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199 lines (163 loc) · 15.6 KB

File metadata and controls

199 lines (163 loc) · 15.6 KB



  • runtime::invoke functions with void return type #68 (thanks @ohanar)
  • Faster trait::get_t - speeds up compilation for large classes #72, see discussion in #71
  • Fix for Apple Clang and libc++ #76


  • Fixed inverted order of refl::util::filter() and its users #65 (thanks @RalphSteinhagen)


  • Much faster for_each and (has|get)_(reader|writer) c197d35 and #60
  • Fixed get_display_name_const on MSVC #53 (thanks @rpatters1)
  • Added CMake support #44 (thanks @friendlyanon)
  • Moved header file to include/refl.hpp #44 (thanks @friendlyanon)
  • Fixed builds on on Apple, with xCode 12.3 and set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) #43 (thanks @michaelahughes)

NOTE: This version does not contain any breaking changes at the source level (as is clear by the patch version increment). However, this version adds CMake support and this required the refl.hpp source file to be moved to a standard location include/refl.hpp. If you are consuming refl-cpp as a single-header library, you can continue to do so.


  • Fixed broken build on Visual Studio 2017 #39 (9b6aa1a)
  • Fixed out-of-bounds read in refl::runtime::debug implementation for basic_string_view (93351ac)
  • Fixed unused function warning for refl::runtime::detail::next_depth #36 (by oberrich)


  • Added std::complex support metadata. Disable with REFL_NO_STD_COMPLEX.
  • Added refl::descriptor::get_reader/get_writer utilities for getter/setter properties.
  • Added refl::trait::index_of for finding index of type in a type_list.
  • Added refl::descriptor::get_display_name_const as const_string alternative to get_display_name.
  • Fixed #33 (by james-conrad)


  • Much improved support for inheritance (#27, #28)
    • refl::type_descriptor::declared_bases lists base types declared via the bases<...> attribute
    • refl::type_descriptor::bases lists base types declared via the bases<...> attribute as well as inherited members
    • refl::type_descriptor::members now includes declared and inherited members (when base types are specified via bases<...> attribute)
    • refl::type_descriptor::declared_members preserves the old behavior
    • refl::attr::bases<...> types are now validated (via std::is_base_of)
  • Added refl::descriptor::get_simple_name, which strips namespace and template declarations from the type name (std::vector<int> -> vector)
  • Added free function equivalents of members of _descriptor types for symmetry purposes (and might allow for more optimal implementation in the future)
  • Added refl::const_string::find/rfind for searching chars in const_strings
  • Added refl::make_const_string(char) overload
  • Added refl::type_list<T> specialization which exposes typedef T type and a synonym refl::type_tag<T>
  • refl::trait::concat now support an arbitrary number of type_lists as type arguments
  • Added refl::trait::as_tuple (similar to as_type_list but for std::tuple)
  • Added refl::trait::reverse
  • Added refl::util::reflect_types/refl::util::unreflect_types to quickly create a list of type_descriptors from a list of types and then back
  • Introduced support for different types of std::basic_ostream in attr::debug and util::debug (up to the user to take advantage of)
  • Built-in support for std::string_view
  • More type assertions in descriptor:: utilities
  • Simplification of some trait:: types (should lead to better compile-times)
  • Made unit tests more comprehensive
  • Fixed incorrect refl::util::identity implementation for rvalues
  • Fixed static function invocation with operator()/invoke
  • Fixed refl::util::debug for std::tuple #26
  • Deprecated refl::descriptor::get_bases in favor of refl::descriptor::get_base_types


  • Introduced automatic property name normalization in get_display_name for properties with no friendly_name. Example: get_display_name(get_foo) -> "foo"
  • Added built-in reflection support for std::string_view #23
  • Fixed: operations on type_list do not properly take into account reference qualifiers
  • Fixed const_string constructor in older versions of clang
  • Fixed util::filter results list order (used to be reversed)
  • Fixed implementation of reflect, is_reflectable, debug
  • Improved runtime::debug print formatting
  • Removed filtering by const_string utils #21. Suggested workaround: use predicate variants
  • Removed refl-ht support
  • Code cleanup #24, #20


  • Bugfix for refl::descriptor::get_bases for clang #19


  • Introduced refl::descriptor::get_bases (as well as refl::descriptor::has_bases) to inspect a type's declared base types (see example-inheritance.cpp)
  • Bugfix for is_instance_of for template types with different arity #18
  • Renamed refl::descriptor::get_property_info to refl::descriptor::get_property to match the attribute name and its trait-based counterparts.
  • Discontinued refl-ht - the preprocessor for refl-cpp, due to unfixable bugs and lack of time/interest.


  • CV-qualifiers are now properly removed from attribute objects (previously, the values in the backing std::tuple<...> were sometimes cv-qualified).


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the compilation of refl::descriptor::get_display_name() in some compilers (thanks to ticelo)
  • Removed improper usage of [[maybe_unused]] that caused warnings under clang.


  • Added the ability to create refl::const_string<N> instances from const char* which allows using c-strings (const char*) values from attributes together with const_string<N> and in constexpr context possible. That feature is exposed by the REFL_MAKE_CONST_STRING(CString) macro. Important: CString must be a Core constant expression. The macro is necessary to avoid the duplication of the provided expression and currently expands to ~ detail::copy_from_unsized<detail::strlen(CString)>(CString). (another thanks to Siapran for contributing the implementation for the constexpr length() function.)


  • Added constexpr const_string::substr<Pos, [Count]>()
  • Added make_const_string() as a shortcut for the creation of empty const strings.
  • Added trait::{first, last, tail, init, append, prepend, reverse, concat} and TraitName_t equivalents to ease the use of type_list<...>.
  • Breaking change: trait::map and trait::filter now no longer accept variadic template parameters. Wrap variadic parameters in a type_list. (Allowing both type_list<Ts...> and Ts... is problematic due to cryptic errors when e.g. const type_list<Ts...> is provided.)
  • Breaking change: util::accumulate now mimics the behaviour of std::accumulate more closely. It relies on the return value of the functor instead of mutating the accumulator argument. The new implementation now allows for the types of initial_value and the return type to differ (thanks to Siapran).
  • Removed: util::get<N>(const type_list<Ts...>&). Use trait::get_t<N, type_list<Ts...>> instead. This is part of a move towards minimizing the duplication between the trait:: and util:: namespaces.
  • Added two new examples: example-binding.cpp and example-dao.cpp to present some of the new things introduced in this release. (example-dao.cpp based on work by Siapran)


  • Fixed multiple unused X warnings (fixed by Siapran) #12


  • Bugfix: usage of incorrect bound in operator+(const_string<N>, const_string<M>) (fixed by Siapran) #11


  • Bugfix: clang errors during compilation of reflected overloaded member functions (since 0.6.0)


  • Bugfix: Compiler error in clang: refl::attr::property's implicitly-declared default constructor is deleted due to N3797 §8.5/7 #9


  • Bugfix: const_string::operator std::string() was incorrectly marked as constexpr which caused compilation failure in non-C++20-compliant compilers


  • Changed: property() is now only usable on function members / use contract based checks for functions and fields (is_readable/writable)
  • Removed: read_only, write_only, read_write access modifiers for property() attributes (rw-detection now based on contract).


  • Added: type_descriptor<T>::type as an alias for T.
  • Added: function_descriptor<T, N>::pointer which points to the target function, if the pointer can be resolved and to nullptr otherwise.
  • Added: function_descriptor<T, N>::is_resolved for checking whether the pointer to the function has been resolved successfully.
  • Added: function_descriptor<T, N>::resolve<Pointer> for explicitly resolving the function pointer as a value of the specified type.
  • Added: util::get<size_t N>(type_list<Ts...>&&) which zero-initializes and returns the type at the N-th position.
  • Added: util::get<size_t N>(Tuple&&) as an alias for std::get<N>.


  • Bugfix: The REFL_AUTO macro was not working properly in MSVC and led to Internal compiler errors
  • Changed: As a result of the related bugfix, the REFL_AUTO macro has been stabilized and its use is now recommended


  • Removed deprecated macros $refl(...), REFL_UNSTABLE(...), REFL_DEPRECATED(...)
  • Removed deprecated refl::attr::access_type::read, write constants. Replaced by read_only, write_only for consistency.
  • Removed deprecated refl::attr::read_only, read_write, write_only constants. Use the enum-qualified values. The constants are still available unqualified in macro context.
  • Removed refl::descriptor::make_invoker (which was not deprecated but is now obsolete.) Simply replace make_invoker(x) with x.
  • The defaulted constructor for refl::util::const_string<N> was replaced by a user-declared default constructor which now always zero-initializes the string buffer.


  • Added: trait::is_type[_v], descriptor::is_type(const T&) for checking whether a type is a type_descriptor instance.


  • trait::as_type_list now supports reference type in place of T<Ts...> (e.g. std::tuple<Ts...>& -> type_list<Ts...>).
  • refl::attr::access_type::{read, write} now deprecated, replaced by {read_only, write_only} (Note: implicitly-usable read_only, write_only constants in attribute (in REFL_... macros) context remain unchanged)
  • refl::descriptor::field_descriptor::operator() now supports acting as a setter. refl::descriptor::make_invoker is now no longer needed and marked as deprecated.


  • Renamed: trait::filter to trait::filter_t, replaced by struct trait::filter { typedef ... type; } to follow preset convention
  • Renamed: trait::map to trait::map_t, replaced by struct trait::map { typedef ... type; } to follow preset convention
  • Breaking change: function_descriptor<...>::pointer now no longer exists. (Reason: Replacing with forwarding function allows for more flexibility when using refl::runtime::proxy<>. Migrate by taking a pointer to function_descriptor<...>::invoke())
  • Breaking change: trait::contains/base/instance now no longer work implicitly with std::tuple<...> or support variadic arguments. Use type_list<> or trait::as_type_list_t to migrate working code. (Reason: Specializations found to be causative to many recently discovered bugs and are error-prone.)
  • Bugfix: faulty implementation of trait::skip<N>
  • Bugfix: faulty implementation of util::to_tuple
  • Bugfix: trait::contains_base was working the other way around (checking for presense of base of a specified type, instead of checking for a derived type with a specified base)


  • Bugfix: type_info__<T*> has name defined as char[N] instead of const_string<N>


  • added new experimental syntax for metadata declaration that makes use of variadic macro expansion (can be disabled with REFL_NO_VARIADICS)
    type(User), // expands to REFL_TYPE(User)
    field(id, property(read_only)), // expands to REFL_FIELD(id, property(read_only))
    field(first_name, property("firstName")),
    field(last_name, property("lastName"))
    func(save_to_db) // expands to REFL_FUNC(save_to_db)
) // REFL_END appended automatically


  • refl::util::const_string<N> can now be directly compared for equality with char[M]
  • refl::util::const_string<N> can now be concatenated with char[M]


  • refl::runtime::debug now captures values of member invocations by universal references (previous implementations required a copy of the value)
  • refl::runtime::debug now does not require the members of composites to be reflectable. (members that cannot be printed get replaced with <?>).
  • refl::trait::is_reflectable now discards cv-qualifiers -> all cv-qualified types are now also reflectable.


  • refl::descriptor::is_writable now correctly supports field descriptors
  • most of refl.hpp is now not included when REFL_PREPROCESSOR is defined (optimization for refl-ht)


  • added new REFL(...) macro for annotation of reflectable members (replaces $refl(...))
  • $refl(...) macro usage now deprecated


  • added support for refl-ht (the refl-cpp header tool)


  • added refl::util::contains(type_list<...>, [predicate]), refl::util::contains(type_list<...>, const_string<N>)
  • removed refl::attr::is_readable/is_writable (use refl::descriptor::is_readable/is_writable instead; reason: lack of support for fields that lack a property attribute)


  • refl::runtime::proxy<Derived, Target> can now delegate field 'invocations'. (Methods with names matching those of the reflected fields are created.)
  • refl::attr::property now can take an optional refl::attr::access_type (values: read_only, write_only, read_write) to specify whether the property is considered readable or writable (or both).
  • added refl::descriptor::is_readable/is_writable
  • added refl::attr::is_readable/is_writable