Web accessible server management. Start/Stop servers, upload/delete save files, chat with active servers, edit server settings, download log files, and more! Discord auth is available for web control logins. There are two levels of login: Admin (can update Web-Control with click of a button) and Moderator (cannot update web-control). All user actions are logged, and log files cannot be removed from the web interface. More permission adjustment is in the works. View our trello (https://trello.com/b/QP2fuOXj/web-control) for project status and plans. A more detailed guide to the web control is in the works here: http://3ragaming.com/faq/web_control/
Game, Web server, and discord bot must on the same server (for now).
configure the sudoers file to allow www-data access to screen and gcc or else you will be unable to start the factorio server from the web control
www-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) /usr/bin/screen *
www-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) /usr/bin/gcc *
Easy Install! Put this line into your SSH terminal to begin the install:
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/3RaGaming/Web_Control/master/install.sh)
This will run you through the entire setup process. Once the program is installed on the server, you'll be instructed on how to access the web gui to continue the rest of the configuration.
Ubuntu 16.04 (or any other linux of your choosing, if you have the know-how to figure it out)
Apache2 with SSL Enabled. (Web Control is currently set to only work on a an https connection)
php7 with cURL
gnu "screen" (apt install screen)
gcc and npm
zip, unzip, tar, and xz-utils
crontab (apt install cron, specifically)
Node.js v6.9.5 or higher (https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions)
If you prefer to do it manually, here are the steps.
Right now the file path dependencies are as follows:
/var/www/html for the web files
/var/www/factorio for the server save locations.
/usr/share/factorio/0.12.34 for the factorio instance itself
(each factorio server version should be in it's own appropriately named folder)
Basically, you should treat /var/www/ as the root directory for all web_control repo files.
To compile the manage.c program, you must install gcc.
Open a Terminal window and navigate to
cd /var/www/factorio
Run the command
gcc -o managepgm -std=gnu99 -pthread manage.c
(On success, nothing should appear in the terminal. If an error message appears, message zackman0010 with the error message.) -
Run the command
npm i --save --no-optional discord.js
(If a message appears saying missing requirements, ignore it. It's only the voice server parts, which are not used in this program)
Once the server files are all installed, and you have web access, there is a button at the top of the page to update from the master repo. This will easily keep your server up to date. We recommend following our updates, as if a recompile of the manage.c is ever necessary, you may need to restart your factorio server(s).