import (
immudb ""
dsn := "immudb://immudb:immudb@"
db, err := gorm.Open(gimmudb.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
import (
immudb ""
db, err := gorm.Open(immudb.New(immudb.Config{
DSN: "immudb://immudb:immudb@", // data source name, refer
DefaultVarcharSize: 256, // add default size for string fields, not a primary key, no index defined and don't have default values
DefaultBlobSize: 256, // add default size for bytes fields, not a primary key, no index defined and don't have default values
DisableDeletion: true, // disable row deletion, which not supported before ImmuDB 1.2
}), &gorm.Config{})
import (
_ ""
immudb ""
db, err := gorm.Open(immudb.New(immudb.Config{
DriverName: "my_immudb_driver",
DSN: "immudb://immudb:immudb@", // data source name, refer
Checkout for details.