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File metadata and controls

72 lines (53 loc) · 2.21 KB

Coverage reports


Until each module can be migrated to support Node.js's builtin ESM implementation (nesm), the coverage line numbers will be out-of-sync with reality.

In addition, we will have to implement source maps in all of our source-to-source transforms (such as @endo/bundle-source, @agoric/transform-metering, and @agoric/static-module-record).


Coverage reports for the current main branch (whose packages support nesm) are published by CI to:

You can create a report in any package (including the top-level directory):

# Get options available for coverage:
yarn c8 --help
# Run ava under Node.js coverage and display a summary:
yarn c8 -a ava
# Generate a nice, detailed HTML report:
yarn c8 report --reporter=html-spa
open coverage/html/index.html

Node.js ESM Support

With the current patches/esm+3.2.25.diff, it is possible to migrate packages to support both resm (-r esm) and nesm (Node.js ESM Support). If an agoric-sdk package has dependencies that support nesm, you can attempt to make it also support nesm by:

  1. Create ava-nesm.config.js removing "require": ["esm"]:
../../scripts/ava-nesm.cjs > ava-nesm.config.js
  1. Make the following changes to its package.json (omitting comments):
  // Enable nesm support.
  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    // The following line enables coverage generation from the top.
    "test:c8": "c8 $C8_OPTIONS ava --config=ava-nesm.config.js"
  1. Test that both yarn test and yarn test:c8 run correctly.

Planned Implementation

Our runtime source transforms can be conditional on the $NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable, which is set by c8.

When that is nonempty, source transforms can implement special behaviour to preserve source maps for transformed code. This involves using a //# sourceURL=... tag to associate a unique URL to an actual existing file during eval. The file's contents include a //# sourceMappingURL=..., whether a relative URL (taken from sourceURL) to a file or inline as a data: URI.

The sourceMappingURL source map must contain a "sources" property as a relative or absolute URL to the input source file.