title |
WikiPathways Federated SPARQL queries |
PREFIX chembl: <http://rdf.ebi.ac.uk/terms/chembl#>
SELECT ?pathway ?ensembl ?assay WHERE {
?pathway ?ensembl
VALUES ?ensembl { <https://identifiers.org/ensembl/ENSG00000150093> }
?s wp:bdbEnsembl ?ensembl ;
dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
SERVICE <https://chemblmirror.rdf.bigcat-bioinformatics.org/sparql> {
OPTIONAL { ?assay a chembl:Assay ;
chembl:hasTarget/chembl:hasTargetComponent/chembl:targetCmptXref ?ensembl . }
} limit 100
Here a limit is used too, as well as an IRI rewrite (from HTTPS to HTTP).
PREFIX chembl: <http://rdf.ebi.ac.uk/terms/chembl#>
PREFIX sio: <http://semanticscience.org/resource/>
SELECT ?pathway ?ensembl ?molecule ?smiles WHERE {
?pathway ?ensembl
?s wp:bdbEnsembl ?ensembl ;
dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
?pathway dcterms:identifier "WP15".
##The IRI for Ensembl from WikiPathways starts with https:// , where the one from ChEMBL starts with http:// , so we need to rewrite the IRI
BIND( # Bind the created IRI into a new variable (called ?newIRI)
IRI( # Convert the string back to an IRI
CONCAT( # Concatenate item 1 and 2 together as one string
"http", # First item to concat (more items can be added with a comma
#Second item to concat:
SUBSTR( # Obtain a substring
STR(?ensembl), # Convert the Ensembl IRI from WikiPathways to a string,
6) # removing the first 6 characters (<https)
)) AS ?newIRI # Name for the new variable
SERVICE <https://chemblmirror.rdf.bigcat-bioinformatics.org/sparql> {
SELECT DISTINCT ?newIRI ?molecule ?smiles WHERE {
?assay a chembl:Assay ; chembl:hasTarget/chembl:hasTargetComponent/chembl:targetCmptXref ?newIRI .
?activity chembl:hasAssay ?assay ;
chembl:hasMolecule ?molecule .
OPTIONAL { ?molecule sio:SIO_000008 ?attrib . ?attrib a sio:CHEMINF_000018 ; sio:SIO_000300 ?smiles . }
} limit 100
The corresponding query on Wikidata is here.
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
SELECT ?metabolite ?wikidata ?inchikey WHERE {
SELECT ?metabolite ?wikidata WHERE {
?metabolite a wp:Metabolite ;
wp:bdbWikidata ?wikidata .
} LIMIT 50
SERVICE <https://query.wikidata.org/sparql> {
?wikidata wdt:P235 ?inchikey .
} LIMIT 50
Find all pathways, which link out to one compound in MolMeDB database (http://identifiers.org/molmedb/MM00431) through Pubchem mapping.
SELECT DISTINCT ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) ((substr(str(?COMPOUND),46)) as ?PubChem) WHERE
SERVICE <https://idsm.elixir-czech.cz/sparql/endpoint/molmedb> {
<http://identifiers.org/molmedb/MM00431> skos:exactMatch ?COMPOUND.
filter (strstarts(str(?COMPOUND), 'http://rdf.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubchem/compound/CID'))
?gene a wp:Metabolite ;
dcterms:identifier ?id ;
dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
wp:bdbPubChem ?COMPOUND .
?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
wp:organismName "Homo sapiens" ;
dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
dc:title ?title .
Find which pathways out of a subset of pathway (in the VALUES clause), link out to one compound in MolMeDB database (http://identifiers.org/molmedb/MM00431) through PubChem mapping.
SELECT DISTINCT ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) ((substr(str(?COMPOUND),46)) as ?PubChem) WHERE {
SERVICE <https://idsm.elixir-czech.cz/sparql/endpoint/molmedb> {
SERVICE <https://sparql.wikipathways.org/sparql> {
VALUES ?wpid {"WP4224" "WP4225" "WP4571"}
?gene a wp:Metabolite ;
dcterms:identifier ?id ;
dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
wp:bdbPubChem ?COMPOUND .
?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
wp:organismName "Homo sapiens" ;
dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
dc:title ?title .
<http://identifiers.org/molmedb/MM00431> skos:exactMatch ?COMPOUND.
PREFIX chebi: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/chebi/>
SELECT ?lipid ?name ?formula ?lmid (GROUP_CONCAT(?wpid_;separator=", ") AS ?pathway)
SERVICE <https://lipidmaps.org/sparql> {
VALUES ?category { <https://www.lipidmaps.org/rdf/category/112> <https://www.lipidmaps.org/rdf/category/11200> }
?lipidmaps rdfs:label ?name ;
rdfs:subClassOf* ?category ;
chebi:formula ?formula .
BIND (IRI(CONCAT("https://identifiers.org/lipidmaps/",
SUBSTR(STR(?lipidmaps), 31))) AS ?lmid)
?lipid wp:bdbLipidMaps ?lmid ;
dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
?pathway a wp:Pathway ; dcterms:identifier ?wpid_ .
# Prefixes for the MetaNetX RDF:
PREFIX mnx: <https://rdf.metanetx.org/schema/>
PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
PREFIX rhea: <http://rdf.rhea-db.org/>
#Variable selection
SELECT DISTINCT (str(?title) as ?pathwayName) ?PWID ?interactionID ?reac
# Pathway Model IDs of interest
?pathway a wp:Pathway . #Define what a pathway is
?pathway dcterms:identifier ?PWID. #Obtain the ID
?pathway dc:title ?title . #Obtain the title
?interaction wp:bdbRhea ?interactionID . #Find interactions with a Rhea ID
?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway . #Only those part of PW
## The IRI for Rhea-IDs from WikiPathways starts with https://identifiers.org/rhea/, where the one
## from MetaNetX starts with "http://rdf.rhea-db.org/ , so we need to rewrite the IRI
BIND( # Bind the created IRI into a new variable (called ?newIRI)
IRI( # Convert the string back to an IRI
CONCAT( # Concatenate item 1 and 2 together as one string
"http://rdf.rhea-db.org/", # First item to concat (more items can be added with a comma
#Second item to concat:
SUBSTR( # Obtain a substring
STR(?interactionID), # Convert the Rhea IRI from WikiPathways to a string,
30) # removing the first 29 charachters
)) AS ?newIRI # Name for the new variable
SERVICE <https://rdf.metanetx.org/sparql/> {
?reac mnx:reacXref rhea:17658 .}
} ORDER BY ASC(?pathway)