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File metadata and controls

151 lines (93 loc) · 6.06 KB


To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Install yarn if you don't already have it npm install -g yarn
  • Install dependencies with yarn install --cwd assets
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

Getting started

  1. Visit the lobby here.

  2. Click on "Launch Game"

This creates a new game on the server. You can now copy and share the game link with friends or you can join the game.

Blast uses HTML Session Storage so you can have a player per browser tab that you have open. This makes it easy to test during local development.

Game controls

Rotate left: left cursor key Rotate right: right cursor key

Fire booster: up cursor key Fire weapon: spacebar


  • +10 points for every hit you make on another plater


There game supports a maximum of four players.

Each player has a unique spawn point. The spawn points are the corners of the arena.

Ending the game

The game does not end - it keeps going forever.

Improvement ideas!

Basic: Prevent ammo from running out

Find where the book keeping is done that keeps track of the ammo of the Fighter and change the code so that it never runs out.

Basic: Flash the fighter white when it is hit

This is a classic game mechanic to indicate damage taken. Flash the fighter white for a few seconds.

This could be implemented by storing a last_hit_time (as the number of the animation frame when the hit occurred).

Fighters are rendered in lib/blast/fighter_renderer.ex. If the current animation frame is passed as a parameter to the renderers then the fighter colour can be set to white when the difference between the current animation frame number and the last_hit_time.

Intermediate: Implement the endgame condition

The game ends when a player reaches 50 (or whatever) points. The winner is the player with the most points.

Imagine that the game terminates and announces the winner.

To do this we'd need to assess the state of the game state on every server frame. The GameState module is here lib/blast/game_state.ex. Inside GameState.process_events/3 there is a pipeline of function calls that apply for every server frame.

I suggest adding a check_game_over/1 function that sets a game_over flag on the GameState when the end game condition is satisfied, then update the rendering in GameLive to announce the winner.

Intermediate: Animate some thruster exhaust

Render an exhaust plume out of the back of the fighter. Start simple - a non animated static triangle representing a flame would suffice. Animate it for bonus points. Get creative - you could offload the animation to a CSS animation of an SVG shape and just toggle a class on an element. That way keeping track of a temporal animation on the server and all of the book keeping that it would entail can be avoided.

Intermediate: Powerup items

Spawn power up items into the game. On collision they are picked up by the colliding Fighter.

  • Shields

Add a field to Fighter (shields :on/:off) Fighter becomes immune to damage for a few seconds. Render an SVG circle around the fighter when it has shields on.

Simpler option: every 20 seconds of play, pick a random fighter that gets shields as a power up.

  • Bigger guns / higher fire rate

Add a field to Fighter (big_guns :on/:off) That Fighter's guns either get a higher firing rate or do more damage on a hit.

Simpler option: every 20 seconds of play, pick a random fighter that gets bigger guns as a power up.

Intermediate to Advanced: Add some solid, deflecting features to the arena

These will provide cover for fighters.

Circles will be easiest to implement because collisions with arbitrary shapes have not yet been implemented.

  • update PhysicsObject to add a 'static' field. When set to true it represents an immovable object.
  • create a Blast.StaticObject module. This will have an object field
  • update GameState to add a static_objects field.
  • Implement the render protocol for Blast.StaticObject
  • Handle collisions with of fighters and projectiles with the static object. The static object itself will remain unaffected by the collision.

Intermediate: multiplayer on same laptop & browser window

  • On the view rendered by Blast.GameLive, add a button that when clicked adds another player
  • Define an extra set of key bindings to control the additional player
  • Note: currently players are identifie by a player_id in the session; this will need need to change in order to to be able identify multiple players from one browser.

Intermediate: add on-screen controls for mobile usage

  • On the GameLive view, add some control buttons to the screen either side of the rendered game arena.
  • Add new handle_player_event function heads to trap the button events.
  • Use a CSS media query to ensure that these buttons are only rendered on mobile devices in landscape mode.

Intermediate: add spectator mode (view game without creating a fighter)

  • add a new route in the router (something like /spectate/#{game_id}).
  • clicking on this link will render the game arena but will not create a new player
  • spectating people will have no FighterControls in the GameState so you will need to ensure that attempting to update FighterControls will not crash for spectating players if they press a key

Advanced: homing missile

The basic vector maths is there but you'd need to calculate a force vector between the missile and the nearest fighter using something like the inverse-square law to calculate the strength of the force vector attracting the homing missile to its target.

Advanced: zoom and pan the viewport to fit the combined bounding box of all players

This would be a really cool effect that zooms in and out of the action during gameplay.

SVG supports this via the viewBox attribute.

Advanced: destroy player after closing browser tab

Advanced: Timebox games and/or destroy abandoned GameServer processes