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Small project

Contains useful everyday features that can be used in following ways:

  • event (it combines mutex and condition variable to create an event which is either automatic or manual)
  • event_queue (it combines the event and queue for creating waiting queue mechanism)
  • spinlock (or critical_section to do quick locks)
  • worker_thread (creates workers on separate threads that do task when requested, based on event_queue)

  • buffer (a class for manipulating buffers)

  • base64 (quick functions for base64 encode & decode)
  • quick_hash (a quick hash function)
  • util functions (like small::icasecmp for use with map, set, etc)

For windows if you include windows.h you must undefine small because there is a collision

#include <windows.h>
#undef small


Event is based on mutex and condition_variable

!!Important!! An automatic event stay set until it is consumed, a manual event stay set until is reseted

The main functions are

set_event, reset_event

wait, wait_for, wait_until

Also these functions are available (thanks to mutex)

lock, unlock, try_lock

Use it like this

small::event e;
    std::unique_lock<small::event> mlock( e );

// on some thread
// or
e.wait( [&]() -> bool {
    return /*some conditions*/ ? true : false;
} );


small::event e( small::EventType::kEvent_Manual );

// on some thread
// somewhere else


A queue with events functions that wait for items until they are available

The following functions are available

For container

size, empty, clear, reset

push_back, emplace_back

For events or locking

lock, unlock, try_lock

Wait for items

wait_pop_front, wait_pop_front_for, wait_pop_front_until

Signal exit when we no longer want to use the queue

signal_exit, is_exit

Use it like this

small::event_queue<int> q;
q.push_back( 1 );

// on some thread
int e = 0;
auto ret = q.wait_pop_front( &e ); 
//auto ret = q.wait_pop_front_for( std::chrono::minutes( 1 ), &e ); 

// ret can be small::EnumEventQueue::kQueue_Exit, 
// small::EnumEventQueue::kQueue_Timeout or ret == small::EnumEventQueue::kQueue_Element

if ( ret == small::EnumEventQueue::kQueue_Element )
     // do something with e

// on main thread, no more processing

spinlock (or critical_section)

Spinlock is just like a mutex but it uses atomic lockless to do locking (based on std::atomic_flag).

The following functions are available lock, unlock, try_lock

Use it like this

small::spinlock lock; // small::critical_section lock;
    std::unique_lock<small::spinlock> mlock( lock );
    // do your work


A class that creates several threads for producer/consumer

The following functions are available

For data

size, empty, clear

push_back, emplace_back

To use it as a locker

lock, unlock, try_lock

Signal exit when we no longer want to use worker threads, useful when we have multiple objects that do some stuff that takes some time on destructor, so until it is the turn of the destructor of this element, the working threads might be closed.

signal_exit, is_exit

Use it like this

using qc = std::pair<int, std::string>;
// with a lambda for processing working function
small::worker_thread<qc> workers( 2, []( auto& w/*this*/, auto& item, auto b/*extra param*/ ) -> void
        std::unique_lock< small::worker_thread<qc>> mlock( w ); // use worker_thread to lock
        //std::cout << "thread " << std::this_thread::get_id()  
        // << "processing " << item.first << " " << item.second << " b=" << b << "\n";
}, 5/*extra param*/ );
// or like this
small::worker_thread<qc> workers2( 1, WorkerThreadFunction() );
// where WorkerThreadFunction can be
struct WorkerThreadFunction
    using qc = std::pair<int, std::string>;
    void operator()( small::worker_thread<qc>& w/*worker_thread*/, qc& item )
        // add extra in queue
        // w.push_back(...)
        std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 3000 ) );
workers.push_back( { 1, "a" } );
workers.push_back( std::make_pair( 2, "b" ) );
workers.emplace_back( 3, "e" );
// when finishing after signal_exit the work is aborted



Buffer class for manipulating buffers (not strings)

The following functions are available set, append, ...

and can be used like this

small::buffer b;

b.set( "anc", 3 );
b.set( "b", 1/*length*/, 2/*start from*/ );
char* e = b.extract(); // extract "anb"
free( e );

small::buffer b1 = { 8192/*chunksize*/, "buffer", 6/*specified length*/ };
small::buffer b2 = { 8192/*chunksize*/, "buffer" };
small::buffer b3 = "buffer";
small::buffer b4 = std::string( "buffer" );
b.append( "hello", 5 );
b.clear( true );

char* e1 = b.extract(); // extract ""
free( e1 );

b.append( "world", 5 );

std::string s64 = small::tobase64_s( "hello world", 11 );
small::frombase64( s64.c_str(), (int)s64.size(), &b );
b = small::frombase64_b( s64 );



Functions to encode or decode base64

The following functions are available tobase64, frombase64

and additionals for string and vector tobase64_s, tobase64_v, frombase64_s, frombase64_v and other can be addedUse it like this

std::string b64 = small::tobase64_s( "hello world" );
std::vector<char> vb64 = small::tobase64_v( "hello world", 11 );
std::string decoded = small::frombase64_s( b64 );
std::vector<char> vd64 = small::frombase64_v( b64 );


When you want to do a simple hash

The following function is available quick_hash

Use it like this

unsigned long long h = small::quick_hash( "some text", 9/*strlen(...)*/ );
// or you can used like this
unsigned long long h1 = small::quick_hash( "some ", 5/*strlen(...)*/ );
unsigned long long h2 = small::quick_hash( "text",  4/*strlen(...)*/, h1/*continue from h1*/ );


Utility functions or defines

The following functions are available

stricmp, struct icasecmp

Use it like this

int r = small::stricmp( "a", "C" );
std::map<std::string, int, small::icasecmp> m;


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