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2017, 2022
blueprint config create, create blueprint, blueprint


{{}} Blueprints is a Beta feature that is available for evaluation and testing purposes. It is not intended for production usage. Refer to the list of limitations for the Beta release. {: beta}

Create a blueprint configuration

{: #create-blueprint-config}

Deploying a blueprint environment and cloud resources using a blueprint template is a two-step process. The first step is creating a blueprint configuration in {{}}, the second step deploys this configuration with a blueprint run apply operation. See Deploying blueprints for an overview of managing deployments, and change in blueprint environments.

Creating a configuration takes as its input the blueprint template YAML and input YAML file that were created during the defining blueprints lifecycle stage.
{: shortdesc} 

The first step in deploying cloud resources is creating a blueprint configuration in {{}}. This saves the blueprint configuration for future operations. The blueprint config specifies the Git source and release of the blueprint template, input files, and any input values that are used to create cloud resources. A blueprint module is created in {{}} for each module definition in the template. Each is initialized with the Terraform module source from the Git repository specified in the module definition, and module inputs.

The second blueprint run apply step excutes the automation modules in dependency order and runs the module Terraform code to deploy cloud resources.

Creating a blueprint configuration from the CLI

{: #create-blueprint-cli} {: cli}

Create your blueprint config with the CLI. The Create command requires a name and the Git URL of a blueprint template and other arguments. For a complete listing of options, see blueprint config create command. {: shortdesc}

To work with {{}} Blueprints, the {{}} plug-in version must be greater than the 1.12.3. {: important}

Before your begin:

The command example shown here creates a blueprint configuration in {{}}, with the template file basic-blueprint.yaml and input file basic-input.yaml from the source Git repository With this basic two module example, the first module creates a resource group and the second, creates a Cloud Object Storage (COS) instance and bucket in the specified resource group.

If your template file, e.g. basic-blueprint.yaml and input file basic-input.yaml are stored in a subfolder of the Git repository, then you need to provide complete path of the URL. For example,<subfolder>. {: note}

This example also demonstrates using dynamic inputs at create time to customize the deployment. In this example, the inputs provision_rg and resource_group_name are used to customize the deployment and demonstrate the use of inputs to modify module execution behavior. These additional inputs allow this blueprint config to be customized to a users account setup where the user does not have IAM permissions to create resource groups. The input provision_rg enables or disables provisioning of a resource group. The input resource_group_name specifies the name of the resource group that must be created or the name of an existing group to be used.

Only string values are supported for dynamic inputs.

Where the user has the required IAM access to create resources groups, use the parameters from the 'create resource group' line. Where a user only has access to an existing group, use the parameters from the 'reuse resource group' line.

Operation IAM permissions provision_rg resource_group_name
Reuse resource group Access default group false default
Create resource group Create resource groups true my_resource_group
{: caption="IAM permissions" caption-side="top"}

For all the blueprint commands, syntax, and option flag details, see the section blueprint commands. {: important}

Create new resource group

{: #create-blueprint-rg-cli}

It is assumed that the user has IAM permissions to create resource groups. Syntax of the inputs flag to create a new resource group my_resource_group and create the Cloud Object Storage bucket in this group is shown.

-inputs provision_rg=true,resource_group_name=my_resource_group

Full blueprint config create command syntax:

ibmcloud schematics blueprint config create -name Blueprint_Basic -resource-group default \
-bp-git-url -bp-git-file basic-blueprint.yaml \
-input-git-url -input-git-file basic-input.yaml \
-inputs provision_rg=true,resource_group_name=my_resource_group

{: pre}

On successful completion, the config create returns create_success and the unique ID of the blueprint. This ID is needed as input for all future operations against this environment. For more information, see blueprint config create command.

Reuse existing resource group

{: #reuse-blueprint-rg-cli}

Where a user does not have permissions to create a new resource group and only has access to an existing group. Syntax of the inputs flag to use the existing default resource group, and create Cloud Object Storage instance with the bucket in default resource group is shown. The name of the group can be amended to any group the user has view permissions.

-inputs provision_rg=false,resource_group_name=default

Full blueprint config create command syntax:

ibmcloud schematics blueprint config create -name Blueprint_Basic -resourcegroup default \
-bp-git-url -bp-git-file basic-blueprint.yaml \
-input-git-url -input-git-file basic-input.yaml \
-inputs provision_rg=false,resource_group_name=default

{: pre}

Verifying blueprint config creation

{: #verify-blueprint-create-cli}

Verify that the blueprint configuration was created successfully. When you create the configuration from the CLI, the command displays details of the blueprint modules to be created, and continuously updates the progress of the {{}} jobs initializing the modules. The command only returns on completion.

Created blueprint ID: Blueprint_Basic.eaB.5cd9

Modules to be created
SNO Type Name
1 terraform basic-resource-group
2 terraform basic-cos-storage

Blueprint job running us-east.JOB.Blueprint_Basic.bb553ac5
Waiting:0 Draft:0 Connecting:0 In Progress:0 Inactive:2 Active:0
Type Name Status Job ID
Blueprint Blueprint_Basic CREATE_SUCCESS useast.JOB.Blueprint_Basic.bb553ac5
terraform basic-resource-group INACTIVE
terraform basic-cos-storage INACTIVE

Blueprint ID Blueprint_Basic.eaB.5cd9 create_success at 2022-08-03


{: screen}

On successful completion, the config create returns create_success and the unique ID of the blueprint. This ID is needed as input for all future blueprint operations.

For more information, see troubleshooting section.

Creating a blueprint from the UI

{: #create-blueprint-ui} {: ui}

Currently, you can create a blueprint config from command line by using the blueprint config create. Followed by the blueprint run apply command to create cloud resources. {: note}

Verifying blueprint creation from the UI

{: #verify-blueprint-create-ui}

Here the steps to verify your blueprint creation. {: shortdesc}

  1. Click your blueprint that is listed in the {{}} console{: external} to view the results of the create operation.
  2. Click Overview tab to see the blueprint summary, including Modules, Variables, Details. The Recent Job runs must show the summary details of the blueprint config create job.
  3. Click Modules tab to see the status of the resource modules in an Inactive state.
  4. Click Jobs history tab view the result of the blueprint config create job and operations that are performed against the resource modules.
  5. Click Settings tab to view the summary of the new blueprint configuration.

For more information, see troubleshooting section.

Creating a blueprint from the API

{: #create-blueprint-api} {: api}

Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with {{}} by using the API. For more information, see Create a blueprint config by using API.

The blueprint config create API runs blueprint config create, and blueprint jobs APIs together, to run create blueprint operations. {: important}


POST /v2/blueprints HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 

    "name": "Blueprint Basic Test",
    "schema_version": "1.0.0",
    "source": {
        "source_type": "git_hub",
        "git": {
            "git_repo_url": "",
            "git_repo_folder": "basic-blueprint.yaml",
            "git_branch": "master"
    "config": [
            "source": {
                "source_type": "git_hub",
                "git": {
                    "git_repo_url": "",
                    "git_repo_folder": "basic-input.yaml",
                    "git_branch": "master"
    "inputs": [
            "name": "provision_rg",
            "value": "false"
            "name": "resource_group_name",
            "value": "myrg4"
            "name": "cos_instance_name",
            "value": "myrg4"
    "description": "Deploys a simple two module blueprint",
    "resource_group": "Default"

{: codeblock}

Verifying blueprint create from the API

{: #verify-bp-update-api}

Verify that the blueprint is created successfully as shown in the output. {: shortdesc}


    “name”: “Blueprint Basic Example”,
    “source”: {
        “source_type”: “git_hub”,
        “git”: {
            “git_repo_url”: “”,
            “git_repo_folder”: “basic-blueprint.yaml”
        “catalog”: {},
        “cos_bucket”: {}
    “config”: [
            “source”: {
                “source_type”: “git_hub”,
                “git”: {
                    “git_repo_url”: “”,
                    “git_repo_folder”: “basic-input.yaml”,
                    “git_branch”: “master”
                “catalog”: {},
                “cos_bucket”: {}
            “inputs”: [
                    “name”: “resource_group_name”,
                    “value”: “bp-rg-test1"
                    “name”: “provision_rg”,
                    “value”: “true”
                    “name”: “cos_instance_name”,
                    “value”: “bp-cos-test1"
    “description”: “Deploys a simple two module blueprint”,
    “resource_group”: “aac37f57b20142dba1a435c70aeb12df”,
    “location”: “us-south”,
    “inputs”: [
            “name”: “resource_group_name”,
            “metadata”: {}
            “name”: “provision_rg”,
            “metadata”: {}
            “name”: “cos_instance_name”,
            “metadata”: {}
    “settings”: [
            “name”: “TF_VERSION”,
            “value”: “1.0”,
            “metadata”: {}
    “outputs”: [
            “name”: “cos_id”,
            “value”: “$module.basic-cos-storage-test1.outputs.cos_id”,
            “metadata”: {}
    “modules”: [
            “module_type”: “terraform”,
            “name”: “basic-resource-group-test1”,
            “layer”: “RG”,
            “source”: {
                “source_type”: “git_hub”,
                “git”: {
                    “git_repo_url”: “”,
                    “git_branch”: “master”
                “catalog”: {},
                “cos_bucket”: {}
            “created_at”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”,
            “updated_at”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”,
            “inputs”: [
                    “name”: “provision”,
                    “value”: “$blueprint.provision_rg”
                    “name”: “name”,
                    “value”: “$blueprint.resource_group_name”
            “outputs”: [
                    “name”: “resource_group_name”
                    “name”: “resource_group_id”
            “last_job”: {}
    “flow”: {},
    “blueprint_ID”: “blueprint-basic-testdev-test.soB.13f7",
    “crn”: “crn:v1:bluemix:public:schematics:us-south:a/1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb:9ae7be42-0d59-415c-a6ce-0b662f520a4d:blueprint:blueprint-basic-testdev-smulampa.soB.13f7",
    “account”: “1f7277194bb748cdb1d35fd8fb85a7cb”,
    “created_at”: “2022-09-14T08:00:32.029373639Z”,
    “created_by”: “”,
    “updated_at”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”,
    “sys_lock”: {
        “sys_locked_at”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”
    “user_state”: {
        “state”: “Environment_Create_Init”,
        “set_at”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”
    “state”: {}

{: screen}

For more information, see troubleshooting section.

Next steps

{: #bp-create-nextsteps}

The next step in deploying the cloud resources that are defined by the blueprint configuration is to apply the blueprint config.