ros2bag_MulRan is a ROS2 package for converting MulRan dataset raw data to ROS2 bag files. It is modified from the official file player respository. More information can be found there.
sudo apt install ros-humble-pcl*
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
colcon build --symlink-install
- Download the raw data from MulRan dataset and put them all under one folder.
- Unzip Ouster data by running the following commands.
tar -xvzf Ouster.tar.gz
tar xopf Ouster.tar
- (Optional) Unzip radar data by running the following commands and set the parameter 'if_write_radar' in
to 'True'.
Note: For the default parameter setting, radar data will not be written into bag files, and this step is unnecessary.
tar -xvzf polar.tar.gz
tar xopf polar.tar
- Run the following command in the terminal
# Optional: change parameters (e.g., set if_write_imu to false) in launch/ for customized writing different sensor data to bag file.
cd ~/ros2_ws
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch ros2bag_mulran data_folder_path:=/path/to/mulran/data/folder/$squence_name sequence_name:=$squence_name dst_path:=/path/to/destination/folder
# e.g., ros2 launch ros2bag_mulran data_folder_path:=/home/ziyu/Documents/KAIST01 sequence_name:=KAIST01 dst_path:=/home/ziyu/Documents/mulran
Ziyu Cao (email:
Kailai Li (email:
The source code is released under GPLv3 license.
We are constantly working on improving our code. For any technical issues, please contact Ziyu Cao (