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File metadata and controls

128 lines (86 loc) · 6.14 KB
A shared type to store data in a sequence-like data structure


import * as Y from 'yjs'

const ydoc = new Y.Doc()

// You can define a Y.Array as a top-level type or a nested type

// Method 1: Define a top-level type
const yarray = ydoc.getArray('my array type') 
// Method 2: Define Y.Array that can be included into the Yjs document
const yarrayNested = new Y.Array()

// Nested types can be included as content into any other shared type,
// notice that a shared type can only exist once in a document.
yarray.insert(0, [yarrayNested])

// Common methods
yarray.insert(0, [1, 2, 3]) // insert three elements
yarray.delete(1, 1) // delete second element 
yarray.toArray() // => [1, 3]


Y.Array.from(Array<JSON | Uint8Array | Y.AbstractType>): Y.Array
An alternative factory function to create a Y.Array based on existing content.

yarray.doc: Y.Doc | null (readonly)
The Yjs document that this type is bound to. Is null when it is not bound yet.

yarray.parent: Y.AbstractType | null
The parent that holds this type. Is null if this yarray is a top-level type.

yarray.length: number
The number of elements that this Y.Array holds.

yarray.insert(index: number, content: Array<JSON | Uint8Array | Y.AbstractType>)
Insert content at a specified index. Note that - for performance reasons - content is always an array of elements. I.e. yarray.insert(0, [1]) inserts 1 at position 0.

yarray.delete(index: number, length: number)
Delete length Y.Array elements starting from index.

yarray.push(content: Array<JSON | Uint8Array | Y.AbstractType>)
Append content at the end of the Y.Array. Same as yarray.insert(yarray.length, content).

yarray.unshift(content: Array<JSON | Uint8Array | Y.AbstractType>)
Prepend content to the beginning of the Y.Array. Same as yarray.insert(0, content).

yarray.get(index: number): JSON | Uint8Array | Y.AbstractType
Retrieve the n-th element.

yarray.slice([start: number [, end: number]]): Array<JSON | Uint8Array | Y.AbstractType>
Retrieve a range of content starting from index start (inclusive) to index end (exclusive). Negative indexes can be used to indicate offsets from the end of the Y.Array. I.e. yarray.slice(-1) returns the last element. yarray.slice(0, -1) returns all but the last element. Works similarly to the Array.slice method.

yarray.toArray(): Array<JSON | Uint8Array | Y.AbstractType>
Copies the content of the Y.Array to a new Array.

yarray.toJSON(): Array<JSON | Uint8Array>
Retrieve the JSON representation of this type. The result is a fresh Array that contains all Y.Array elements. Elements that are shared types are transformed to JSON as well, using their toJSON method. The result may contain Uint8Arrays which are not JSON-encodable.

yarray.forEach(function(value: any, index: number, yarray: Y.Array))
Execute the provided function once on every element. any, index: number, yarray: Y.Array): T): Array<T>
Creates a new Array filled with the results of calling the provided function on each element in the Y.Array.

yarray[Symbol.Iterator]: Iterator
Returns an Iterator of values for the Y.Array. This allows you to iterate over the yarray using a for..of loop: for (const value of yarray) { .. }

yarray.clone(): Y.Array
Clone all values into a fresh Y.Array instance. The returned type can be included into the Yjs document.

yarray.observe(function(YArrayEvent, Transaction))
Registers a change observer that will be called synchronously every time this shared type is modified. In the case this type is modified in the observer call, the event listener will be called again after the current event listener returns.

Unregisters a change observer that has been registered with yarray.observe.

yarray.observeDeep(function(Array<Y.Event>, Transaction))
Registers a change observer that will be called synchronously every time this type or any of its children is modified. In the case this type is modified in the event listener, the event listener will be called again after the current event listener returns. The event listener receives all Events created by itself or any of its children.

Unregisters a change observer that has been registered with yarray.observeDeep.

Observing changes: Y.ArrayEvent

The yarray.observe callback fires Y.ArrayEvent events that you can use to calculate the changes that happened during a transaction. We use an adaption of the Quill delta format to calculate the differences. Instead of strings, our ArrayDelta works on Arrays. You can find more examples and information about the delta format in our Y.Event API.

yarray.observe(yarrayEvent => { === yarray // => true

  // Find out what changed: 
  // Log the Array-Delta Format to calculate the difference to the last observe-event

yarray.insert(0, [1, 2, 3]) // => [{ insert: [1, 2, 3] }]
yarray.delete(2, 1) // [{ retain: 2 }, { delete: 1 }]

console.log(yarray.toArray()) // => [1, 2]

// The delta-format is very useful when multiple changes
// are performed in a single transaction
ydoc.transact(() => {
  yarray.insert(1, ['a', 'b'])
  yarray.delete(2, 2) // deletes 'b' and 2
}) // => [{ retain: 1 }, { insert: ['a'] }, { delete: 1 }]

console.log(yarray.toArray()) // => [1, 'a']

Y.ArrayEvent API

See Y.Event API. The API is inherited from Y.Event.I'm still in the process of moving the documentation to this place. For now, you can find the API docs in the README:

{% embed url="" %} API DOCS {% endembed %}