1735492.fna output/virfinder.tsv
VirFinder scores each contig using a machine-learning algorithm based on kmers
Quantify strand switch rate of genes
python input/SRS1735492.fna input/SRS1735492.faa > output/strand_switch.tsv
Here the code scans the proteins from each genome in genomic order. It counts the nuber of strand switches (+ to - or - to +) and divides by the total number of genes.
Create master table of sequence features
python output/hmm_hits.tsv output/virfinder.tsv output/strand_switch.tsv > output/master_table.tsv
Predict viral contigs
python \
--features output/master_table.tsv \
--in_base input/SRS1735492 \
--out_base output/SRS1735492
The code now classifies each sequence as viral based on its combination of viral signatures. These decisions are based on a combination of rules that are specific to different fragment lengths. Each rule is a combination of 'ANDs' (ex: a contig must have >20% viral genes and <5% of non-viral genes) and rules are combined with an 'OR' operator (ex: a contig is viral if it satisfies rule 1 OR rule 2 or rule 3). Up to 5 rule combinations are used per contig length. These rules are listed in the table 'classification_rules.tsv'