This project has moved to
Contact @BotFather to create a new bot, a bot token will be provided by BotFather.
The address is placed in the configuration file of p-vector (or other compatible software)
The address looks like tcp://
You will need the following packages:
rustc libssl-dev libzmq3-dev pkg-config build-essential
Then cargo build --release
and install -Dm755 target/release/repository-notifier /usr/local/bin/repository-notifier
install -Dm644 assets/repo-notifier.service /etc/systemd/system/repo-notifier.service
install -Dm644 assets/repo-notifier.conf /etc/repo-notifier.conf
Edit /etc/repo-notifier.conf
and put the values you found in previous steps into the configuration file.
Enter sudo systemctl start repo-notifier.service