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Module 8: Using compliance reports

Goal: Use global reports to satisfy compliance requirements.


  1. Use Compliance Reports view to see all generated reports.

    We have deployed a few compliance reports in one of the first labs and by this time a few reports should have been already generated.

    kubectl get globalreport
    NAME                     CREATED AT
    cluster-inventory        2022-04-07T00:29:45Z
    cluster-network-access   2022-04-07T00:29:45Z
    cluster-policy-audit     2022-04-07T00:29:45Z
    daily-cis-results        2022-04-07T00:29:44Z

    If you don't see any reports, you can manually kick off report generation task. Follow the steps below if you need to do so.

    Calico provides GlobalReport resource to offer Compliance reports capability. There are several types of reports that you can configure:

    • CIS benchmarks
    • Inventory
    • Network access
    • Policy audit

    A compliance report could be configured to include only specific endpoints leveraging endpoint labels and selectors. Each report has the schedule field that determines how often the report is going to be generated and sets the timeframe for the data to be included into the report.

    Compliance reports organize data in a CSV format which can be downloaded and moved to a long term data storage to meet compliance requirements.

    compliance report

  2. Generate a reports at any time to specify a different start/end time.

    a. Review and apply the yaml file for the managed cluster.

    Instructions below for a Managed cluster only. Follow configuration documentation to configure compliance jobs for management and standalone clusters. We will need change the START/END time accordingly.

    vi demo/40-compliance-reports/compliance-reporter-pod.yaml

    b. We need to substitute the Cluster Name in the YAML file with the correct cluster name index. We can obtain this value and set as a variable CALICOCLUSTERNAME. This enables compliance jobs to target the correct index in Elastic Search.

    # obtain ElasticSearch index and set as variable
    CALICOCLUSTERNAME=$(kubectl get deployment -n tigera-intrusion-detection intrusion-detection-controller -ojson | \
    jq -r '.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[] | select(.name == "CLUSTER_NAME").value')
    # get calico version
    CALICOVERSION=$(kubectl get clusterinformations default -ojsonpath='{.spec.cnxVersion}')
    # set start and end time for the report (Linux shell)
    START_TIME=$(date -d '-2 hours' -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
    END_TIME=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')

    c. Now apply the compliance job YAML

    # set report name
    # replace tokens and apply the manifest
        -e "s/\$START_TIME/${START_TIME}/g" \
        -e "s/\$END_TIME/${END_TIME}/g" \
        -e "s/\$REPORT_NAME/${REPORT_NAME}/g" \
        ./demo/40-compliance-reports/compliance-reporter-pod.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

    Once the run-reporter job finished, you should be able to see this report in manager UI and download the csv file.

  3. Reports are generated 30 minutes after the end of the report as documented. As the compliance reports deployed in the manifests are scheduled to run every 10 minutes the generation of reports will take between 30-60 mins depending when the manifests were deployed.

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