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DeployKit is the AOSC OS system installer.


DeployKit comes pre-installed with LiveKit. Simply run the deploykit command to launch the installer. You shouldn't need to compile or install LiveKit manually unless you would like to help with development or debugging.

Building DeployKit

Please note that you'd only need to use the DeployKit pre-installed with LiveKit to install AOSC OS.

If you would like to compile your own DeployKit (or trying it out on a different distribution, please install the following dependencies:

  • OpenSSL >= 1.1
  • Glibc
  • C/C++ Compiler (GCC or Clang)
  • ncurses
  • pkg-config
  • libparted
  • Rust + Cargo
  • unsquashfs (from squashfs-tools)

If you are using AOSC OS, please install the dependencies with the following command:

sudo oma install llvm pkg-config gcc parted ncurses openssl squashfs-tools

And run the following command to build DeployKit:

cargo build --release


If you would like to build DeployKit for AOSC OS/Retro, please enable the is_retro feature:

$ cargo build --release --features is_retro


If you would like to debug DeployKit, please follow the following steps.

  1. Create a hard disk image on which to install AOSC OS.
// Ensuring that you have loaded the loop kernel module, if the following
// command returns an error, you may need to recompile your kernel.
# modprobe loop

// Create a 35GiB hard disk image (to install AOSC OS KDE), naming it test.img.
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/aoscdk-rs-src/test.img bs=1M count=35840 status=progress

// Mount the image as /dev/loop10 with losetup.
# losetup /dev/loop10 /path/to/aoscdk-rs-src/test.img

// Partition the image. The first partition should be the system partition.
// If you are using EFI, please create an ESP (EFI System Partition) as the
// second partition.
# cfdisk /dev/loop10

// Inform the kernel about partition changes.
# partprobe /dev/loop10
  1. Building DeployKit for debugging.
// Build a debug version of DeployKit, leave out the --release parameter.
$ cargo build

// Launch debug DeployKit.
# /path/to/aoscdk-rs-src/target/debug/aoscdk-rs

You may want to use a beefy device to debug DeployKit to spare yourself some grey hair.

If you would like DeployKit to print log to the terminal - and since that it would be difficult to check real-time log with a TUI application - you may want to use the test function.

Take the frontend/mod for example:

fn test_download_amd64() {
    use tempfile::TempDir;
    let json = r#"{"variant":{"name":"Base","size":821730832,"install_size":4157483520,"date":"20210602","sha256sum":"b5a5b9d889888a0e4f16b9f299b8a820ae2c8595aa363eb1e797d32ed0e957ed","url":"os-amd64/base/aosc-os_base_20210602_amd64.tar.xz"},"partition":{"path":"/dev/loop0p1","parent_path":"/dev/loop0","fs_type":"ext4","size":3145728},"mirror":{"name":"Beijing Foreign Studies University","name-tr":"bfsu-name","loc":"China","loc-tr":"bfsu-loc","url":""},"user":"test","password":"test","hostname":"test","locale":"","continent":"Asia","city":"Shanghai","tc":"UTC"}"#;
    let config = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
    let (tx, _rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
    let tempdir = TempDir::new().unwrap().into_path();
    begin_install(tx, config, tempdir).unwrap();

Run the following to begin real-time logging:

$ cargo test --nocapture

// You should see something like this.
 Running unittests (target/debug/deps/aoscdk_rs-3b358921c017024b)

// Run the following command to begin debugging with logging.
# target/debug/deps/aoscdk_rs-3b358921c017024b --nocapture


  • languagelist from ubiquity.
  • zone1970tab from tzdata.