Simple script for outputting the codeowners for every ownership root in a git repository using the rules in the GitHub codeowners file.
Help / usage:
$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] -i INPUT [-I] [-o OUTPUT] [-f {txt,csv}] [-p {ownership-roots,all}]
Finds file paths that do not have explicit codeowners set..
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Path to the git repository to check codeowners for.
-I, --ignore-default-codeowners
Whether default codeowner rules (`*`) should be ignored.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path to write the results to. Defaults to stdout.
-f {txt,csv}, --output-format {txt,csv}
How the output should be formatted.
-p {ownership-roots,all}, --output-paths {ownership-roots,all}
Whether all paths should be output with their codeowners, or whether to only output each root (not recursing further when all subnodes have the same ownership).
Minimal invocation:
$ ./ -i <path-to-repository-root>