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Bib(La)TeX CSL mapping

Zeping Lee edited this page Oct 25, 2022 · 3 revisions

The following tables are mappings from standard entry types and fileds of Bib(La)TeX to CSL variables. The full list is in tools/citeproc-bibtex-data.json which is collected from all BibTeX styles (.bst) and BibLaTeX data models (.dbx) in TeX Live.

Item Types

Bib(La)TeX CSL Notes
@article article-journal May also be article-magazine or article-newspaper depending upon the field entrysubtype.
@artwork graphic
@audio song CSL's song can be used for any audio recording (not only music).
@bibnote - Not supported.
@book book
@bookinbook chapter
@booklet pamphlet
@collection book
@comment - Special entry type for Scribe compatibility
@commentary book Not supported.
@conference paper-conference Alias for @inproceedings.
@dataset dataset
@electronic webpage Alias for @online.
@image graphic
@inbook chapter
@incollection chapter
@inproceedings paper-conference
@inreference entry May also be entry, entry-dictionary or entry-encyclopedia.
@jurisdiction legal_case "Court decisions, court recordings, and similar things."
@legal treaty "Legal documents such as treaties."
@legislation legislation "Laws, bills, legislative proposals, and similar things." May also be bill
@letter personal_communication
@manual report CSL's report is also used for manuals and similar technical documentation (e.g. a software, instrument, or test manual).
@mastersthesis thesis Alias for @thesis.
@misc document New in CSL v1.0.2.
@movie motion_picture
@music song
@mvbook book
@mvcollection book
@mvproceedings book
@mvreference book
@online webpage
@patent patent
@performance performance New in CSL v1.0.2.
@periodical periodical New in CSL v1.0.2.
@phdthesis thesis Alias for @thesis.
@preamble - Special entry type for inserting commands or text in the bbl
@proceedings book
@reference book
@report report
@review review "A more specific variant of the @article type"
@set - Not supported.
@software software New in CSL v1.0.2.
@standard standard New in CSL v1.0.2.
@string - Special entry type for defining abbreviations
@suppbook chapter lossy mapping; "Supplemental material in a @book. This type is closely related to the @inbook entry type. While @inbook is primarily intended for a part of a book with its own title (e. g., a single essay in a collection of essays by the same author), this type is provided for elements such as prefaces, introductions, forewords, afterwords, etc. which often have a generic title only. Style guides may require such items to be formatted differently from other @inbook items."
@suppcollection chapter lossy mapping; see suppbook
@suppperiodical article see article
@techreport report Alias for @report.
@thesis thesis
@unpublished manuscript For unpublished works not made widely available or only hosted on personal websites, use manuscript
@video motion_picture
@www webpage Alias for @online.
@xdata - special item type: "@xdata entries hold data which may be inherited by other entries using the xdata field. Entries of this type only serve as data containers; they may not be cited or added to the bibliography."


Bib(La)TeX CSL Notes
abstract abstract
addendum - Not supported.
address publisher-place Alias for location.
afterword - Not supported.
annotation note Descriptive text or notes about an item (e.g. in an annotated bibliography)
annotator -
annote note Alias for annotation.
archiveprefix archive Alias for eprinttype.
author author
authortype -
bookauthor container-author
bookpagination -
booksubtitle -
booktitle container-title
booktitleaddon -
chapter chapter-number
commentator -
crossref - Inherits data from a parent entry.
date issued
doi DOI
edition edition
editor editor
editortype -
eid -
entryset - Not supported.
entrysubtype - Not supported.
eprint - Mapped to PMID if eprinttype is "PubMed".
eprintclass -
eprinttype archive
eventdate event-date
eventtitle event-title Supercedes event in CSL v1.0.2.
eventtitleaddon -
execute - Not supported.
file -
foreword -
gender - Not supported.
holder -
howpublished - Check if a URL is contained.
hyphenation language Alias for langid.
ids -
indexsorttitle - Not supported.
indextitle -
institution publisher
introduction -
isan -
isbn ISBN
ismn -
isrn -
issn ISSN
issue issue
issuesubtitle -
issuetitle -
issuetitleaddon -
iswc -
journal container-title Alias for journaltitle.
journalsubtitle - It should be concatenated to the container-title.
journaltitle container-title
journaltitleaddon -
key - Alias for sortkey. Not supported.
keywords -
label -
langid language The language id of the bibliography entry. The identifier must be a language name known to the babel/polyglossia packages. It should be converted to ISO 639-1 language code in CSL.
langidopts -
language - The language field in biblatex has no special internal meaning thus it is used only when langid is missing.
library -
location publisher-place
mainsubtitle -
maintitle -
maintitleaddon -
month - Used only when date is empty.
note note
number number It is mapped to issue in @ariticle but to number in @patent or @report.
options - Not supported.
organization publisher It is mapped to author (in institution property) if possible.
origdate original-date
origlanguage -
origlocation original-publisher-place
origpublisher original-publisher
origtitle original-title
pages page
pagetotal number-of-pages
pagination -
part part
pdf - Alias for file.
presort - Not supported.
primaryclass - Alias for eprintclass.
publisher publisher
pubstate status The publication state of the work, e. g., ‘in press’.
related - Not supported.
relatedoptions - Not supported.
relatedstring - Not supported.
relatedtype - Not supported.
reprinttitle -
school publisher Alias for institution.
series collection-title
shortauthor -
shorteditor -
shorthand - Not supported.
shorthandintro - Not supported.
shortjournal container-title-short
shortseries -
shorttitle title-short
sortkey - Not supported.
sortname - Not supported.
sortshorthand - Not supported.
sorttitle - Not supported.
sortyear -
subtitle -
title title
titleaddon -
translator translator
type genre
url URL
urldate accessed
venue event-place
version version
volume volume
volumes number-of-volumes
xdata - inherits fields from other items.
xref - Establishes a parent-child relationship in biblatex, but without inheriting data => no need to parse this.
year - Used only when date is empty.
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