Warning: unmaintained since 2003!
smsd is client/server system which allows more users to send message to mobile phones with the help of smssend utility (tested with version 3.1). Messages are queued and delivered at all events, which is good if mobile operator limits number or rate of messages sent from one IP address.
E.g. gcc -o smsdwake smsdwake.c (other compiler than gcc can be used).
Ability to recover from errors reported by operator (like exceeded rate of sent messages) depends on smssend's definition files (*.sms). The shipped code handles paegas.sms and t-mobile.sms. If you use other operator change the smsd's source after the line starting with '# FIX: codes and timeouts'.
./smsd <options>
Available options:
Do not log errors to syslog, but terminate.
Location of pid file (def. /var/run/smsd.pid).
Message queue directory (def. /var/spool/smsd/).
It is necessary to ensure that both server and client can write to message queue. It is also necessary to ensure that smsdwake utility has suid to the same user as the one running smsd - process is that smsdclient stores new message in the queue and runs smsdwake who wakes up smsd by signal which then processes new message.
./smsdclient <options> -- <operator> <specific parameters>
Available options:
-ms, --msg-size
Max. number of characters per message.
-mm, --max-msg
Max. number of messages per one mail (max is 9).
-ss, --subject-size
Max. message subject length (rest will be cut off).
-ft, --from-type
Type of From header processing: full (default), mail (only mail), user
(only user name from mail).
-fl, --from-list
File with lines in the format shortcut=mail, which makes that header
From is replaced by shortcut.
-ff, --filter-file
File with filter definitions. Each line is in the format: header
filter action. Header is (case insensitive) name of mail header (e.g.
From) or * for any header. Filter is text which must be contained in
the header content (again case insensitive) or * for any value. Action
is either 'reject' (drop immediately) or 'accept' (accept and stop
checking). Filters are evaluated in the order in which they appear in
the file.
-i, --index
Makes the sequence number appear at the beginning of each message.
-r, --reverse
Sends messages in reversed order.
Do not log errors to syslog, but terminate.
Location of pid file (def. /var/run/smsd.pid).
Message queue directory (def. /var/spool/smsd/).
File name whose presence stops sending of the message (def. ~/.smsdclient.nosend).
Operator and his parameters are directly passed to smssend.
Message text is expected on standard input (can be easily placed in .forward or similar system for mail forwarding).