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Load balancer tutorial

In this tutorial, we will build a simple load balancer that distributes VMs across physical machines using DCM. The code for this tutorial can be found in the examples folder. Start reading from the LoadBalance class.

  1. The first step is to set up a database connection and instantiate a model using The setup() helper method returns a JOOQ connection to an initialized, in-memory database for our example. We will describe the kinds of constraints we can pass to the model starting from step 5:

    LoadBalance(final List<String> constraints) {
        conn = setup();
        model =, constraints);

    The database returned by the setup() method is initialized with the following schema, representing a table each for physical and virtual machines:

    create table physical_machine (
        name varchar(30) primary key,
        cpu_capacity integer,
        memory_capacity integer
    -- controllable__physical_machine represents a variable that the solver will assign values to
    create table virtual_machine (
        name varchar(30) primary key not null,
        cpu  integer  not null,
        memory integer  not null,
        controllable__physical_machine varchar(30),
        foreign key (controllable__physical_machine) references physical_machine(name)

    Here, the virtual_machine table has a special column, controllable__physical_machine. The controllable__ prefix signals to DCM that it has to assign values to this column to satisfy all the supplied constraints. In doing so, we expect DCM to help us find a mapping of virtual machines to physical machines.

  2. We populate the tables with some data using a few helper methods (LoadBalance.addVirtualMachine() and LoadBalance.addPhysicalMachine()).

  3. To actually run the load balancer, we simply invoke, which uses two key methods from the DCM Model API -- model.solve():

    Result<? extends Record> run() {
        // Pull the latest state from the DB, run the solver and return the virtual machines table with
        // solver-identified values for the controllable__physical_machines column
        return model.solve(VIRTUAL_MACHINES_TABLE);
  4. Let's now drive our simple example with some tests. Have a look at the class. All tests populate the database with the following initial state using the LoadBalanceTest.addInventory() method:

    |pm0 |          50|             50|
    |pm1 |          50|             50|
    |pm2 |          50|             50|
    |pm3 |          50|             50|
    |pm4 |          50|             50|
    |vm0 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
    |vm1 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
    |vm2 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
    |vm3 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
    |vm4 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
    |vm5 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
    |vm6 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
    |vm7 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
    |vm8 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
    |vm9 |  10|    10|{null}                        |
  5. Let's now introduce some constraints. We'll start with a very simple hard constraint: assign all VMs to physical machine pm3:

    private static final int NUM_PHYSICAL_MACHINES = 5;
    private static final int NUM_VIRTUAL_MACHINES = 10;
     * A simple constraint that forces all assignments to go the same node
    public void testSimpleConstraint() {
        final String allVmsGoToPm3 = "create constraint constraint_simple as " +
                                     "select * from virtual_machine " +
                                     "check controllable__physical_machine = 'pm3'";
        final LoadBalance lb = new LoadBalance(Collections.singletonList(allVmsGoToPm3));
        final Result<? extends Record> results =;
        results.forEach(e -> assertEquals("pm3", e.get("CONTROLLABLE__PHYSICAL_MACHINE")));

    To specify a hard constraint, we use the CREATE CONSTRAINT statement which specifies a SELECT statement that fetches some records along with a check clause. The check clause specifies a predicate that should hold true for all records returned by the relation being selected (in this case, the table virtual_machine). This particular constraint requires all VMs to be assigned to pm3, which yields the following result when model.solve is invoked:

    |vm0 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm1 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm2 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm3 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm4 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm5 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm6 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm7 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm8 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm9 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
  6. Now let's get serious and add a capacity constraint. We want to ensure that the sum of demands from all VMs assigned to a physical machine does not exceed the capacity of that machine. To specify that, we write the following constraint:

     * We now add a capacity constraint to make sure that no physical machine is assigned more VMs
     * than it has capacity for. Given the constants we've chosen in addInventory(), there should be
     * at least two physical machines that receive VMs.
    public void testCapacityConstraints() {
        final String capacityConstraint =
                "create constraint constraint_capacity as " +
                "select * from virtual_machine " +
                "join physical_machine " +
                "  on = virtual_machine.controllable__physical_machine " +
                "group by, physical_machine.cpu_capacity, physical_machine.memory_capacity " +
                "check sum(virtual_machine.cpu) <= physical_machine.cpu_capacity and " +
                "       sum(virtual_machine.memory) <= physical_machine.memory_capacity";
        final LoadBalance lb = new LoadBalance(Collections.singletonList(capacityConstraint));
        final Result<? extends Record> results =;
        final Set<String> setOfPhysicalMachines =
                                                     .map(e -> e.get("CONTROLLABLE__PHYSICAL_MACHINE", String.class))
        assertTrue(setOfPhysicalMachines.size() >= 2);

    Here, the check clause specifies the capacity constraint. On my machine, this assigns all VMs evenly between physical machines pm2 and pm4:

    |vm0 |  10|    10|pm2                           |
    |vm1 |  10|    10|pm2                           |
    |vm2 |  10|    10|pm2                           |
    |vm3 |  10|    10|pm2                           |
    |vm4 |  10|    10|pm2                           |
    |vm5 |  10|    10|pm4                           |
    |vm6 |  10|    10|pm4                           |
    |vm7 |  10|    10|pm4                           |
    |vm8 |  10|    10|pm4                           |
    |vm9 |  10|    10|pm4                           |
  7. Note that the constraints we have seen so far are hard constraints. Let's now add a soft constraint, a load balancing objective:

     * Add a load balancing objective function. This should spread out VMs across all physical machines.
    public void testDistributeLoad() {
        final String capacityConstraint =
                "create constraint constraint_capacity as " +
                "select * from virtual_machine " +
                "join physical_machine " +
                "  on = virtual_machine.controllable__physical_machine " +
                "group by, physical_machine.cpu_capacity, physical_machine.memory_capacity " +
                "check sum(virtual_machine.cpu) <= physical_machine.cpu_capacity and " +
                "      sum(virtual_machine.memory) <= physical_machine.memory_capacity";
        final String spareCpu = "create constraint spare_cpu as " +
                "select physical_machine.cpu_capacity - sum(virtual_machine.cpu) as cpu_spare " +
                "from virtual_machine " +
                "join physical_machine " +
                "  on = virtual_machine.controllable__physical_machine " +
                "group by, physical_machine.cpu_capacity";
        // Queries presented as objectives, will have their values maximized.
        final String distributeLoadCpu = "create constraint objective_load_cpu as " +
                                         "select * from spare_cpu " +
                                         "maximize min(cpu_spare)";
        final LoadBalance lb =
                new LoadBalance(List.of(capacityConstraint, spareCpu, distributeLoadCpu));
        final Result<? extends Record> result =;
        final Set<String> setOfPhysicalMachines =
                .map(e -> e.get("CONTROLLABLE__PHYSICAL_MACHINE", String.class))
        assertEquals(NUM_PHYSICAL_MACHINES, setOfPhysicalMachines.size());

    In the above case, we borrow the capacity constraint from the previous example. We then create an intermediate view (spare_cpu) that computes the spare CPU capacity on each physical machine. We then state an objective function, which is specified as an SQL query that returns a single scalar value or a column, followed by the maximize annotation. DCM will try to find assignments that maximize the values returned by that query. In this case, we maximize the minimum spare CPU capacity, which has the intended load balancing effect. The result should therefore print something like:

    |vm0 |  10|    10|pm4                           |
    |vm1 |  10|    10|pm0                           |
    |vm2 |  10|    10|pm0                           |
    |vm3 |  10|    10|pm2                           |
    |vm4 |  10|    10|pm4                           |
    |vm5 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm6 |  10|    10|pm3                           |
    |vm7 |  10|    10|pm2                           |
    |vm8 |  10|    10|pm1                           |
    |vm9 |  10|    10|pm1                           |
  8. Constraints can also refer to views computed in the database. This allows you to push a significant amount of complexity to the database and leverage the database's strengths (e.g., indexes, joins, aggregates, a rich suite of functions, and even user-defined functions).

    For example, let's compute a simple view that pulls a subset of VMs from the database according to some labels:

    -- Constraints can refer to views computed in the database as well
    create view vm_subset as
    select * from virtual_machine where name ='vm1' or name = 'vm2';

    Next, let's write a policy that directs that subset of VMs to the same physical machine, pm3:

     * An example where we also refer to views computed in the database
    public void testDatabaseViews() {
        final String someVmsGoToPm3 = "create constraint constraint_simple as " +
                "select * from virtual_machine " +
                "check name not in (select name from vm_subset) or controllable__physical_machine = 'pm3'";
        final LoadBalance lb = new LoadBalance(List.of(someVmsGoToPm3));
        final Result<? extends Record> result =; -> e.get("NAME").equals("vm1") || e.get("NAME").equals("vm2"))
              .forEach(e -> assertEquals("pm3", e.get("CONTROLLABLE__PHYSICAL_MACHINE")));
  9. Constraints may not always be satisfiable. When a model is unsatisfiable, model.solve() throws a SolverException, which has a core() method that returns the list of failed constraints:

     * We now introduce two mutually unsatisfiable constraints to showcase the UNSAT core API
    public void testUnsat() {
        // Satisfiable
        final String someVmsAvoidPm3 = "create constraint constraint_some_avoid_pm3 as " +
                "select * from virtual_machine " +
                "check name not in (select name from vm_subset) or controllable__physical_machine != 'pm3'";
        // The next two constraints are mutually unsatisfiable. The first constraint forces too many VMs
        // to go the same physical machine, but that violates the capacity constraint
        final String restGoToPm3 = "create constraint constraint_rest_to_pm3 as " +
                "select * from virtual_machine " +
                "check name in (select name from vm_subset) or controllable__physical_machine = 'pm3'";
        final String capacityConstraint =
                "create constraint constraint_capacity as " +
                "select * from virtual_machine " +
                "join physical_machine " +
                "  on = virtual_machine.controllable__physical_machine " +
                "group by, physical_machine.cpu_capacity, physical_machine.memory_capacity " +
                "check sum(virtual_machine.cpu) <= physical_machine.cpu_capacity and " +
                "       sum(virtual_machine.memory) <= physical_machine.memory_capacity";
        final LoadBalance lb = new LoadBalance(List.of(someVmsAvoidPm3, restGoToPm3, capacityConstraint));
        try {
        } catch (final SolverException e) {
            assertTrue(e.core().containsAll(List.of("CONSTRAINT_REST_TO_PM3", "CONSTRAINT_CAPACITY")));