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484 lines (374 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

484 lines (374 loc) · 12.4 KB

Extended Survey

Rodrigo Mesquita (Well-Typed LLP)

The original survey looked at uses of Custom in the Stackage package set, and we subsequently experimentally migrated these packages to use Hooks.

In subsequent discussion of the design it became apparent that it would be useful to consider a wider range of Haskell packages which might exercise corner cases, so we expanded the survey to look at popular packages in the Hackage package repository that use Custom.

This work has been carried out by Well-Typed LLP thanks to investment from the Sovereign Tech Fund.


For the extended survey, we manually reviewed the Setup.hs of the top 100 packages on Hackage (sorted by Downloads) that use a Custom build-type. For each package, we made very brief notes on the use of UserHooks in Setup.hs.

The script to fetch these packages and the results of running the script are available in this repository.

In the results:

  • "done" means we have previously accounted for the package (see and the hooks-setup-testing repo)

  • "doctests" means the package uses Custom only to implement doctests via defaultMainWithDoctests

hookedPreProcessors and ppOrdering

There are many packages which make use of the hookedPreProcessors hook, which allows authors to pre-process using the defined pre-processors various files into Haskell modules.

HookedPreProcessors are formed of a suffix of the files that can be preprocessed by this hooked preprocessor, and an action that produces a PreProcessor comprised of an action to transform the file with the associated suffix into a Haskell module, and a ppOrdering function to re-order the sequence in which modules are preprocessed.

There are a few hookedPreProcessors using custom tools for pre-processing files into Haskell modules, and a big use-case of hookedPreProcessors is C2HS preprocessing.

ppOrdering is a bit of a weird function, but some preprocessors need to re-order modules to guarantee the preprocessing works correctly. A prominent case is C2HS:

  • C2HS modules can import other C2HS modules.
  • When a C2HS module is processed, it generates an interface file which is used by the modules importing it.
  • If a C2HS module imports a C2HS module that has not yet been preprocessed, the interface file is unavailable and therefore preprocessing will fail.

ppOrdering allows arbitrary re-ordering to fix this class of issues.


Agda: done

pretty-simple: doctests

xml-conduit: doctests

entropy: done

HsOpenSSL: done?

wai-logger: doctests

postgresql-libpq: done

git-annex: implements build-type: Configure

libarchive: codegen c2hs?

import Distribution.C2Hs (defaultMainC2Hs)
main = defaultMainC2Hs


-- Adjustments specific to this package,
-- all Gtk2Hs-specific boilerplate is kept in
import Gtk2HsSetup ( gtk2hsUserHooks ) -- gtk2hs-buildtools

pango: uses gtk2hsUserHooks writePangoVersionHeaderFile (reads from pkgconfig etc...)

    [ "#define PANGO_VERSION_MAJOR " ++ show major
    , "#define PANGO_VERSION_MINOR " ++ show minor
    , "#define PANGO_VERSION_MICRO " ++ show micro
    targetDir  = autogenPackageModulesDir lbi
    targetFile = targetDir </> "hspangoversion.h"

wreq: doctests

ghc-paths: done

cairo: gtk2hsUserHooks

polysemy: doctests

system-filepath: haddock hook to pass it ["--optghc=-D__HADDOCK__"]

ghc: postConf hook that generates multiple files (e.g. GHC.Settings.Config), converts primops to cli arguments only uses LocalBuildInfo -> IO () in ghcAutoGen

swagger2: doctests

gi-javascriptcore (and other gis that I didn't add above) setupBinding from GIs

darcs: done


preTestHook args flags =
    do system ("bash ./scripts/prepare")
       preConf simpleUserHooks args flags

openapi3: doctests

servant-openapi3: doctests

servant-swagger: doctests

gtk: gtk2hsUserHooks


regHook = addPrimModule
        $ regHook simpleUserHooks,
buildHook = build_primitive_sources
          $ buildHook simpleUserHooks,
haddockHook = addPrimModuleForHaddock
            $ build_primitive_sources
            $ haddockHook simpleUserHooks }

singletons-base: done

shh: doctests

influxdb: doctests

SDL: autoconfUserHooks

idris: done 90%

madlang: Does a lot of actions before defaultMain. They could be done in pre conf

main = sequenceA_
[ setManpathBash
, setManpathZsh
, setManpathFish
, writeManpages "man/madlang.1" "madlang.1"
, writeBashCompletions "madlang"
, defaultMain

pandoc-citeproc: installs man page with post copy hook

polysemy-plugin: doctests

mysql: done

hashed-storage: test hook runs system some_script buildHook and haddockHook:

-- Add custom -DFOO[=BAR] flags to the cpp (for .hs) and cc (for .c)
-- invocations, doing a dance to make the base hook aware of them.

They update package description with new build info and then update localPkgDescr in LocalBuildInfo. This is likely a trivial ComponentDiff in SetupHooks


  • post install hook to load into ghci a script from the installation directory and piping the output to ~/.ghci
  • post conf hook to give an error when the library is built with profiling

pcg-random: doctests

accelerate: doctests

password: doctests

interpolatedstring-perl6: done:

ghc-mod: * install, copy: they have in common that they invoke xInstallTarget which does something not trivial * build: patchLibexecdir of LBI * hookedprograms: simpleProgram shelltest

liquidhaskell: * Calls liquidHaskellMain from liquidhaskell-boot * liquidhaskell-boot uses user hooks: Looks up environment variable LIQUID_DEV_MODE If var exists, replace the build hook completely by return ()

rank2classes: doctests

hlibsass: done

HDBC-postgresql: pretty sure we've done it, but if we haven't, it's the same as postgrespl

aeson-diff: doctests

cuda: 700 line Setup.hs

  customHooks =
      { preBuild            = preBuildHook -- not using 'readHook' here because 'build' takes; extra args
      , preClean            = readHook cleanVerbosity
      , preCopy             = readHook copyVerbosity
      , preInst             = readHook installVerbosity
      , preHscolour         = readHook hscolourVerbosity
      , preHaddock          = readHook haddockVerbosity
      , preReg              = readHook regVerbosity
      , preUnreg            = readHook regVerbosity
      , postConf            = postConfHook
      , hookedPreProcessors = ("chs", ppC2hs) : filter (\x -> fst x /= "chs") preprocessors

Some parts look as though they should be in a configure script (findCUDAInstallPath, generateAndStoreBuildInfo (Runs CUDA detection procedure and stores .buildinfo to a file.), validateLinker, ...)

configuration-tools: done


args <- getArgs
if head args == "configure"
   then defaultMainArgs $ [ "--ghc-options", "-optcxx-std=c++11"
                          ] ++ args
   else defaultMain

cipher-aes128: Does configuration (search for C compiler) in build hook Sets args in gcc and ghc programs (updating LBI)

aesArgs = ["-mpclmul", "-maes", "-mssse3", "-DHAVE_AES_INTRINSICS", "-DWITH_AESNI"]

bitset: Pre-build it finds and runs gcc then runs the executable and writes the output to a header

lhs2tex: Complex 400 line Setup.hs script


-- Okay, so we want to use hgettext's install hook, but not the hook that
-- miraculously runs all our code through CPP just to add a couple of
-- constants. (cpp doesn't like multi-line Haskell strings, so this is not
-- purely an academic preference.)
-- Instead, we generate GetText_bustle.hs which contains the constants, in the
-- same way as Paths_bustle.hs gets generated by Cabal. Much neater.
-- TODO: upstream this to hgettext
installBustleHooks :: UserHooks
                   -> UserHooks
installBustleHooks uh = uh
  { postInst = \a b c d -> do
        postInst uh a b c d
        GetText.installPOFiles a b c d
  , buildHook = \pkg lbi hooks flags -> do
        writeGetTextConstantsFile pkg lbi flags
        buildHook uh pkg lbi hooks flags


  runTests' _ _ _ lbi = do
      built <- doesDirectoryExist $ buildDir lbi
      unless built $ die "Run the 'build' command first."
      system "runhaskell -i./dist/build tests/Simple.hs"
      return ()

tlex-th: doctests

git-repair: Custom that is just Configure

newsynth: haskell import Distribution.Superdoc main = superdocMain

password-types: doctests

rzk: Custom Setup that runs bnfc to generate the language sub-libraries for the parsers included in Ogma. Run BNFC on the grammar before the actual build step.

hpage: Uses cabal-osx to install an app bundle if on macOS, changes postBuild, postInst, runTests

nvvm: Another 500 line Setup.hs akin to cuda

password-instances: doctests

proto-lens-protobuf-types: defaultMainGeneratingProtos "proto-src"

eternal: Custom that is Simple

tonatona: doctests

gf: Custom pre-build post-build pre-inst post-inst post-copy

tonatona-persistent-postgresql: doctests

ghc-boot: Generate GHC files in postConf

tonalude: doctests


 {hookedPreProcessors = (("mapping",\_ _ _ -> mappingPreprocessor)
                         :("mapping2",\_ _ _ -> mappingPreprocessor)
                         :("xml",\_ _ _ -> xmlPreprocessor)
                         :(hookedPreProcessors simpleUserHooks)

jsaddle-dom: Outputs a message every once in a while to reassure the user something is actually happening when compiling the massive package.

void . forkIO $
  forM_ [1..20] $ \n -> do
    threadDelay 60000000
    putStrLn $ "jsaddle-dom has been building for "
      <> show n <> " min (some modules are very large)."
    hFlush stdout
buildHook simpleUserHooks a b c d


tonaparser: doctests

tonatona-servant: doctests


  • superDocMain
-- | This package extends Cabal's documentation building capabilities.
-- It extends the Haddock markup language with syntax for subscripts,
-- superscripts, and more. Recent version of Haddock already support
-- bold text and the inclusion of images; however, we continue to
-- provide markup for these for backward compatibility with earlier
-- versions of Superdoc.
-- This package is designed to work transparently. It provides a
-- custom main function that package maintainers can use in their
-- @Setup.hs@ file.

It's quite well documented

Packages which are possibly worth migrating

  • gtk2hs-buildtools source (not the Setup)

  • ghc-mod (complex)

  • liquidhaskell-boot, we are not able to migrate this. They probably use it to skip building altogether when testing liquid haskell

    {- | This module provides a drop-in replacement for Cabal's 'defaultMain', to be used inside 'Setup.hs'
     modules of packages that wants to use the \"dev mode\". For more information, visit the documentation,
     especially the \"Developers' guide\".
    {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
    module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Cabal (liquidHaskellMain) where
    import Distribution.Simple
    import System.Environment
    liquidHaskellMain :: IO ()
    liquidHaskellMain = do
      mbDevMode <- lookupEnv "LIQUID_DEV_MODE"
      defaultMainWithHooks (devModeHooks mbDevMode)
    devModeHooks :: Maybe String -> UserHooks
    devModeHooks = \case
      Nothing               -> simpleUserHooks
      Just x | x == "false" -> simpleUserHooks
      Just _                -> simpleUserHooks { buildHook = \_ _ _ _ -> return () }
  • cuda

  • cipher-aes128

  • lhs2tex

  • bustle

  • nvvm, but it should suffice to do either cuda or this one.

  • gf


Total packages: 16091

Packages fetched successfully: 16091

Packages build-type: Custom: 543

Manually inspected from /top: 100