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SSRLCV Sample Data

The sample data here is a part of a dataset that was used in Caleb Adams' Thesis, High Performance Computation with Small Satellites and Small Satellite Swarms for 3D Reconstruction and later in Eric Miller's thesis, Engineering a Reliable Software Stack for Computer Vision on Small Satellites. The datasets here are used to test the SSRLCV software library, the SSRLCV is maintained at the SSRLCV gitlab page and mirrored on github. Additional test data is generated with the aid of the utility scripts in the SSRLCV-Utilities gitlab repo, mirrored on github as SSRLCV-Util. If you use these test sets in future research, or the methods described below to generate more test data, please cite my thesis:

  author={Caleb Ashmore Adams},
  title={High Performance Computation with Small Satellites and Small Satellite Swarms for 3D Reconstruction},
  school={The University of Georgia},

Included Sample Data

Some existing sample data is located within this repository, but this does not include all of the available test data. The included data is as follows:

  • everest1024: These test sets contain simulated 1024 x 1024 images of everest
    • everest1024/2view: A 2-view reconstruction of everest at 400km. Each Image is 10 degrees off nadir. One image is directly nadir.
    • everest1024/3view:
      • 1.png: Nadir facing image
      • 2.png: 10 degrees off nadir image
      • 3.png: -10 degrees off nadir image
      • params.csv: ASCII encoded camera parameters. These parameters are defined on the SSRLCV gitlab page and mirrored on github.
    • everest1024/5view:
      • 1.png: Nadir facing image
      • 2.png: 10 degrees off nadir image
      • 3.png: -10 degrees off nadir image
      • 4.png: 20 degrees off nadir image
      • 5.png: -20 degrees off nadir image
      • params.csv: ASCII encoded camera parameters. These parameters are defined on the SSRLCV gitlab page and mirrored on github.
  • everest4096: A test set containing simulated 4096 x 4096 imagery of everest
    • everest4096/2view: 4096 x 4096 MOCI-like resolution images simulated at 400km.
  • seeds: various seed images used for feature matching thresholds in SSRLCV

Tests used in my Thesis

These tests are by far the most comprehensive and most useful SSRLCV tests done thus far (May 2020). The datasets used in my thesis are freely available online and compressed in a traball here. These tests include ground truth models for comparison, the output model produced by the test, an ssrlcv.log file with states and power usage over the pipeline, and the output of VSFM for comparison.

Downloading Additional Data

To download these datasets use wget or curl on your favorite unix-like machine or download from the link directly:



curl -O

Additional Data

The tests used in my thesis include the following additional data:

A set of Mount Rainier test sets is provided with incremental image offsets of 5 degrees off nadir:

  • rainier1024-2view
    • 1.png nadir facing image
    • 2.png 5 degree off nadir image
    • results a folder containing prior results of a 3D reconstruction
    • vsfm a folder containing reconstruction results from the VSFM software package
  • rainier1024-3view
    • 1.png nadir facing image
    • 2.png 5 degree off nadir image
    • 3.png -5 degree off nadir image
    • results a folder containing prior results of a 3D reconstruction
    • vsfm a folder containing reconstruction results from the VSFM software package
  • rainier1024-5view
    • 1.png nadir facing image
    • 2.png 5 degree off nadir image
    • 3.png -5 degree off nadir image
    • 4.png 10 degree off nadir image
    • 5.png -10 degree off nadir image
    • results a folder containing prior results of a 3D reconstruction
    • vsfm a folder containing reconstruction results from the VSFM software package
  • rainier4096-2view
    • 1.png nadir facing image
    • 2.png 5 degree off nadir image
    • results a folder containing prior results of a 3D reconstruction
    • vsfm a folder containing reconstruction results from the VSFM software package
  • rainier4096-3view
    • 1.png nadir facing image
    • 2.png 5 degree off nadir image
    • 3.png -5 degree off nadir image
    • results a folder containing prior results of a 3D reconstruction
    • vsfm a folder containing reconstruction results from the VSFM software package

The everest datasets included here also have results and vsfm folders provided.

The ground truth models, raw blender files, and STRM data are provided as follows:

  • rainier-blender
    • Rainier.blend the blender file used to simulate the imagery
    • Rainier_ground_truth.ply the PLY file used as a ground truth measurement
    • srtm.tif the associated STRM terrain data
  • everest-blender
    • Everest.blend the blender file used to simulate the imagery
    • Everest_ground_truth.ply the PLY file used as a ground truth measurement
    • srtm.tif the associated STRM terrain data

Test Data Optical Properties

The optical properties of the camera used to generate the simulated images are derived from Blender's Pinhole camera model. This model is limited and some issues occur with the field of view and the focal length. Because the two of these are tied together in Blender's camera model, the FOC is chosen to be correct while the FOV is incorrect so that the resultant GSD of the system is as accurate as possible.

Correcting for Erroneous Field of View

The issue is that, when choosing a given focal length foc, an erroneous field of view fov_e is generated. Due to the way Blender camera modeling works, this fov_e is always larger than reality. The general idea is to caclulate the needed pixel density to crop the image later and generate the correct fov.

Let's say that the desired resolution of our image is res. The blender camera model will produce an erronous foc_e that generates an image with a resolution of pix. We seek to caclulate the value of pix so that we can generate an image at that resolution and crop it to our desired res.

using the tangent we can use the two following equations to find the desired pix value for rendering:

tan(fov_e) = pix / ( 2 * f )


tan(fov) = res / ( 2 * f )

Substitution results in (I multiply by 2 to get the full length):

pix = ( res * tan(fov_e) ) / ( 2 * tan(fov) )

Just plug in the desired final res, the erronously generated feild of view fov_e, and the true feild of view fov to get the render value pix. round pix to the nearest integer. The resultant images need to be cropped from the center down to the res value. This keeps the GSD, field of view, and focal length of the desired optic.

Generating New Sample Data

To generate new sample data you must have a Blender install that is capable of using the BlenderGIS addon. Follow the BlenderGIS Install and Usage instructions before continuing.

Then, follow the instructions on the BlenderGIS quickstart guide to generate a 3D model of a given area on earth from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (STRM) data.

The high level workflow looks like:

  1. Run with the correct altitude, step size, and number of pictures.
    1. This outputs params for both SSRLCV and Blender.
  2. Use Blender (with Blender GIS) and put the position/rotation from step 1 into your Blender camera object. Each line (i.e., number of pictures) should be a different camera object.
  3. Set the intrinsic values of your Blender camera as desired (e.g. field of view, focal length, etc).
  4. Take pictures with your Blender cameras in the order they were listed in the output of step 1. Name your photos 1.png, 2.png, etc.
  5. In the same directory as your photos, create a params.csv, copying in the SSRLCV parameters from step 1 (different from the Blender params).
  6. Note that params.csv right now just contains columns for the extrinsic parameters (position and rotation in $x$, $y$, and $z$). Use the format discussed in SSRLCV's README to fill in the rest of the values (e.g., focal length, field of view, pixel size, resolution) based on what you set them to be in Blender.

More detail is discussed in the subsections below.

BlenderGIS setup

The following steps can be used to generate semi-realistic imagery:

  1. Add a light source with Add > Light > Sun. Then, under Object Properties set the z location to 500000 m
  2. Add the Camera with Add > Camera, you can set the z location to 400000 m (400 km) under Object Properties to start.
  3. Under the Object Data Properties of the camera select a focal length of 270 mm, this is the effective focal of the RUDA camera systems as of May 2020. Always use the effective focal length and not the measured distance. The field of view will be automatically adjusted to ~ 7.63 degree. This is unavoidable due to blender constraints. See the section above on Test Data Optical Properties and Correcting Erroneous Field of View for a description of needed future work.
  4. Under the same Object Data Properties of the camera, change the render ending distance (called the clip distance) End to 500000 m.
  5. Under Scene change the the X and Y render resolutions of 4096 for a realistic case or 1024 for a simple test case. For the adjusted case, where the image is cropped post rendering, set the resolution to the value of pix cacluated in the Correcting for Erroneous Field of View section.
  6. Remove the glossiness of the mesh by turning Specular to 0.0 under the Material Properties of the exported EXPORT_GOOGLE_SAT_WM mesh object.

Satellite Orientation, Position, and Slew

After those steps above you should save your blender file. Now you will now generate the orbital position and orientation data for the renderings. I have provided a script in the SSRLCV-Utilities gitlab repo, which is mirrored on github, that contains a script to do this automatically for you. The details of this are covered in my thesis in the SSRLCV Simulations with Blender section under the Experements and Results chapter; it basically boils down to solving a quadratic.

The script contained in the SSRLCV-Utilities gitlab repo, which is mirrored on github, will generate 7 images with off-nadir angles of 3 degrees each with the following example:

python3 io/ 400 3 7

The program will output slew information, camera parameter information, and blender rendering information. Example slew information is of the form:

  orbit angle (rad): 0.003092571033663451
  input angle (rad): 0.05235987755982989
  orbit arclen (km): 20.96144646617087
   grnd arclen (km): 19.72441805270549
    velocity (km/s): 7.66863623504974
      slew time (s): 2.733399502034785
Tracking Slews:
    slew rate (rad/s): 0.019155589046113596
    slew rate (deg/s): 1.0975344064293395
Nadir Slews:
    slew rate (rad/s): 0.0011314010379241282
    slew rate (deg/s): 0.06482450440977335

Camera parameters are printed off next and should be copied into a params.csv file. The params.csv file should be placed into an empty folder titled example-data or some other name. The output of the program at this stage is of the form:

     ---- Copy to params.csv ----

Lastly, the blender parameters are generated. These parameters should be manually copied into blender and are output in the form:

     ----   Copy to Blender  ----
0.0,0.0,0.0, y rotate: 0.0
20961.41305365656,0.0,399967.5876447502, y rotate: 3.0 deg
-20961.41305365656,0.0,399967.5876447502, y rotate: -3.0 deg
42027.99884713057,0.0,399869.69831324695, y rotate: 6.0 deg
-42027.99884713057,0.0,399869.69831324695, y rotate: -6.0 deg
63306.94946788028,0.0,399704.3480922854, y rotate: 9.0 deg
-63306.94946788028,0.0,399704.3480922854, y rotate: -9.0 deg

The values above are generated in the form X,Y,Z, Y rotation. The first should have a z altitude of your desired orbit and all 0 elements for each other item. The following steps should be taken for each image exluding the first:

  1. Under the Camera's Object Properties set the X value to the generated value
  2. Under the Camera's Object Properties set the Y value to 0.0
  3. Under the Camera's Object Properties set the Z value to the generated value
  4. Under the Camera's Object Properties set the Y rotation value to the generated value
  5. Select Render > Render Image
  6. Select Image > Save As. Save the image in the same folder as the params.csv file and name the image #.png where # is an integer matching the values in the params.csv. Each time you save an image you should increase the integer #.
  7. If using the adjusted value of pix (described in the Correcting for Erroneous Field of View section), crop the image back down to the correct resolution res

Scripting Sample Data Generation

With the steps and tools provided, scripting data generation is possible. This should be considered future work