Annotation of Ostrea lurida transcriptome: analysis of gonads in control and ocean acidification conditions
For my project, I analyzed four different Olympic oyster (Ostrea lurida) gonad nucleotide sequences with accompanying quality scores (.fastq files). These sequences are from male and female specimens, exposed to either control or ocean acidification conditions. I also had a previously assembled O. lurida transcriptome for comparison.
My goal was to annotate the O.lurida transcriptome using the gonad nucleotide information, and understand how ocean acidification conditions affect differential expression in O. lurida gonads.
- Identify differential expression between samples exposed to control and ocean acidification conditions
- Characterize gene ontology information associated with differential gene expression
- Understand basic bioninformatic analysis techniques (FastQC, MultiQC, BLAST, etc.)
- Create reproducible protocols for anlaysis
- Produce a written report of findings
Week 3:
Week 4:
- Run MultiQC analysis
- Begin to trim sequences to improve quality (in progress as of 2016-11-04, completion date TBD)
Week 5-6:
Week 7:
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
For more information regarding each subdirectory, see that subdirectory's
: Data used for project analyses
Some files in .gitignore
, but directory on local machine includes the following files:
O. lurida .fastq files
O. lurida transcriptome
: Output for multiple analyses
oly_oa_gonad_FASTQC: O. lurida analysis reports from FastQC interactive application
oly_oa_gonad_FASTQC_commandline: O. lurida analysis reports generated using FastQC in the command line
oly_oa_gonad_multiqc: FastQC analyses compiled into one report using MultiQC
oly_oa_gonad_blastx: Best matches between O. lurida transcriptome and Uniprot database with gene ontology information
irrelevant analyses: Folder with analyses not used to generate final results. Includes DESeq2 output from pairwise comparisons and DESeq2 output from 2016-11-16.
11-29-oly-oa-gonad-DESeq2: revised R scripts, graphs and .tab files associated with DeSeq2 analysis
oly_oa_gonad_GO_enrichment: Files, scripts and images associated with gene enrichment analysis in DAVID
oly_oa_gonad_REVIGO: Scatterplots, tree maps, R scripts and term tables generated using REVIGO
: Overall project results
blastx: Matched contigs in O. lurida transcriptome with Uniprot Database and gene ontology information
Differentially expressed genes from DESeq2:
file with genes and.png
DESeq2 plot
Gene enrichment analyses from DAVID:
file with differentially expressed genes with associated sequences and Uniprot information,.txt
files with Uniprot Accession codes, and several Functional Annotation tables from DAVID
Gene ontology analysis in REVIGO: Scatterplots, tree maps and tables for biological processes, cellular components and molecular function GO terms
: Subdirectory with scripts used in project
: Step-by-step tutorials for different programs
: Jupyter notebooks that detail reproducible methods used for data analysis