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Lifetime of a session

A session is the core unit of Sōzu's business logic: forwarding traffic from a frontend to a backend and vice-versa.

In this document, we will explore what happens to a client session, from the creation of the socket, to its shutdown, with all the steps describing how the HTTP request and response can happen

Before we dive into the creation, lifetime and death of sessions, we need to understand two concepts that are entirely segregated in Sōzu:

  • the socket handling with the mio crate
  • the SessionManager that keeps track of all sessions

What does mio do?

Mio allows us to listen on socket events. For instance we may use TCP sockets to wait for connection and mio informs us when that socket is readable or when a socket has data to read, or was closed by the peer, or a timer triggered...

Mio provides an abstraction over the linux syscall epoll. This epoll syscall allows us to register file descriptors, so that the kernel notifies us whenever something happens to those file descriptors

At the end of the day, sockets are just raw file descriptors. We use the mio TcpListener, TcpStream wrappers around these file descriptors. A TcpListener listens for connections on a specific port. For each new connection it creates a TcpStream on which subsequent traffic will be redirected (both from and to the client).

This is all what we use mio for. "Subscribing" to file descriptors events.

Keep track of sessions with the SessionManager

Each subscription in mio is associated with a Token (a u64 identifier). The SessionManager's job is to link a Token to a ProxySession that will make use of the subscription. This is done with a Slab, a key-value data structure which optimizes memory usage:

  • as a key: the Token provided by mio
  • as a value: a reference to a ProxySession

That being said let's dive into the lifetime of a session.

What are Proxys?

A Sōzu worker internally has 3 proxys, one for each supported protocol:

  • TCP
  • HTTP

A proxy manages listeners, frontends, backends and the business logic associated with each protocol (buffering, parsing, error handling...).

Accepting a connection

Sōzu uses TCP listener sockets to get new connections. It will typically listen on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS), but could have other ports for TCP proxying, or even HTTP/HTTPS proxys on other ports.

For each frontend, Sōzu:

  1. generate a new Token token
  2. uses mio to register a TcpListener as token
  3. adds a matching ListenSession in the SessionManager with key token
  4. stores the TcpListener in the appropriate Proxy (TCP/HTTP/HTTPS) with key token

An event loop on TCP sockets

Sōzu is hot reconfigurable. We can add listeners and frontends at runtime. For each added listener, the SessionManager will store a ListenSession in its Slab.

The event loop uses mio to check for any activity, on all sockets. Whenever mio detects activity on a socket, it returns an event that is passed to the SessionManager.

Whenever a client connects to a frontend:

  1. it reaches a listener
  2. Sōzu is notified by mio that a readable event was received on a specific Token
  3. using the SessionManager, Sōzu gets the corresponding ListenSession
  4. Sōzu determines the protocol that was used
  5. the Token is passed down to the appropriate proxy (TCP/HTTP/HTTPS)
  6. using the Token, the proxy determines which TcpListener triggered the event
  7. the proxy starts accepting new connections from it in a loop (as their might be more than one)

Accepting a connection means to store it as a TcpStream in the accept queue, until either:

  • there are no more connections to accept
  • or the accept queue is full:


    Lines 1204 to 1258 in e4e7488

    pub fn accept(&mut self, token: ListenToken, protocol: Protocol) {
    match protocol {
    Protocol::TCPListen => {
    loop {
    match self.tcp.accept(token) {
    Ok(sock) => self.accept_queue.push_back((sock, token, Protocol::TCPListen, Instant::now())),
    Err(AcceptError::WouldBlock) => {
    Err(other) => {
    error!("error accepting TCP sockets: {:?}", other);
    Protocol::HTTPListen => {
    loop {
    match self.http.accept(token) {
    Ok(sock) => self.accept_queue.push_back((sock, token, Protocol::HTTPListen, Instant::now())),
    Err(AcceptError::WouldBlock) => {
    Err(other) => {
    error!("error accepting HTTP sockets: {:?}", other);
    Protocol::HTTPSListen => {
    loop {
    match self.https.accept(token) {
    Ok(sock) => self.accept_queue.push_back((sock, token, Protocol::HTTPSListen, Instant::now())),
    Err(AcceptError::WouldBlock) => {
    Err(other) => {
    error!("error accepting HTTPS sockets: {:?}", other);
    _ => panic!("should not call accept() on a HTTP, HTTPS or TCP session"),
    gauge!("accept_queue.count", self.accept_queue.len());

Consuming the accept queue

We create sessions from the accept queue, starting from the most recent session, and dropping sockets that are too old.

When we accept a new connection (TcpStream), it might have waited a bit already in the listener queue. The kernel might even already have some data available, like an HTTP request. If we are too slow in handling that request, the client might have dropped the connection (timeout) by the time we forward the request to the backend and the backend responds.

If the maximum number of client connections (provided by max_connections in the configuration) is reached, new ones stay in the queue. And if the queue is full, we drop newly accepted connections. By specifying a maximum number of concurrent connections, we make sure that the server does not get overloaded and keep latencies manageable for existing connections.

Creating sessions

A session's goal is to forward traffic from a frontend to a backend and vice-versa. The Session struct holds the data associated with a session: tokens, current timeout state, protocol state, client address... The created session is wrapped in a Rc<RefCell<...>>

The proxies create one session for each item of the accept queue, using the TcpStream provided in the item. The TcpStream is registered in mio with a new Token (called frontend_token). The Session is added in the SessionManager with the same Token.

Check for zombie sessions

Because bugs can occur when sessions are created and removed, and some of them could be "forgotten", there's a regular task called "zombie checker" that checks on the sessions in the list and kills those that are stuck or too old.

How a Session reads data from the front socket

When data arrives from the network on the TcpStream, it is stored in a kernel buffer, and the kernel notifies the event loop that the socket is readable.

As with listen sockets, the token associated with the TCP socket will get a "readable" event, and we will use the token to lookup which session it is associated with. We then call Session::update_readiness to notify it of the new socket state.

Then we call Session::ready to let it read data, parse, etc. That method will run in a loop (

fn ready_inner(&mut self) -> SessionResult {
let mut counter = 0;
let max_loop_iterations = 100000;
if self.back_connected().is_connecting() &&
self.back_readiness().map(|r| r.event != Ready::empty()).unwrap_or(false) {
self.http_mut().map(|h| h.cancel_backend_timeout());
if self.back_readiness().map(|r| r.event.is_hup()).unwrap_or(false)
&& !self.http_mut().map(|h| h.test_back_socket()).unwrap_or(false) {
//retry connecting the backend
error!("{} error connecting to backend, trying again", self.log_context());
self.connection_attempt += 1;
let backend_token = self.back_token();
self.back_connected = BackendConnectionStatus::Connecting(Instant::now());
return SessionResult::ReconnectBackend(Some(self.frontend_token), backend_token);
} else {
if self.front_readiness().event.is_hup() {
let order = self.front_hup();
match order {
SessionResult::CloseSession => {
return order;
_ => {
return order;
let token = self.frontend_token.clone();
while counter < max_loop_iterations {
let front_interest = self.front_readiness().interest & self.front_readiness().event;
let back_interest = self.back_readiness().map(|r| r.interest & r.event).unwrap_or(Ready::empty());
trace!("PROXY\t{} {:?} {:?} -> {:?}", self.log_context(), token, self.front_readiness().clone(), self.back_readiness());
if front_interest == Ready::empty() && back_interest == Ready::empty() {
if self.back_readiness().map(|r| r.event.is_hup()).unwrap_or(false) && self.front_readiness().interest.is_writable() &&
! self.front_readiness().event.is_writable() {
if front_interest.is_readable() {
let order = self.readable();
trace!("front readable\tinterpreting session order {:?}", order);
if order != SessionResult::Continue {
return order;
if back_interest.is_writable() {
let order = self.back_writable();
if order != SessionResult::Continue {
return order;
if back_interest.is_readable() {
let order = self.back_readable();
if order != SessionResult::Continue {
return order;
if front_interest.is_writable() {
let order = self.writable();
trace!("front writable\tinterpreting session order {:?}", order);
if order != SessionResult::Continue {
return order;
if back_interest.is_hup() {
let order = self.back_hup();
match order {
SessionResult::CloseSession | SessionResult::CloseBackend(_) => {
return order;
SessionResult::Continue => {
if ! self.front_readiness().event.is_writable() {
error!("got back socket HUP but there's still data, and front is not writable yet(openssl)[{:?} => {:?}]", self.frontend_token, self.back_token());
_ => {
self.back_readiness().map(|r| r.event.remove(Ready::hup()));
return order;
if front_interest.is_error() {
error!("PROXY session {:?} front error, disconnecting", self.frontend_token);
self.front_readiness().interest = Ready::empty();
self.back_readiness().map(|r| r.interest = Ready::empty());
return SessionResult::CloseSession;
if back_interest.is_error() {
if self.back_hup() == SessionResult::CloseSession {
self.front_readiness().interest = Ready::empty();
self.back_readiness().map(|r| r.interest = Ready::empty());
error!("PROXY session {:?} back error, disconnecting", self.frontend_token);
return SessionResult::CloseSession;
counter += 1;
if counter == max_loop_iterations {
error!("PROXY\thandling session {:?} went through {} iterations, there's a probable infinite loop bug, closing the connection", self.frontend_token, max_loop_iterations);
let front_interest = self.front_readiness().interest & self.front_readiness().event;
let back_interest = self.back_readiness().map(|r| r.interest & r.event);
let token = self.frontend_token.clone();
let back = self.back_readiness().cloned();
error!("PROXY\t{:?} readiness: {:?} -> {:?} | front: {:?} | back: {:?} ", token,
self.front_readiness(), back, front_interest, back_interest);
return SessionResult::CloseSession;

Bring in the state machine

The Session::readable method of the session is called. It will then call that same method of the underlying state machine.

The state machine is where the protocols are implemented. A session might need to recognize different protocols over its lifetime, depending on its configuration, and upgrade between them. They are all in the protocol directory.


  • an HTTPS session could start in a state called ExpectProxyProtocol
  • once the expect protocol has run its course, the session upgrades to the TLS handshake state: HandShake
  • once the handshake is done, we have a TLS stream, and the session upgrades to the HTTP state
  • if required by the client, the session can then switch to a WebSocket connection: WebSocket

Now, let's assume we are currently using the HTTP 1 protocol. The session called the readable() method.

Find the backend

We need to parse the HTTP request to find out its:

  1. hostname
  2. path
  3. HTTP verb

We will first try to read data from the socket in the front buffer. If there were no errors (closed socket, etc), we will then handle that data in readable_parse().

The HTTP implementation holds two smaller state machines, RequestState and ResponseState, that indicate where we are in parsing the request or response, and store data about them.

When we receive the first byte from the client, both are at the Initial state. We parse data from the front buffer until we reach a request state where the headers are entirely parsed. If there was not enough data, we'll wait for more data to come on the socket and restart parsing.

Once we're done parsing the headers, and find what we were looking for, we will return SessionResult::ConnectBackend to notify the session that it should find a backend server to send the data.

Connect to the backend servers

The Session:

  1. finds which cluster to connect to
  2. asks the SessionManager for a new valid Token named back_token
  3. asks for a connection to the cluster
    • the appropriate Proxy finds a backend (add details)
  4. registers the new TcpStream in mio with back_token
  5. inserts itself in the SessionManager with back_token

The same session is now stored twice in the SessionManager:

  1. once with the front token as key
  2. secondly with the back token as key

If Sōzu can't find a cluster it responds with a default HTTP 404 Not Found response to the client. A session can try to connect to a backend 3 times. If all attempts fail, Sōzu responds with a default HTTP 503 Service Unavailable response. This happens if Sōzu found a cluster, but all corresponding backends are down (or not responding).

Keep a session alive

In case an HTTP request comes with the Connection header set at Keep-Alive, the underlying TCP connection can be kept after receiving the response, to send more requests. Since Sōzu supports routing on the URL along with the hostname, the next request might go to a different cluster. So when we get the cluster id from the request, we check if it is the same as the previous one, and if it is the same, we test if the back socket is still valid. If it is, we can reuse it. Otherwise, we will replace the back socket with a new one.

Sticky session: stick a front to one backend only

This is a routing mechanism where we look at a cookie in the request. All requests coming with the same id in that cookie will be sent to the same backend server.

That look up will return a result depending on which backend server are considered valid (if they're answering properly) and on the load balancing policies configured for the cluster. If a backend was found, we open a TCP connection to the backend server, otherwise we return a HTTP 503 response.

Sending data to the back socket

Then we wait for a writable event from the backend connection, then we can start to forward the pending request to it. In case of an error, we retry to connect to another backend server in the same Cluster.

The big U-turn: forwarding from backend to frontend

As explained above, we have a small state machine called ResponseState in order to parse the traffic from the backend. The whole logic is basically the same.

We monitor backend readability and frontend writability, and transfer traffic from one to the other.

The end of a session

Once the ResponseState reaches a "completed" state and every byte has been sent back to the client, the full life cycle of a request ends. The session reaches the CloseSession state and is removed from the SessionManager's slab and its sockets are deregistered from mio.

If the request had a Keep-Alive header, however, the session will be reused and await a new request. This is the "reset" of a session.