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494 lines (391 loc) · 23.1 KB


Moscow Exchange (MOEX) provides a REST interface to its Informational and Statistical Server (ISS), see

moexer is a thin wrapper around the REST interface. It allows to quickly fetch e.g. price candles for a particular security, obtain its profile information and so on. The data is returned as tibbles, making it easy to subsequently process and analyse it.


You can install the released version of moexer from CRAN with:


or the latest version from github:


High-Level Interface to ISS

Suppose you want to download monthly candles from Jan 1, 2020 until the present day for the Sberbank common shares.


Each security on MOEX has an ID, e.g. a 4-letter ticker symbol for a share (“LKOH”) or an ISIN for a bond (“RU000A0JXPU3”).

Find the corresponding security ID:

search_security(query = 'Sberbank') |> 
    slice_head(n = 10) |> 
    select(secid, name, is_traded, type, primary_boardid)
secid name is_traded type primary_boardid
SBER Сбербанк России ПАО ао 1 common_share TQBR
SBERP Сбербанк России ПАО ап 1 preferred_share TQBR
RU000A103WV8 Сбербанк ПАО 001Р-SBER33 1 exchange_bond TQCB
RU000A105SD9 Сбербанк ПАО 001Р-SBER42 1 exchange_bond TQCB
RU000A101QW2 Сбербанк ПАО 001Р-SBER16 1 exchange_bond TQCB
RU000A1069P3 Сбербанк ПАО 002Р-SBER44 1 exchange_bond TQCB
RU000A103661 Сбербанк ПАО 001Р-SBER27 1 exchange_bond TQCB
RU000A103KG4 Сбербанк ПАО 001Р-SBERD1 1 exchange_bond TQCB
RU000A103G42 Сбербанк ПАО 001Р-SBER29 1 exchange_bond TQCB
RU000A102YG7 Сбербанк ПАО 001Р-SBER25 1 exchange_bond TQCB

We can verify that SBER is indeed the symbol we were looking for and check the profile information:

sber_info <- get_security_info(secid = 'SBER')
sber_info$description |> 
    select(name, title, value)
name title value
SECID Код ценной бумаги SBER
NAME Полное наименование Сбербанк России ПАО ао
SHORTNAME Краткое наименование Сбербанк
ISIN ISIN код RU0009029540
REGNUMBER Номер государственной регистрации 10301481B
ISSUESIZE Объем выпуска 21586948000
FACEVALUE Номинальная стоимость 3
FACEUNIT Валюта номинала SUR
ISSUEDATE Дата начала торгов 2007-07-20
LATNAME Английское наименование Sberbank
LISTLEVEL Уровень листинга 1
ISQUALIFIEDINVESTORS Бумаги для квалифицированных инвесторов 0
MORNINGSESSION Допуск к утренней дополнительной торговой сессии 1
EVENINGSESSION Допуск к вечерней дополнительной торговой сессии 1
TYPENAME Вид/категория ценной бумаги Акция обыкновенная
GROUP Код типа инструмента stock_shares
TYPE Тип бумаги common_share
GROUPNAME Типа инструмента Акции
EMITTER_ID Код эмитента 1199
sber_info$boards |> 
    slice_head(n = 10) |> 
    select(secid, boardid, title, is_traded, history_from, history_till, currencyid)
secid boardid title is_traded history_from history_till currencyid
SBER TQBR Т+: Акции и ДР - безадрес. 1 2013-03-25 2024-03-13 RUB
SBER EQBR Основной режим: А1-Акции и паи - безадрес. 0 2011-11-21 2013-08-30 RUB
SBER SPEQ Поставка по СК (акции) 1 2018-06-29 2023-12-22 RUB
SBER SMAL Т+: Неполные лоты (акции) - безадрес. 1 2011-11-21 2024-03-13 RUB
SBER TQDP Крупные пакеты - Акции - безадрес. 0 NA NA RUB
SBER EQDP Крупные пакеты - Акции - безадрес. 0 2011-12-12 2019-03-01 RUB
SBER RPMO РЕПО-М - адрес. 1 2019-04-22 2024-03-13 RUB
SBER PTEQ РПС с ЦК: Акции и ДР - адрес. 1 2013-03-26 2024-03-13 RUB
SBER MXBD MOEX Board 0 2015-08-03 2024-03-13 NA
SBER CLMR Classica - безадрес. 0 2012-02-13 2015-07-31 RUB

Fetch the SBER candles:

get_candles(secid = 'SBER', from = '2020-01-01', till = '2022-01-01', interval = 'monthly') |> 
secid open close high low value volume begin end
SBER 255.99 252.20 270.80 251.40 194032391970 747137520 2020-01-01 2020-01-31
SBER 251.80 233.36 259.77 231.00 229515686975 919822790 2020-02-01 2020-02-28
SBER 238.93 187.21 241.00 172.15 585178686681 3001736660 2020-03-01 2020-03-31
SBER 183.20 197.25 205.44 182.00 339626472208 1768222700 2020-04-01 2020-04-30
SBER 195.68 200.50 205.00 183.33 262827471698 1359045230 2020-05-01 2020-05-29
SBER 203.10 203.22 223.15 200.75 320424161576 1522268370 2020-06-01 2020-06-30

get_candles() also supports specifying date-times for the from, till arguments, e.g. '2020-01-01 09:00:00'. This is most useful for obtaining intraday candles, e.g with interval = 'hourly' — see options('moexer.candle.intervals').

If till = NULL, all candles up to today are fetched.

get_candles() is vectorised over secid, so it is possible to, say, fetch candles for both the common and the preferred shares. The returned object has class MoexCandles for which there’s an appropriate plot() method:

    secid = c('SBER', 'SBERP'), 
    from = '2020-01-01', 
    till = '2022-01-01', 
    interval = 'monthly'
) |> 

Low-level Interface to ISS


ISS is accessed via HTTP and/or HTTPS.

The interface is “RESTful”, meaning the endpoint parameters can be passed as a query string, but they also form the path of the URL. For instance, to receive SBER candles, one would need to form a URL as below:


For a list of all public endpoints, see


ISS is capable of returning data in several formats; the present package uses JSON internally.

Every response consists of named sections (“blocks”).

Every block contains the following sub-sections:

  • metadata with types
  • column with column names
  • data with the actual payload

All response blocks are parsed as tibbles using the information above.

Query String Parameters

The parameters can be applied to some sections (1), all section (2) or modify “system” ISS parameters (3).

  1. <block>.<parameter>=<value> (applicable for block <block>)
    • <block>.columns=<id_1>,<id_2>,...: only select these column in the block <block>
  2. <parameter>=<value> (all response blocks)
  3. iss.<parameter>=<value> (system parameter)
    • iss.only=<block_1>,<block_2>,...: only return these blocks


The main function for working with low-level requests is query_iss().

Simple Queries

Fetch possible values for certain market objects. This returns a list of sections such as engines, markets, etc, each being a dataframe.

iss_index <- query_iss('index')
#>  [1] "engines"             "markets"             "boards"             
#>  [4] "boardgroups"         "durations"           "securitytypes"      
#>  [7] "securitygroups"      "securitycollections"
id name title
1 stock Фондовый рынок и рынок депозитов
2 state Рынок ГЦБ (размещение)
3 currency Валютный рынок
4 futures Срочный рынок
5 commodity Товарный рынок
6 interventions Товарные интервенции
7 offboard ОТС-система
9 agro Агро
1012 otc ОТС с ЦК
1282 quotes Квоты

Query string parameters are specified as params argument; debug_output = TRUE results in the request URL being printed:

df <- query_iss(
    params = list(
        iss.only = 'engines,markets', 
        markets.columns = 'id,market_name,market_title'
    debug_output = TRUE
df$engines |> head()
id name title
1 stock Фондовый рынок и рынок депозитов
2 state Рынок ГЦБ (размещение)
3 currency Валютный рынок
4 futures Срочный рынок
5 commodity Товарный рынок
6 interventions Товарные интервенции
df$markets |> head()
id market_name market_title
5 index Индексы фондового рынка
1 shares Рынок акций
2 bonds Рынок облигаций
4 ndm Режим переговорных сделок
29 otc ОТС
27 ccp РЕПО с ЦК
show_df <- function(df) {
    bind_rows(head(df), tail(df))

Queries Involving Cursor

Some queries return large responses, which are split into pages that must accessed using start query string parameter as indicated in the auxiliary section history.cursor, also returned by ISS:

df <- query_iss(
    params = list(
        from = '2021-09-01',
        till = '2021-12-31',
        start = 10
#>  [1] 100
SMAL 2021-09-08 МосБиржа MOEX 16 3.869140e+03 184.91 183.00 186.00 NA
TQBR 2021-09-08 МосБиржа MOEX 20040 1.331147e+09 187.00 181.30 187.83 182.88
SMAL 2021-09-09 МосБиржа MOEX 22 5.684990e+03 182.50 182.00 184.49 NA
TQBR 2021-09-09 МосБиржа MOEX 21268 1.162550e+09 182.95 181.02 184.88 183.18
SMAL 2021-09-10 МосБиржа MOEX 22 4.622800e+03 182.35 182.35 187.40 NA
TQBR 2021-09-10 МосБиржа MOEX 17626 1.390805e+09 182.84 182.58 187.78 184.90
TQBR 2021-11-12 МосБиржа MOEX 22104 1.369847e+09 171.49 168.01 171.66 169.73
SMAL 2021-11-15 МосБиржа MOEX 11 3.743810e+03 158.08 158.08 172.70 NA
TQBR 2021-11-15 МосБиржа MOEX 20860 1.276717e+09 169.27 168.82 173.70 171.69
SMAL 2021-11-16 МосБиржа MOEX 10 3.443480e+03 172.90 168.80 173.97 NA
TQBR 2021-11-16 МосБиржа MOEX 23585 1.410013e+09 172.18 168.22 173.09 168.58
SMAL 2021-11-17 МосБиржа MOEX 9 2.547600e+03 168.51 168.49 172.39 NA
10 174 100

An adverb following_cursor() decorates query_iss() to follow the cursor until the requested information is received completely. The .cursor dataframe is dropped.

    params = list(
        from = '2021-09-01',
        till = '2021-12-31',
        start = 10
) |> 
    pluck('history') |> 
    select(1:10) |> 
#>  [1] 164
SMAL 2021-09-08 МосБиржа MOEX 16 3.869140e+03 184.91 183.00 186.00 NA
TQBR 2021-09-08 МосБиржа MOEX 20040 1.331147e+09 187.00 181.30 187.83 182.88
SMAL 2021-09-09 МосБиржа MOEX 22 5.684990e+03 182.50 182.00 184.49 NA
TQBR 2021-09-09 МосБиржа MOEX 21268 1.162550e+09 182.95 181.02 184.88 183.18
SMAL 2021-09-10 МосБиржа MOEX 22 4.622800e+03 182.35 182.35 187.40 NA
TQBR 2021-09-10 МосБиржа MOEX 17626 1.390805e+09 182.84 182.58 187.78 184.90
SMAL 2021-12-28 МосБиржа MOEX 3 9.473100e+02 159.90 150.13 159.90 NA
TQBR 2021-12-28 МосБиржа MOEX 19040 1.097535e+09 152.15 151.27 153.34 152.38
SMAL 2021-12-29 МосБиржа MOEX 14 3.190540e+03 154.86 143.02 156.98 NA
TQBR 2021-12-29 МосБиржа MOEX 15518 8.011846e+08 151.84 150.80 152.59 152.10
SMAL 2021-12-30 МосБиржа MOEX 11 2.600790e+03 153.01 145.79 165.34 NA
TQBR 2021-12-30 МосБиржа MOEX 17425 8.129008e+08 152.57 152.10 153.67 153.18

Queries With Automatical start Increment

Some responses are large yet are not accompanied by a .cursor block.

    params = list(
        from = URLencode('2020-01-10 10:00:00'),
        till = URLencode('2020-01-10 23:59:59'),
        interval = 1,
        start = 10
    debug_output = TRUE
) |> 
    pluck('candles') |> 
#>  [1] 500
open close high low value volume begin end
257.00 257.30 257.39 256.90 30515548 118660 2020-01-10 10:10:00 2020-01-10 10:10:59
257.24 257.32 257.38 257.20 14548053 56550 2020-01-10 10:11:00 2020-01-10 10:11:59
257.30 257.37 257.38 257.16 5638369 21920 2020-01-10 10:12:00 2020-01-10 10:12:59
257.28 257.30 257.47 257.23 4317722 16780 2020-01-10 10:13:00 2020-01-10 10:13:59
257.30 257.44 257.44 257.30 8505667 33050 2020-01-10 10:14:00 2020-01-10 10:14:59
257.43 257.32 257.43 257.20 12989804 50490 2020-01-10 10:15:00 2020-01-10 10:15:59
257.86 257.85 257.87 257.80 3640487 14120 2020-01-10 18:24:00 2020-01-10 18:24:59
257.84 257.85 257.97 257.80 19307540 74860 2020-01-10 18:25:00 2020-01-10 18:25:59
257.84 257.70 257.84 257.70 5734978 22250 2020-01-10 18:26:00 2020-01-10 18:26:59
257.71 257.71 257.82 257.70 8255241 32030 2020-01-10 18:27:00 2020-01-10 18:27:59
257.77 257.82 257.83 257.71 9292759 36050 2020-01-10 18:28:00 2020-01-10 18:28:59
257.80 257.90 257.97 257.75 21327564 82730 2020-01-10 18:29:00 2020-01-10 18:29:59

These queries may accessed by query_iss() wrapped into fetching_fully decorator, which automatically increases the value of start parameter until no more data is received:

    params = list(
       from = URLencode('2020-01-10 10:00:00'),
       till = URLencode('2020-01-10 23:59:59'),
       interval = 1,
       start = 10
) |> 
    pluck('candles') |> 
#>  [1] 515
open close high low value volume begin end
257.00 257.30 257.39 256.90 30515548 118660 2020-01-10 10:10:00 2020-01-10 10:10:59
257.24 257.32 257.38 257.20 14548053 56550 2020-01-10 10:11:00 2020-01-10 10:11:59
257.30 257.37 257.38 257.16 5638369 21920 2020-01-10 10:12:00 2020-01-10 10:12:59
257.28 257.30 257.47 257.23 4317722 16780 2020-01-10 10:13:00 2020-01-10 10:13:59
257.30 257.44 257.44 257.30 8505667 33050 2020-01-10 10:14:00 2020-01-10 10:14:59
257.43 257.32 257.43 257.20 12989804 50490 2020-01-10 10:15:00 2020-01-10 10:15:59
257.81 257.81 257.85 257.80 17768959 68920 2020-01-10 18:39:00 2020-01-10 18:39:59
258.19 258.19 258.19 258.19 328812711 1273530 2020-01-10 18:45:00 2020-01-10 18:45:59
258.19 258.19 258.19 258.19 3268685 12660 2020-01-10 18:46:00 2020-01-10 18:46:59
258.19 258.19 258.19 258.19 206552 800 2020-01-10 18:47:00 2020-01-10 18:47:59
258.19 258.19 258.19 258.19 258190 1000 2020-01-10 18:48:00 2020-01-10 18:48:59
258.19 258.19 258.19 258.19 25899039 100310 2020-01-10 18:49:00 2020-01-10 18:49:59

Some endpoints do not support start parameter – fetching_fully() knows how to handle that:

fetching_fully(query_iss)('turnovers', params = list(iss.only = 'turnovers'))$turnovers
#>  ! Received identical sections: the endpoint probably does not support `start` parameter
stock 1 9.897573e+05 10811.71471 564420 2024-03-14 10:50:33 Фондовый рынок и рынок депозитов
currency 3 5.758771e+05 6290.65148 34415 2024-03-14 10:50:33 Валютный рынок
futures 4 9.605037e+04 1049.21596 307945 2024-03-14 10:50:33 Срочный рынок
commodity 5 NA NA NA 2024-03-14 07:00:00 Товарный рынок
agro 9 NA NA NA 2024-03-14 10:30:03 Агро
otc 1012 2.767398e+00 0.03023 928 2024-03-14 10:50:33 ОТС с ЦК
quotes 1282 NA NA NA 2024-03-14 09:30:01 Квоты
TOTALS NA 1.661688e+06 18151.61237 907708 2024-03-14 10:50:33 Всего по Московской Бирже