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Sonatype IQ Server High Availability Helm Chart

This repository is intended to store a helm chart to create a cluster of Sonatype IQ Server nodes.

General Requirements

  • A copy of the helm chart
  • A Sonatype IQ Server license that supports the High Availability (HA) feature
  • kubectl (1.23+) to run commands against a Kubernetes cluster
  • helm (3.9.3+) to install or upgrade the helm chart
  • A PostgreSQL (10.7 or newer) database or a PostgreSQL-compatible service
  • A Kubernetes cluster to run the helm chart on
  • A shared file system to share files between all Sonatype IQ Server pods in the cluster
  • A load balancer to distribute requests between the Sonatype IQ Server pods

Nice to have


  1. Start your Kubernetes cluster if needed
  2. Open a console/terminal
  3. Switch to the correct context to use your cluster if needed (e.g. kubectl config use-context my-context)
  4. Add the helm chart repository via helm repo add sonatype
  5. Install the helm chart via helm install --namespace <namespace> <name> --dependency-update <overrides> sonatype/nexus-iq-server-ha --version <version> where
    1. <namespace> can be an existing namespace for the helm chart (created prior via kubectl create namespace <namespace>, or to create automatically include the flag --create-namespace)
    2. <name> can be any name for the helm chart
    3. <overrides> is a set of overrides for values in the helm chart (see below)
    4. <version> is the version of the helm chart to use
  6. Expose the ingress if needed, which uses port 80 for http and port 443 for https by default


License (required)

A Sonatype IQ Server license that supports the HA feature must be installed either before the cluster starts or as it is starting to allow multiple pods to start successfully.

The license file can either be passed directly

--set-file iq_server.license=<license file>

where <license file> is the path to your Sonatype IQ Server product license file

or via an existing secret

--set iq_server.licenseSecret=<license secret>

Database (required)

An existing database can be configured as follows

--set iq_server.database.hostname=<database hostname>
--set iq_server.database.port=<database port>
--set<database name>
--set iq_server.database.username=<database username>

the database password can either be passed directly

--set iq_server.database.password=<database password>

or via an existing secret

--set iq_server.database.passwordSecret=<database password secret>

Shared File System (required)

By default, the helm chart will create both a Persistent Volume (PV) using the configured storage and a corresponding Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

However, there are various configuration options.

  • If a PV is created, then it will match the configuration.
  • If a PVC is created, then it will only bind to a PV that satisfies the configuration.


The capcity or size can be set via

--set iq_server.persistence.size=<storage size, default "1Gi">

Access Mode(s)

The access mode(s) can be set via

--set iq_server.persistence.accessModes[0]=<access mode, default "ReadWriteMany">

Note that this should correspond to the type of PV being used.

If you have multiple nodes in your Kubernetes cluster, and a Sonatype IQ Server pod is running on 2 or more of them, then this must be set to ReadWriteMany and you must use a type of PV that supports it.

Storage Class Name

The storage class name can be set via

--set iq_server.persistence.storageClassName=<storage class name, default "">


The type can be configured as follows.

Note a PV can only have one type, so if multiple are configured, then only one will be used. The priority for which type will be selected if multiple are configured is shown below i.e. a type with a lower number in the below list will be chosen above a type with a higher number.

  1. csi
    --set iq_server.persistence.csi.driver=<csi driver name>
    --set iq_server.persistence.csi.fsType=<filesystem type>
    --set iq_server.persistence.csi.volumeHandle=<volume handle>
    --set iq_server.persistence.csi.volumeAttributes=<volume attributes>
  2. nfs
    --set iq_server.persistence.nfs.server=<nfs server hostname>
    --set iq_server.persistence.nfs.path=<nfs server path, default "/">

Existing PV and PVC

If you have an existing PV and PVC you wish to use, then you only need to set the PVC via

--set iq_server.persistence.existingPersistentVolumeClaimName=<existing persistent volume claim name>

Existing PV

If you have an existing PV you wish to use, then you can set the PV via

--set iq_server.persistence.existingPersistentVolumeName=<existing persistent volume name>

However, you may need to configure the PVC that will be created to allow it to bind to the PV using the previously mentioned configuration options.

Load Balancer (required)

An ingress can be enabled with a particular class name to use an existing load balancer as follows

--set ingress.enabled=<true|false, default false>
--set ingress.ingressClassName=<ingress class name, default "nginx">
--set ingress.pathType=<ingress path type, default "Prefix">
--set ingress.hostApplicationPath=<application path, default iq_server.config.server.applicationContextPath>
--set ingress.hostAdminPath=<admin path, default iq_server.config.server.adminContextPath>
--set ingress.hostApplication=<application hostname>
--set ingress.hostAdmin=<admin hostname>
--set ingress.annotations=<ingress annotations>

Note that if you want both the application and admin endpoints to be accessible, then they will need to be set to have either different hostnames via e.g.

--set iq_server.config.server.hostApplication="app.domain"
--set iq_server.config.server.hostAdmin="admin.domain"

or different paths via e.g.

--set iq_server.config.server.applicationContextPath="/"
--set iq_server.config.server.adminContextPath="/admin"

Note that if no hostnames are specified, then any web traffic to the IP address of your ingress controller can be matched without a name based virtual host being required.


If your ingress class supports specifying TLS options directly based on your ingress controller, then you can specify them as follows.

A TLS certificate and private key can either be passed directly

--set ingress.tls[0].certificate=<tls certificate file>
--set ingress.tls[0].key=<tls private key file>

where <tls certificate file> is the path to your TLS certificate file and <tls private key file> is the path to your TLS private key file, or via an existing secret

--set ingress.tls[0].secretName=<tls secret name>

The TLS secret must contain keys named tls.cert for the TLS certificate and tls.key for the TLS private key.

Additionally multiple hosts can be specified as follows

--set ingress.tls[0].hosts[0]=<tls hostname>

Alternatively some ingress classes may support specifying TLS options through annotations.

Domain Name System (DNS) Records (optional)

DNS records can be automatically managed using ExternalDNS based on an ingress. This is included in the chart and can be enabled via

--set externalDns.enabled=true

and configured via

--set externalDns.args=<array of arguments>

Sonatype IQ Server Configuration (optional)

The number of pods can be specified as follows

--set iq_server.replicas=<number of pods, default 2>

The initial admin password can either be passed directly

--set iq_server.initialAdminPassword=<initial admin password>

or via an existing secret

--set iq_server.initialAdminPasswordSecret=<initial admin password secret>

If planning to use ssh for git operations, enable the following flag to generate a private/public key pair. You can retrieve the public key from the pod at /.ssh/

--set iq_server.useGitSsh=<true/false>

A config.yml file is required to run. This is generated using the iq_server.config value. Care should be taken if updating this as many values within it are fine-tuned to allow the helm chart to function.

Logging (required)

Each Sonatype IQ Server pod has a container running Sonatype IQ Server, which outputs the following log files

  • clm-server.log
  • request.log
  • audit.log
  • policy-violation.log
  • stderr.log

by default to /var/log/nexus-iq-server.

A fluentd sidecar container in the same pod tails these log files and forwards the content to a fluentd daemonset aggregator.

For each log file, the aggregator combines its content from each pod into an aggregated log file in ndjson format, which is output with the current date to the shared file system PV by default to /log such that you end up with

  • clm-server.<yyyyMMdd>.log
  • request.<yyyyMMdd>.log
  • audit.<yyyyMMdd>.log
  • policy-violation.<yyyyMMdd>.log
  • stderr.<yyyyMMdd>.log

where <yyyyMMdd> is the current date.

The aggregate log files may be required for a support request and by default will be included when generating a support zip inside a top-level cluster_log directory.

By default, aggregate log files that have a last modified time older than 50 days are scheduled to be deleted every day at 1 am. This can be customized as follows

--set aggregateLogFileRetention.deleteCron=<Cron schedule expression, default "0 1 * * *">
--set aggregateLogFileRetention.maxLastModifiedDays=<max last modified time in days, default 7>

Note that setting aggregateLogFileRetention.maxLastModifiedDays to 0 disables deletion.

Note that the fluentd daemonset aggregator has separate settings for its PVC and should normally be configured to use the same PVC as the Sonatype IQ Server pods as follows

--set fluentd.aggregator.extraVolumes[0].name="iq-server-pod-volume"
--set fluentd.aggregator.extraVolumes[0].persistentVolumeClaim.claimName=<PVC name, default "iq-server-pvc">

Image (optional)

By default, the latest publicly available Sonatype IQ Server docker image will be used.

The image registry, image, tag, and imagePullPolicy can be overridden using

--set iq_server.imageRegistry=<image registry, default nil meaning use the Docker public registry>
--set iq_server.image=<image, default "sonatype/nexus-iq-server">
--set iq_server.tag=<tag, default most recent version of Sonatype IQ Server>
--set iq_server.imagePullPolicy=<imagePullPolicy, default "IfNotPresent">

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Satisfying General Requirements

Additional Requirements

Nice to have

  • EFS Storage Class pre-installed and configured in the cluster for dynamic provisioning
  • AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on pre-installed and configured in the cluster to automatically provision an ALB based on an ingress
  • ExternalDNS pre-installed/enabled and configured in the cluster to automatically provision DNS records for AWS Route 53 based on an ingress.
  • Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver pre-installed and configured in the cluster to enable AWS Secrets Manager access i.e. via
    1. helm repo add secrets-store-csi-driver
    2. helm repo update
    3. helm upgrade --install --namespace kube-system csi-secrets-store secrets-store-csi-driver/secrets-store-csi-driver --set grpcSupportedProviders="aws" --set syncSecret.enabled=true
    4. kubectl apply -f
  • AWS CloudWatch configuration for fluentd to send aggregated logs to
  • aws-vault pre-installed and configured to ease authentication, in which case prefix the aws/kubectl/helm commands below with aws-vault exec <aws-profile> -- <command>.


An existing EKS cluster is required to run the helm chart on.

To lookup existing clusters, run aws eks --region <aws_region> list-clusters.

To import the context for a cluster into your kubeconfig file, run aws eks --region <aws_region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name>.


An existing EFS drive with mount targets can be used for the PV.

The PV can be provisioned statically or dynamically.

In either case, a CSI volume should be configured with

--set iq_server.persistence.csi.driver=""
--set iq_server.persistence.csi.fsType=""

and the access modes should be set as follows

--set iq_server.persistence.accessModes[0]="ReadWriteMany"

Static Provisioning

To statically provision the PV use the following

--set iq_server.persistence.csi.volumeHandle=<EFS file system ID>[:<EFS file system path>]

where <EFS file system ID> is your EFS file system ID, which typically looks like e.g. "fs-0ac8d13f38bfc99df" and <EFS file system path> is an optional path into the file system e.g. ":/".

Dynamic Provisioning

To dynamically provision the PV via an EFS storage class use the following

--set iq_server.persistence.persistentVolumeName=""
--set iq_server.persistence.storageClassName=<EFS storage class name>

AWS Secrets

The AWS Secrets Manager can be used to store AWS secrets, which can be used to pass the following

The product license file

--set secret.license.arn=<aws secret arn containing product license file binary content>

The database settings

--set secret.rds.arn=<aws secret arn containing database host, port, name, username, and password keys>

The initial admin password

--set secret.license.arn=<aws secret arn containing the initial admin password in an initial_admin_password key>


For an ALB load balancer to work you will need to change the Sonatype IQ Server service type from its default of ClusterIP to NodePort via the following

--set iq_server.serviceType=NodePort

Static Provisioning

To use an existing ALB and target groups via the AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on use the following

For the application endpoints

--set existingApplicationLoadBalancer.applicationTargetGroupARN=<application target group arn>

For the admin endpoints

--set existingApplicationLoadBalancer.adminTargetGroupARN=<admin target group arn>

Each command will create a target group binding, which will automatically synchronize targets to the given target group pointing to the application/admin Sonatype IQ Server service endpoints.

Note that with static provisioning, you do not need to enable an ingress.

Dynamic Provisioning

To dynamically provision an ALB via the AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on use the following

--set ingress.enabled=true
--set ingress.ingressClassName=alb

and ensure that the appropriate annotations are set e.g.

--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/scheme"="internet-facing"
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/target-type"="ip"
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/healthcheck-path"="/ping"
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/certificate-arn"="arn:aws:acm:<region>:<aws_account_id>:certificate/<certificate_id>"
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/ssl-policy"="ELBSecurityPolicy-FS-1-2-Res-2020-10"
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/listen-ports"='\[\{\"HTTPS\":80\}\,\{\"HTTPS\":443\}\]'
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/actions\.ssl-redirect"='\{\"Type\": \"redirect\"\,\"RedirectConfig\":\{\"Protocol\":\"HTTPS\"\,\"Port\":\"443\"\,\"StatusCode\":\"HTTP_301\"\}\}'
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/actions\.response-404"='\{\"type\":\"fixed-response\"\,\"fixedResponseConfig\":\{\"contentType\":\"text/plain\"\,\"statusCode\":\"404\"\,\"messageBody\":\"404_Not_Found\"\}\}'
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/actions\.redirect-domain"='\{\"Type\":\"redirect\"\,\"RedirectConfig\":\{\"Host\":\"domain\"\,\"Path\":\"/#\{path\}\"\,\"Port\":\"443\"\,\"Protocol\":\"HTTPS\"\,\"Query\":\"#\{query\}\"\,\"StatusCode\":\"HTTP_301\"\}\}'
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/load-balancer-attributes"="idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600"

Note that if the application and admin services are separated by path rather than hostname, then multiple healthchecks will need to be configured. This can be achieved by adding the healthcheck annotations at the service level rather than the ingress level e.g.

--set iq_server.applicationServiceAnnotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/healthcheck-path"="/ping"
--set iq_server.adminServiceAnnotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/healthcheck-path"="/admin/ping"

EFS Storage Class

If you want to use dynamic provisioning, then an EFS storage class should be pre-installed and configured in the cluster with the correct settings to allow read/write access to the Sonatype IQ Server pod users, which have UID 1000 and GID 1000 by default e.g.

kind: StorageClass
  name: efs-sc
  provisioningMode: efs-ap
  fileSystemId: <EFS file system ID>
  directoryPerms: "777"
  gidRangeStart: "1000"
  gidRangeEnd: "1000"
  basePath: "/"


The fluentd aggregator can be configured to send aggregated logs to CloudWatch using the fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-logs plugin.

This requires fluentd aggregator pods to have the correct permissions , which can either be associated with a service account the fluentd aggregator uses, or with the EKS worker nodes.

Once the permissions are established, you can enable sending aggregated logs to CloudWatch, set the AWS region, log group name, and log stream name as follows

--set cloudwatch.enabled=true
--set cloudwatch.region=<AWS region>
--set cloudwatch.logGroupName=<CloudWatch log group name>
--set cloudwatch.logStreamName=<CloudWatch log stream name>


Some example commands are shown below.

External Database, Static EFS, and Dynamic ALB

helm install --namespace staging mycluster --dependency-update
--set-file iq_server.license="license.lic"
--set iq_server.database.hostname=myhost
--set iq_server.database.port=5432
--set iq_server.database.username=postgres
--set iq_server.database.password=admin123
--set iq_server.config.server.adminContextPath="/admin"
--set iq_server.persistence.accessModes[0]="ReadWriteMany"
--set iq_server.persistence.csi.driver=""
--set iq_server.persistence.csi.fsType=""
--set iq_server.persistence.csi.volumeHandle="fs-0ac8d13f38bfc99df:/"
--set iq_server.serviceType=NodePort
--set ingress.enabled=true
--set ingress.ingressClassName=alb
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/scheme"="internet-facing"
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/healthcheck-path"="/ping" 
sonatype/nexus-iq-server-ha --version <version>

External Database, Dynamic EFS, Dynamic ALB, and Secrets

helm install --namespace staging mycluster --dependency-update
--set iq_server.serviceAccountName=<service account name, default "default">
--set serviceAccount.create=true
--set serviceAccount.annotations."eks\.amazonaws\.com/role-arn"="arn:aws:iam::<aws_account_id>:role/<role_name>"
--set secret.arn="arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:<secret_name>"
--set secret.license.arn="arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:<secret_name>"
--set secret.rds.arn="arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:<rds_secret_name>"
--set iq_server.config.server.adminContextPath="/admin"
--set iq_server.persistence.accessModes[0]="ReadWriteMany"
--set iq_server.persistence.persistentVolumeName=""
--set iq_server.persistence.storageClassName="efs-storage-class-name"
--set iq_server.persistence.csi.driver=""
--set iq_server.persistence.csi.fsType=""
--set iq_server.serviceType=NodePort
--set ingress.enabled=true
--set ingress.ingressClassName=alb
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/scheme"="internet-facing"
--set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/healthcheck-path"="/ping" 
sonatype/nexus-iq-server-ha --version <version>

Autoscaling (@since 166.0.0)

Sonatype IQ Server HA helm chart includes support for Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA). With this enabled you can set the cluster to automatically scale up/down based on cpu and/or memory utilization.

Pre-requisites for autoscaling

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler depends on metrics-server being installed and available in the cluster. Please refer to the metrics-server requirements and installation instructions for setting it up

Configuring IQ server autoscaling

(Note: When setting auto-scaling parameters please make sure to have sufficient hardware resources available in the underlying nodes meet the max pod demands.)

HPA is disabled by default. If you want to enable it, you need to set the hpa.enabled parameter to true.

--set hpa.enabled=true

Defined resources requests for all the containers in the IQ Server pod are required for HPA to be able to compute metrics. As a result, if you are scaling based on CPU usage you need to specify CPU requests for the IQ server and fluentd sidecar.

Please refer to the "Chart Configuration Options" table below for detailed parameters for adjusting HPA configuration to match your needs.

Autoscaling examples

Some example commands are shown below.

helm install --namespace staging mycluster --dependency-update
 --set hpa.enabled=true
 --set iq_server.resources.requests.cpu="500m"
 --set iq_server.resources.limits.cpu="1000m"    
 --set fluentd.resources.requests.cpu="200m"
 --set fluentd.resources.limits.cpu="500m"
sonatype/nexus-iq-server-ha --version <version>


Satisfying General Requirements


An example command is shown below.

External Database, NFS, and ingress-nginx

helm install --namespace staging mycluster --dependency-update
--set-file iq_server.license="license.lic"
--set iq_server.database.hostname=myhost
--set iq_server.database.port=5432
--set iq_server.database.username=postgres
--set iq_server.database.password=admin123
--set iq_server.config.server.adminContextPath="/admin"
--set iq_server.persistence.accessModes[0]="ReadWriteMany"
--set iq_server.persistence.nfs.server=
--set iq_server.persistence.nfs.path=/
--set iq_server.serviceType=NodePort
--set ingress.enabled=true
--set ingress-nginx.enabled=true
sonatype/nexus-iq-server-ha --version <version>


To upgrade Sonatype IQ Server and ensure a successful data migration, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Scale your pods down to zero. This will delete the existing pods.
  2. Backup the database. See the IQ server backup guidelines for more details.
  3. Update the helm chart. Typically, this will also update the Sonatype IQ Server version.
  4. Run your helm chart upgrade command. The deleted pods will be re-created with the updates.

Chart Configuration Options

Parameter Description Default
iq_server.imageRegistry Container image registry, if not specified the Docker public registry will be used nil
iq_server.image Sonatype IQ Server docker image sonatype/nexus-iq-server
iq_server.imagePullPolicy Sonatype IQ Server image pull policy IfNotPresent
iq_server.tag Sonatype IQ Server image tag See values.yaml
iq_server.resources.requests.cpu Sonatype IQ Server request for CPU resources in CPU units nil
iq_server.resources.requests.memory Sonatype IQ Server request for memory resources in bytes nil
iq_server.resources.limits.cpu Sonatype IQ Server limit for CPU resources in CPU units nil
iq_server.resources.limits.memory Sonatype IQ Server limit for memory resources in bytes nil
iq_server.javaOpts Value for the JAVA_OPTS environment variable to pass custom settings to the JVM nil
iq_server.license Path to your Sonatype IQ Server product license file nil
iq_server.licenseSecret The name of the license secret nil
iq_server.serviceType Sonatype IQ Server service type ClusterIP
iq_server.database.hostname Database hostname nil
iq_server.database.port Database port 5432 Database name nil
iq_server.database.username Database username postgres
iq_server.database.password Database password nil
iq_server.database.passwordSecret Database password secret nil
iq_server.persistence.existingPersistentVolumeClaimName Existing persistent volume claim name nil
iq_server.persistence.existingPersistentVolumeName Existing persistent volume name nil
iq_server.persistence.persistentVolumeName Persistent volume name iq-server-pv
iq_server.persistence.persistentVolumeClaimName Persistent volume claim name iq-server-pvc
iq_server.persistence.persistentVolumeRetainPolicy Persistent volume retain policy keep
iq_server.persistence.persistentVolumeClaimRetainPolicy Persistent volume claim retain policy keep
iq_server.persistence.size Storage capacity for PV/PVC to provision/request 1Gi
iq_server.persistence.storageClassName Storage class name for the PV/PVC ""
iq_server.persistence.accessModes[0] Access mode for the PV/PVC ReadWriteOnce
iq_server.persistence.csi.driver CSI driver name nil
iq_server.persistence.csi.fsType File system type nil
iq_server.persistence.csi.volumeHandle Volume handle nil
iq_server.persistence.nfs.server NFS server hostname nil
iq_server.persistence.nfs.path NFS server path /
iq_server.podAnnotations Annotations for the Sonatype IQ Server pods nil
iq_server.serviceAccountName Sonatype IQ Server service account name default
iq_server.serviceType Sonatype IQ Server service type ClusterIP
iq_server.applicationServiceAnnotations Annotations for the Sonatype IQ Server application service nil
iq_server.adminServiceAnnotations Annotations for the Sonatype IQ Server admin service nil
iq_server.replicas Number of replicas 2
iq_server.initialAdminPassword Initial admin password admin123
iq_server.initialAdminPasswordSecret Initial admin password secret nil
iq_server.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for readiness probe 45
iq_server.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for readiness probe 15
iq_server.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for readiness probe 5
iq_server.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readiness probe 4
iq_server.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for liveness probe 180
iq_server.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for liveness probe 20
iq_server.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for liveness probe 3
iq_server.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for liveness probe 3
iq_server.fluentd.forwarder.enabled Enable Fluentd forwarder true
iq_server.config A YAML block which will be used as a configuration block for IQ Server See values.yaml
iq_server.useGitSsh Use SSH to execute git operations for SCM integrations false
iq_server.sshPrivateKey SSH private key file to store on the nodes for ssh git operations nil
iq_server.sshPrivateKeySecret SSH private key stored in k8s secret to be used for ssh git operations nil
iq_server.sshKnownHosts SSH known hosts file to store on the nodes for ssh git operations nil
iq_server.sshKnownHostsSecret SSH known hosts stored in k8s secret to be used for ssh git operations nil
iq_server.pvOwnershipOverride Specify a custom 'chown' command to modify ownership of directories See values.yaml
iq_server.pvOwnershipOverrideResources.resources.requests.cpu Persistence ownership initContainer request for CPU resources in CPU units nil
iq_server.pvOwnershipOverrideResources.resources.requests.memory Persistence ownership initContainer request for memory resources in bytes nil
iq_server.pvOwnershipOverrideResources.resources.limits.cpu Persistence ownership initContainer limit for CPU resources in CPU units nil
iq_server.pvOwnershipOverrideResources.resources.limits.memory Persistence ownership initContainer limit for memory resources in bytes nil
ingress.enabled Enable ingress false
ingress.className Ingress class name nginx
ingress.pathType Ingress path type Prefix
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations nil
ingress.hostApplication Ingress host for application nil
ingress.hostApplicationPath Ingress path for application nil
ingress.hostAdmin Ingress host for admin application nil
ingress.hostAdminPath Ingress path for admin application nil
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration nil
ingress-nginx.enable Enable ingress-nginx false
ingress-nginx.controller Ingress controller configuration for Nginx See values.yaml
externalDns.enabled Enable external-dns false
externalDns.args Array of arguments to pass to the external-dns container See values.yaml
serviceAccount.create Create service account false
serviceAccount.labels Service account labels nil
serviceAccount.annotations Service account annotations nil
serviceAccount.autoMountServiceAccountToken Auto mount service account token false
secret.arn AWS secret arn containing initial admin password in a initial_admin_password key nil
secret.license.arn AWS secret arn containing the binary content of your Sonatype IQ Server license nil
secret.rds.arn AWS secret arn containing host, port, name (database name), username, and password keys nil
secret.sshPrivateKey.arn AWS secret arn containing the binary content of your SSH private key for use with ssh git operations nil
secret.sshKnownHosts.arn AWS secret arn containing the binary content of your SSH known hosts for use with ssh git operations nil
cloudwatch.enabled Enable CloudWatch logging false
cloudwatch.region CloudWatch region nil
cloudwatch.logGroupName CloudWatch log group name nil
cloudwatch.logStreamName CloudWatch log stream name nil
existingApplicationLoadBalancer.applicationTargetGroupARN Target group ARN for target synchronization with application endpoints nil
existingApplicationLoadBalancer.adminTargetGroupARN Target group ARN for target synchronization with admin endpoints nil
aggregateLogFileRetention.deleteCron Cron schedule expression for when to delete old aggregate log files if needed 0 1 * * *
aggregateLogFileRetention.maxLastModifiedDays Maximum last modified time of an aggregate log file in days (0 disables deletion) 50
fluentd.enabled Enable Fluentd true
fluentd.resources.requests.cpu Fluentd sidecar cpu request nil
fluentd.resources.limits.cpu Fluentd sidecar cpu limit nil
fluentd.resources.requests.memory Fluentd sidecar memory request nil
fluentd.resources.limits.memory Fluentd sidecar memory limit nil
fluentd.config Fluentd configuration See values.yaml
hpa.enabled Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler false
hpa.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas 2
hpa.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas 4
hpa.resource.cpu.enabled Enable CPU-based autoscaling true
hpa.resource.cpu.average.threshold Average CPU threshold for autoscaling 50
hpa.resource.memory.enabled Enable memory-based autoscaling false
hpa.resource.memory.average.threshold Average memory threshold for autoscaling 50
global.busybox.imageRegistry Container image registry, if not specified the Docker public registry will be used nil
global.busybox.image BusyBox docker image busybox
global.busybox.tag BusyBox image tag See values.yaml