The Essential Cosmos Software and Services may not complete in the advertised timeline due to unforeseen issues and circumstances.
The Cosmos Hub may not gain significant market adoption due to a failure for the atom holders to coorinate effectively, or due to competition.
The first 6 hours of the Fundraiser is uncapped, so there may be significant dillution relative to the total number of atoms at Genesis.
There may be unintended bugs in software and theory that cause the project to fail for any number of reasons, including but not limited to, bugs in Tendermint Core, bugs in the Cosmos Hub ABCI application, bugs in client or wallet software, etc.
There may be irreconciliable differences among atom holders that cause the Cosmos Hub blockchain to split (hard-fork) into two or more blockchains. This may cause economic harm for end-users and related services such as crypto-exchanges .
A majority or supermajority of the atom holders may pass proposals that go against the interest of the remaining atom holders.