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In this project I have developed an Android Application using Flutter framework which helps the user to generate a complaint to management and management is allowed to go through the complaint and perform necessary actions to resolve the complaint. This application will have the following features:
● Users should be able to register the application using their name and email address.
● Users should be able to submit a complaint to management. A complaint will consist of a Complaint Title, Summary and severity of the complaint.
● Users should be able to see the list of all the submitted complaints with a tag that denotes if the complaint is resolved or not.
● Administrator should be able to view all the complaints that have been submitted on the portal. This will contain the title of the complaint and name of the user.
● Administrator should be able to view any particular complaint and review it. Administrators can mark it as resolved whenever they feel appropriate.
● Once the complaint is resolved, users should be able to see their complaints marked as resolved.
● Any user can perform any of the above actions except registration only when logged in and if the user has appropriate permissions.