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Arch Linux dotfiles

Hewwo. There is my smol dotfiles collection for i3 window manager with gaps, polybar, rofi as launcher and system notifications daemon, nautilus as file manager and


1. Install Arch Linux with i3wm as main system

1.1 Go to and download ISO

1.2 Write image to DVD or USB drive with any software you want.

1.3 Boot from your installation media and choose what you want

1.4 Configure iwctl to run wifi if you have one

station wlan0 scan
station wlan0 get networks
station wlan0 connect YOUR_NETWORK

1.5 run archinstall and choose installation preferences, for example - that's mine:

Keyboard layout - us
Mirror region - Poland
Locale language - en_US
Locale encoding - utf-8
Drive(s) - /dev/sda/ or /dev/nvme0
Disk layout - Wipe all - ext4 - no
Disk encryption - Encryption password
Bootloader - grub-install
Swap - true
Hostname - **your hostname**
Root password - **your root password**
User account - Add a user - **username** - **password** - yes
Profile - xorg - select your GPU
Kernels - linux
Additional packages -

xterm firefox git nano mc polybar i3-wm i3lock neofetch i3status zsh lightdm picom dmenu feh rofi kitty arandr firefox zip unzip imagemagick calc mpd network-manager-applet xorg-xbacklight light noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts nautilus lxappearance lightdm-webkit2-greeter base-devel dunst blueman xss-lock bashtop

Network configuration - Use NetworkManager
Timezone - Warsaw
Automatic time sync (NTP) - True
Optional repositories - multilib, testing

1.6 skip chroot and reboot your pc, log in via your creds (pls don't use root rn)

1.7 install YaY AUR helper

git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

2. Configure lightdm (logon greeter)

yay lightdm-webkit-theme-aether
cd /etc/lightdm
sudo nano lightdm.conf

Press Ctrl+W and type


Change it to


Press Ctrl+S and Ctrl+X to exit Enable lightdm.service to get lightdm on boot

sudo systemctl enable lightdm

Now open a tty2 with Ctrl+Alt+F2, log in and reboot your machine with


In greeter session, choose i3 in drop-down menu and log in to i3wm

3. Use my configuration files

rm -rf ~/.config/i3/
rm -rf ~/.config/polybar/
rm -rf ~/.config/dunst/
rm -rf ~/.config/kitty/
rm -rf ~/.config/gtk-3.0/
git clone
cp -r ~/dotfiles/i3 ~/.config/
cp -r ~/dotfiles/polybar ~/.config/
cp -r ~/dotfiles/userconfs ~/.config/
cp -r ~/dotfiles/rofi ~/.config/
cp -r ~/dotfiles/dunst ~/.config/
cp -r ~/dotfiles/kitty/ ~/.config/kitty/
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/lightdm-webkit-theme-aether/src/img/wallpapers/
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/lightdm-webkit-theme-aether/src/img/avatar-background.png
sudo cp -r ~/dotfiles/usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/lightdm-webkit-theme-aether/src/img/wallpapers/ /usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/lightdm-webkit-theme-aether/src/img/wallpapers/
sudo cp ~/dotfiles/usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/lightdm-webkit-theme-aether/src/img/avatar-background.png /usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/lightdm-webkit-theme-aether/src/img/avatar-background.png
cp -r ~/dotfiles/gtk-3.0/ ~/.config/gtk-3.0/

4. Enable Bluetooth for starting on boot

systemctl enable bluetooth

5. Wallpapers

#Put your images as:
~/.config/wall1.jpg #-- for desktop background
~/.config/lock1.png #-- for i3lock background
#for setting up backgrounds.

# WARNING!!! It must be your display size (eg. 1920x1080 (+-10%) PNG image for i3lock bg)

6. Install BigBlueTerm nerd fonts for using icons as fonts

sudo cp -r ~/dotfiles/BigBlueTerminal /usr/share/fonts/
fc-cache -fv

7. Install full icon pack for rofi program launcher

sudo pacman -Sy papirus-icon-theme

8. Reboot your computer to see changes


Thanks theese people for helping and some configurations: mathisen99, sdomi, mkf, ar, hatkidchan, lisek, q3k, nerd font team, daniruiz