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nuScenes Inference

Additional Dependencies:

To run experiments on nuScenes, the following packages need to be installed:

  1. nuscenes-devkit==1.1.9
  2. motmetrics<=1.1.3
  3. pandas>=0.24

To install required dependencies on the virtual environment of the python, please run the following commands:

cd path/to/AB3DMOT
source env/bin/activate
cd scripts/nuScenes
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd ../../

Dataset Preparation

  • Please download the official nuScenes full dataset (v1.0), then uncompress, and put the data under "./data/nuScenes/data" folder (either hard copy or soft symbolic link) in the following structure:
├── data
│   ├── nuScenes
│   │   │── data
│   │   |   │── samples
│   │   |   │── sweeps
│   │   |   │── v1.0-mini
│   │   |   │── v1.0-test
│   │   |   │── v1.0-trainval
├── AB3DMOT_libs
├── configs

Because our code processes data in the KITTI format, one must run the following code to convert the nuScenes raw data into the KITTI format:

python3 scripts/nuScenes/ nuscenes_gt2kitti_trk --split val
python3 scripts/nuScenes/ nuscenes_gt2kitti_trk --split test

The above code will generate nuScenes GT data at "./data/nuScenes/nuKITTI/tracking" following the KITTI format. Please check if the data has the following structure:

├── nuScenes
│   ├── nuKITTI
│   │   │── tracking
│   │   │   │── produced
│   │   │   │   ├──correspondence & split
│   │   │   │── test
│   │   │   │   ├──calib & image_02 & oxts & velodyne 
│   │   |   │── val
│   │   │   │   ├──calib & image_02 & label_02 & oxts & velodyne 
├── AB3DMOT_libs
├── configs

3D Object Detection

For convenience, we provide the pre-processed 3D detection of Megvii/CenterPoint on the nuScenes dataset at "./data/nuScenes/detection". These detections share the same format as the KITTI detections introduced here for easy processing by our code. We show an example of detection as follows:

Frame Type 2D BBOX (x1, y1, x2, y2) Score 3D BBOX (h, w, l, x, y, z, rot_y) Alpha
0 2 (car) 726.4, 173.69, 917.5, 315.1 0.9357 1.56, 1.58, 3.48, 2.57, 1.57, 9.72, -1.56 -10.0

Note that these detection results are converted from the offcial format of the nuScenes 3D Object Detection Challenge (format definition can be found here). To convert your own nuScenes detections (following nuScenes detection format) into our format, we provide the conversion code at "./scripts/nuScenes/". For example, given your raw nuScenes detection file at "./data/nuScenes/data/produced/results/detection/detname/results_val.json", simply run the following:

python3 scripts/nuScenes/ nuscenes_obj_result2kitti --result_name detname --split val

The above code will generate detection results at "./data/nuScenes/nuKITTI/object/produced/results/val/detname/data", which strictly follow the format of the KITTI object detection challenge and can be evaluated using the standard KITTI detection eval code here. Then, we need to pre-process those files into "./data/nuScenes/detection" with the following code:

python3 scripts/pre_processing/ --dataset nuScenes --split val --det_name detname

You will see the input files under "./data/nuScenes/detection/detname_cat_val", where cat means the category name. We split the detections into every category and also a single folder including all categories. In other words, you will see folders such as "detname_Car_val", "detname_Pedestrian_val", "detname_Truck_val", "detname_all_val", etc. These folders are ready to be used by our for AB3DMOT.

3D Multi-Object Tracking

Once the data is properly prepared, everything is as easy as running for KITTI inference. For example, one can run AB3DMOT using the megvii detections on the validation set with the following command:

python3 --dataset nuScenes --det_name megvii --split val
python3 --dataset nuScenes --det_name centerpoint --split val

Then, the results from all categories will be saved to the "./results/nuScenes/megvii_val_H1" or "./results/nuScenes/centerpoint_val_H1" folders, similar to the KITTI tracking result format as introduced here.

3D MOT Evaluation on the nuScenes Tracking Validation Set

To reproduce the quantitative 3D MOT results of our 3D MOT system on the nuScenes tracking validation set, we need to first convert the result format into the nuScenes tracking result format and then run the official nuScenes MOT evaluation code. For simplicity, we have made a local copy of the evaluation code in this repository, please run:

python3 scripts/nuScenes/ kitti_trk_result2nuscenes --result_name megvii_val_H1 --split val
python3 scripts/nuScenes/ --result_path ./results/nuScenes/megvii_val_H1/results_val.json

Then, the results should be exactly same as below:

Megvii + AB3DMOT (nuScenes val set)

Car 0.786 0.667 0.314 353 275 6556 12493
Pedestrian 0.775 0.648 0.267 299 162 3740 4916
Bicycle 0.284 0.259 0.167 1 2 211 1264
Motorcycle 0.545 0.473 0.297 14 20 252 775
Bus 0.768 0.661 0.506 0 13 92 625
Trailer 0.362 0.324 0.728 3 20 201 1436
Truck 0.583 0.454 0.419 30 27 1303 3934
Overall 0.586 0.498 0.385 769 532 12361 25375

Note that the results are different from (actually higher than) numbers reported in our original IROS 2020 paper because results in our IROS 2020 paper are obtained using a different evaluation code with a different matching threshold/metric (the official nuScenes tracking evaluation code was still under development at that time).

3D MOT Evaluation on the nuScenes Tracking Test Set

To reproduce the quantitative 3D MOT results of our 3D MOT system on the nuScenes tracking test set, please run the following:

python3 --dataset nuScenes --det_name megvii --split test
python3 scripts/nuScenes/ kitti_trk_result2nuscenes --result_name megvii_test_H1 --split test

Then, compress the result file at "./results/nuScenes/megvii_test_H1/results_test.json" into a zip file and upload here for official nuScenes 3D MOT evaluation. Note that nuScenes does not release the ground truth labels to users, so we have to use the official nuScenes 3D MOT evaluation server for evaluation. The results should be similar to our entry on the nuScenes 3D MOT leaderboard below:

Megvii + AB3DMOT (nuScenes test set)

Car 0.771 0.636 0.310 515 365 9836 14595
Pedestrian 0.764 0.624 0.242 376 237 4984 7422
Bicycle 0.266 0.233 0.190 3 4 164 1509
Motorcycle 0.494 0.426 0.312 11 14 198 907
Bus 0.645 0.525 0.509 10 10 364 434
Trailer 0.513 0.437 0.595 10 19 220 1214
Truck 0.531 0.392 0.426 23 32 2120 3109
Overall 0.569 0.468 0.369 948 681 17886 29190

Quick 3D MOT Evaluation on the nuScenes Tracking Validation Set (Unofficial)

The above evaluation process follows the same procesdure as the official nuScenes tracking evaluation, but the scripts take a long time to run. So we also provide a quick evaluation script that is adapted from KITTI evaluation. To proceed, simply run the following commands:

python3 scripts/nuScenes/ megvii_val_H1 1 val

The results will not be the same as above because there are differences in the implementation of the evaluation code but we do observe similar trend when using two scripts (i.e., when our method is clearly improved and get higher numbers in one evaluation code, we also obtain higher numbers when using the other evaluation code).


To visualize the qualitative results of our 3D MOT system on nuScenes, please run:

python3 scripts/post_processing/ --dataset nuScenes-- result_sha megvii_val_H1
python3 scripts/post_processing/ --dataset nuScenes --result_sha megvii_val_H1_thres --split val

The first script filters out some low-score tracklets which are likely false positives. These low-score tracklets are included in the raw results because nuScenes uses sAMOTA metric for evaluation that requires all tracklets regardless of the score. After running the second script, visualization results are then saved to "./results/nuScenes/megvii_val_H1_thres/trk_image_vis" and "./results/nuScenes/megvii_val_H1_thres/trk_video_vis". Note that the opencv3 is required by this step, please check the opencv version if there is an error.