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GitHub Structure & Workflow

Katrina Moody edited this page Jun 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

New Issues

All new issues live in this pipeline.

Before an issue can be moved to the Product Backlog, it must be scoped. For an issue to be scoped, it must meet the following criteria:

  1. What is the key problem with the issue (or best guess of the key problem)?
  2. Is this a single issue that should be part of a Milestone, or are their similar issues that would be better served as an Epic? (ie. is this one single issue or is it part of a larger group of issues?) Anything Else?

Product Backlog

The Product backlog is for open issues that have met scoping criteria but without a milestone.

Sprint Backlog

These are open issues with a milestone attached. Can have multiple milestones within it.

In Progress

Issues are moved to In Progress by the developer when they begin to work on it.

To ensure you're working on the relevant issue at a given time:

Make sure ZenHub is installed, then filter by the current Milestone, and drag issues from Sprint Backlog to In-progress, assigning it to yourself (or the developer who's assigned).


An issue is moved to Review/Testing when a pull request has been submitted.

Ready for Deployment
