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Tim L edited this page Mar 3, 2014 · 13 revisions

DERI's RDFAlerts lint service is listed at:!topic/pedantic-web/BwNegOuIu5A

It is fading deployment at, since Aidan doesn't work at DERI anymore (Mar 2014). But, he can still refresh it.

However, a while back the Sindice team integrated parts of the RDF:Alerts service into their system. The service they built is still available at:

I expect this should be quite stable.

Also, I have a WAR file to deploy the original RDFAlerts service. If someone were to volunteer a more permanent place to host it, or simply wanted to run it locally, the WAR is available here:

I believe you can just deploy and run directly in, e.g., Tomcat 5 or newer.

Best, Aidan

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