This is my submission for the Haskell Coursework for COMP0002. Our tasks involved designing a datatype that represents the mathematical concept of a finite set of elements of the same type and also support the required functions over sets.
I chose to develope a datatype based on the standard Binary Search Tree since it is a more efficient implementation when compared to a List or Linked List. This is due to its property of storing a Node with a value and also storing a left and right branches with values smaller and greater than the Node respectively.
Datatype: Set a = Null | Node (Set a) a (Set a)
Datatype Examples:
- Node 3 4 5
- Node Null 7 9
- Node (Node 3 5 Null) 6 8
- Node (Node (Node Null 3 4) 5 (Node Null 6 Null)) 8 (Node Null 9 Null)
First, using the terminal initiate the GHCi package by simply entering 'ghci' in the terminal (Make sure you are in the same directory as the haskell file).
Next, use ':l Coursework.hs' to load up the haskell file.
Finally, you use the Datatype examples above to make Binary Search Trees and then perform the operations provided in the file.
- fromList [2,4,6,1,8,6,9]
- insert Tree 5
- union Tree1 Tree2
- powerSet Tree
(Tree, Tree1 and Tree2 are Sets of the Datatype provided)